{% extends "index.htm" %} {% load mumble_extras %} {% load i18n %} {% block Headline %} {{ DBaseObject.name }} {% endblock %} {% block LeftColumn %} {{ DBaseObject|chanview:MumbleAccount }} {% endblock %} {% block Content %}
{% trans "Welcome message" %} {{ DBaseObject.motd|safe }}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}

{% trans "Server registration" %}

{% if Registered %} {% trans "You are registered on this server" %}.
{% else %} {% trans "You do not have an account on this server" %}.
{% endif %} {{ RegForm }}
{% else %} {% blocktrans %}

You need to be logged in to be able to register an account on this Mumble server.

{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %}
{% if Registered %}

{% trans "User Texture" %}

{% blocktrans with DBaseObject.id as serverid %} You can upload an image that you would like to use as your user texture here.
Your current texture is:
{% endblocktrans %} user texture
{% blocktrans with DBaseObject.id as serverid %} Hint: The texture image needs to be 600x60 in size. If you upload an image with a different size, it will be resized accordingly.
{% endblocktrans %}

{{ TextureForm }}
{% endif %} {% if CurrentUserIsAdmin %}

{% trans "Server administration" %}

{{ AdminForm }}
{% endif %} {% for item in ChannelTable %} {% if item.is_player %}

{% trans "Player" %} {{ item.name }}

{% if item.mumbleuser and item.mumbleuser.owner %}

{% trans "User" %} {{ item.mumbleuser.owner.username|capfirst }}

{% endif %} {% if item.mumbleuser %}

{% trans "User Texture" %}

user texture {% endif %}
{% else %}

{% trans "Channel" %} {{ item.name }}

{% if CurrentUserIsAdmin or user.is_staff %} {% trans "Channel ID" %}: {{ item.chanid }}
{% endif %} {% trans "Connect" %} {% if item.description %}
{% trans "Channel description" %} {{ item.description|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {% block HeadTag %} {% endblock %}