/* * Ext JS Library 2.2.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ Ext.DomHelper = function(){ var tempTableEl = null; var emptyTags = /^(?:br|frame|hr|img|input|link|meta|range|spacer|wbr|area|param|col)$/i; var tableRe = /^table|tbody|tr|td$/i; // build as innerHTML where available var createHtml = function(o){ if(typeof o == 'string'){ return o; } var b = ""; if (Ext.isArray(o)) { for (var i = 0, l = o.length; i < l; i++) { b += createHtml(o[i]); } return b; } if(!o.tag){ o.tag = "div"; } b += "<" + o.tag; for(var attr in o){ if(attr == "tag" || attr == "children" || attr == "cn" || attr == "html" || typeof o[attr] == "function") continue; if(attr == "style"){ var s = o["style"]; if(typeof s == "function"){ s = s.call(); } if(typeof s == "string"){ b += ' style="' + s + '"'; }else if(typeof s == "object"){ b += ' style="'; for(var key in s){ if(typeof s[key] != "function"){ b += key + ":" + s[key] + ";"; } } b += '"'; } }else{ if(attr == "cls"){ b += ' class="' + o["cls"] + '"'; }else if(attr == "htmlFor"){ b += ' for="' + o["htmlFor"] + '"'; }else{ b += " " + attr + '="' + o[attr] + '"'; } } } if(emptyTags.test(o.tag)){ b += "/>"; }else{ b += ">"; var cn = o.children || o.cn; if(cn){ b += createHtml(cn); } else if(o.html){ b += o.html; } b += ""; } return b; }; // build as dom var createDom = function(o, parentNode){ var el; if (Ext.isArray(o)) { // Allow Arrays of siblings to be inserted el = document.createDocumentFragment(); // in one shot using a DocumentFragment for(var i = 0, l = o.length; i < l; i++) { createDom(o[i], el); } } else if (typeof o == "string") { // Allow a string as a child spec. el = document.createTextNode(o); } else { el = document.createElement(o.tag||'div'); var useSet = !!el.setAttribute; // In IE some elements don't have setAttribute for(var attr in o){ if(attr == "tag" || attr == "children" || attr == "cn" || attr == "html" || attr == "style" || typeof o[attr] == "function") continue; if(attr=="cls"){ el.className = o["cls"]; }else{ if(useSet) el.setAttribute(attr, o[attr]); else el[attr] = o[attr]; } } Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(el, o.style); var cn = o.children || o.cn; if(cn){ createDom(cn, el); } else if(o.html){ el.innerHTML = o.html; } } if(parentNode){ parentNode.appendChild(el); } return el; }; var ieTable = function(depth, s, h, e){ tempTableEl.innerHTML = [s, h, e].join(''); var i = -1, el = tempTableEl; while(++i < depth){ el = el.firstChild; } return el; }; // kill repeat to save bytes var ts = '', te = '
', tbs = ts+'', tbe = ''+te, trs = tbs + '', tre = ''+tbe; var insertIntoTable = function(tag, where, el, html){ if(!tempTableEl){ tempTableEl = document.createElement('div'); } var node; var before = null; if(tag == 'td'){ if(where == 'afterbegin' || where == 'beforeend'){ // INTO a TD return; } if(where == 'beforebegin'){ before = el; el = el.parentNode; } else{ before = el.nextSibling; el = el.parentNode; } node = ieTable(4, trs, html, tre); } else if(tag == 'tr'){ if(where == 'beforebegin'){ before = el; el = el.parentNode; node = ieTable(3, tbs, html, tbe); } else if(where == 'afterend'){ before = el.nextSibling; el = el.parentNode; node = ieTable(3, tbs, html, tbe); } else{ // INTO a TR if(where == 'afterbegin'){ before = el.firstChild; } node = ieTable(4, trs, html, tre); } } else if(tag == 'tbody'){ if(where == 'beforebegin'){ before = el; el = el.parentNode; node = ieTable(2, ts, html, te); } else if(where == 'afterend'){ before = el.nextSibling; el = el.parentNode; node = ieTable(2, ts, html, te); } else{ if(where == 'afterbegin'){ before = el.firstChild; } node = ieTable(3, tbs, html, tbe); } } else{ // TABLE if(where == 'beforebegin' || where == 'afterend'){ // OUTSIDE the table return; } if(where == 'afterbegin'){ before = el.firstChild; } node = ieTable(2, ts, html, te); } el.insertBefore(node, before); return node; }; return { useDom : false, markup : function(o){ return createHtml(o); }, applyStyles : function(el, styles){ if(styles){ el = Ext.fly(el); if(typeof styles == "string"){ var re = /\s?([a-z\-]*)\:\s?([^;]*);?/gi; var matches; while ((matches = re.exec(styles)) != null){ el.setStyle(matches[1], matches[2]); } }else if (typeof styles == "object"){ for (var style in styles){ el.setStyle(style, styles[style]); } }else if (typeof styles == "function"){ Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(el, styles.call()); } } }, insertHtml : function(where, el, html){ where = where.toLowerCase(); if(el.insertAdjacentHTML){ if(tableRe.test(el.tagName)){ var rs; if(rs = insertIntoTable(el.tagName.toLowerCase(), where, el, html)){ return rs; } } switch(where){ case "beforebegin": el.insertAdjacentHTML('BeforeBegin', html); return el.previousSibling; case "afterbegin": el.insertAdjacentHTML('AfterBegin', html); return el.firstChild; case "beforeend": el.insertAdjacentHTML('BeforeEnd', html); return el.lastChild; case "afterend": el.insertAdjacentHTML('AfterEnd', html); return el.nextSibling; } throw 'Illegal insertion point -> "' + where + '"'; } var range = el.ownerDocument.createRange(); var frag; switch(where){ case "beforebegin": range.setStartBefore(el); frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); el.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, el); return el.previousSibling; case "afterbegin": if(el.firstChild){ range.setStartBefore(el.firstChild); frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); el.insertBefore(frag, el.firstChild); return el.firstChild; }else{ el.innerHTML = html; return el.firstChild; } case "beforeend": if(el.lastChild){ range.setStartAfter(el.lastChild); frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); el.appendChild(frag); return el.lastChild; }else{ el.innerHTML = html; return el.lastChild; } case "afterend": range.setStartAfter(el); frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); el.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, el.nextSibling); return el.nextSibling; } throw 'Illegal insertion point -> "' + where + '"'; }, insertBefore : function(el, o, returnElement){ return this.doInsert(el, o, returnElement, "beforeBegin"); }, insertAfter : function(el, o, returnElement){ return this.doInsert(el, o, returnElement, "afterEnd", "nextSibling"); }, insertFirst : function(el, o, returnElement){ return this.doInsert(el, o, returnElement, "afterBegin", "firstChild"); }, // private doInsert : function(el, o, returnElement, pos, sibling){ el = Ext.getDom(el); var newNode; if(this.useDom){ newNode = createDom(o, null); (sibling === "firstChild" ? el : el.parentNode).insertBefore(newNode, sibling ? el[sibling] : el); }else{ var html = createHtml(o); newNode = this.insertHtml(pos, el, html); } return returnElement ? Ext.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }, append : function(el, o, returnElement){ el = Ext.getDom(el); var newNode; if(this.useDom){ newNode = createDom(o, null); el.appendChild(newNode); }else{ var html = createHtml(o); newNode = this.insertHtml("beforeEnd", el, html); } return returnElement ? Ext.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }, overwrite : function(el, o, returnElement){ el = Ext.getDom(el); el.innerHTML = createHtml(o); return returnElement ? Ext.get(el.firstChild, true) : el.firstChild; }, createTemplate : function(o){ var html = createHtml(o); return new Ext.Template(html); } }; }(); Ext.Template = function(html){ var a = arguments; if(Ext.isArray(html)){ html = html.join(""); }else if(a.length > 1){ var buf = []; for(var i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++){ if(typeof a[i] == 'object'){ Ext.apply(this, a[i]); }else{ buf[buf.length] = a[i]; } } html = buf.join(''); } this.html = html; if(this.compiled){ this.compile(); } }; Ext.Template.prototype = { applyTemplate : function(values){ if(this.compiled){ return this.compiled(values); } var useF = this.disableFormats !== true; var fm = Ext.util.Format, tpl = this; var fn = function(m, name, format, args){ if(format && useF){ if(format.substr(0, 5) == "this."){ return tpl.call(format.substr(5), values[name], values); }else{ if(args){ // quoted values are required for strings in compiled templates, // but for non compiled we need to strip them // quoted reversed for jsmin var re = /^\s*['"](.*)["']\s*$/; args = args.split(','); for(var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++){ args[i] = args[i].replace(re, "$1"); } args = [values[name]].concat(args); }else{ args = [values[name]]; } return fm[format].apply(fm, args); } }else{ return values[name] !== undefined ? values[name] : ""; } }; return this.html.replace(this.re, fn); }, set : function(html, compile){ this.html = html; this.compiled = null; if(compile){ this.compile(); } return this; }, disableFormats : false, re : /\{([\w-]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?\}/g, compile : function(){ var fm = Ext.util.Format; var useF = this.disableFormats !== true; var sep = Ext.isGecko ? "+" : ","; var fn = function(m, name, format, args){ if(format && useF){ args = args ? ',' + args : ""; if(format.substr(0, 5) != "this."){ format = "fm." + format + '('; }else{ format = 'this.call("'+ format.substr(5) + '", '; args = ", values"; } }else{ args= ''; format = "(values['" + name + "'] == undefined ? '' : "; } return "'"+ sep + format + "values['" + name + "']" + args + ")"+sep+"'"; }; var body; // branched to use + in gecko and [].join() in others if(Ext.isGecko){ body = "this.compiled = function(values){ return '" + this.html.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, '\\n').replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(this.re, fn) + "';};"; }else{ body = ["this.compiled = function(values){ return ['"]; body.push(this.html.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, '\\n').replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(this.re, fn)); body.push("'].join('');};"); body = body.join(''); } eval(body); return this; }, // private function used to call members call : function(fnName, value, allValues){ return this[fnName](value, allValues); }, insertFirst: function(el, values, returnElement){ return this.doInsert('afterBegin', el, values, returnElement); }, insertBefore: function(el, values, returnElement){ return this.doInsert('beforeBegin', el, values, returnElement); }, insertAfter : function(el, values, returnElement){ return this.doInsert('afterEnd', el, values, returnElement); }, append : function(el, values, returnElement){ return this.doInsert('beforeEnd', el, values, returnElement); }, doInsert : function(where, el, values, returnEl){ el = Ext.getDom(el); var newNode = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml(where, el, this.applyTemplate(values)); return returnEl ? Ext.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }, overwrite : function(el, values, returnElement){ el = Ext.getDom(el); el.innerHTML = this.applyTemplate(values); return returnElement ? Ext.get(el.firstChild, true) : el.firstChild; } }; Ext.Template.prototype.apply = Ext.Template.prototype.applyTemplate; // backwards compat Ext.DomHelper.Template = Ext.Template; Ext.Template.from = function(el, config){ el = Ext.getDom(el); return new Ext.Template(el.value || el.innerHTML, config || ''); }; Ext.DomQuery = function(){ var cache = {}, simpleCache = {}, valueCache = {}; var nonSpace = /\S/; var trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g; var tplRe = /\{(\d+)\}/g; var modeRe = /^(\s?[\/>+~]\s?|\s|$)/; var tagTokenRe = /^(#)?([\w-\*]+)/; var nthRe = /(\d*)n\+?(\d*)/, nthRe2 = /\D/; function child(p, index){ var i = 0; var n = p.firstChild; while(n){ if(n.nodeType == 1){ if(++i == index){ return n; } } n = n.nextSibling; } return null; }; function next(n){ while((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); return n; }; function prev(n){ while((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); return n; }; function children(d){ var n = d.firstChild, ni = -1; while(n){ var nx = n.nextSibling; if(n.nodeType == 3 && !nonSpace.test(n.nodeValue)){ d.removeChild(n); }else{ n.nodeIndex = ++ni; } n = nx; } return this; }; function byClassName(c, a, v){ if(!v){ return c; } var r = [], ri = -1, cn; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if((' '+ci.className+' ').indexOf(v) != -1){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }; function attrValue(n, attr){ if(!n.tagName && typeof n.length != "undefined"){ n = n[0]; } if(!n){ return null; } if(attr == "for"){ return n.htmlFor; } if(attr == "class" || attr == "className"){ return n.className; } return n.getAttribute(attr) || n[attr]; }; function getNodes(ns, mode, tagName){ var result = [], ri = -1, cs; if(!ns){ return result; } tagName = tagName || "*"; if(typeof ns.getElementsByTagName != "undefined"){ ns = [ns]; } if(!mode){ for(var i = 0, ni; ni = ns[i]; i++){ cs = ni.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for(var j = 0, ci; ci = cs[j]; j++){ result[++ri] = ci; } } }else if(mode == "/" || mode == ">"){ var utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for(var i = 0, ni, cn; ni = ns[i]; i++){ cn = ni.children || ni.childNodes; for(var j = 0, cj; cj = cn[j]; j++){ if(cj.nodeName == utag || cj.nodeName == tagName || tagName == '*'){ result[++ri] = cj; } } } }else if(mode == "+"){ var utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for(var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++){ while((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); if(n && (n.nodeName == utag || n.nodeName == tagName || tagName == '*')){ result[++ri] = n; } } }else if(mode == "~"){ for(var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++){ while((n = n.nextSibling) && (n.nodeType != 1 || (tagName == '*' || n.tagName.toLowerCase()!=tagName))); if(n){ result[++ri] = n; } } } return result; }; function concat(a, b){ if(b.slice){ return a.concat(b); } for(var i = 0, l = b.length; i < l; i++){ a[a.length] = b[i]; } return a; } function byTag(cs, tagName){ if(cs.tagName || cs == document){ cs = [cs]; } if(!tagName){ return cs; } var r = [], ri = -1; tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); for(var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){ if(ci.nodeType == 1 && ci.tagName.toLowerCase()==tagName){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }; function byId(cs, attr, id){ if(cs.tagName || cs == document){ cs = [cs]; } if(!id){ return cs; } var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0,ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){ if(ci && ci.id == id){ r[++ri] = ci; return r; } } return r; }; function byAttribute(cs, attr, value, op, custom){ var r = [], ri = -1, st = custom=="{"; var f = Ext.DomQuery.operators[op]; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){ var a; if(st){ a = Ext.DomQuery.getStyle(ci, attr); } else if(attr == "class" || attr == "className"){ a = ci.className; }else if(attr == "for"){ a = ci.htmlFor; }else if(attr == "href"){ a = ci.getAttribute("href", 2); }else{ a = ci.getAttribute(attr); } if((f && f(a, value)) || (!f && a)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }; function byPseudo(cs, name, value){ return Ext.DomQuery.pseudos[name](cs, value); }; // This is for IE MSXML which does not support expandos. // IE runs the same speed using setAttribute, however FF slows way down // and Safari completely fails so they need to continue to use expandos. var isIE = window.ActiveXObject ? true : false; // this eval is stop the compressor from // renaming the variable to something shorter eval("var batch = 30803;"); var key = 30803; function nodupIEXml(cs){ var d = ++key; cs[0].setAttribute("_nodup", d); var r = [cs[0]]; for(var i = 1, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ var c = cs[i]; if(!c.getAttribute("_nodup") != d){ c.setAttribute("_nodup", d); r[r.length] = c; } } for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ cs[i].removeAttribute("_nodup"); } return r; } function nodup(cs){ if(!cs){ return []; } var len = cs.length, c, i, r = cs, cj, ri = -1; if(!len || typeof cs.nodeType != "undefined" || len == 1){ return cs; } if(isIE && typeof cs[0].selectSingleNode != "undefined"){ return nodupIEXml(cs); } var d = ++key; cs[0]._nodup = d; for(i = 1; c = cs[i]; i++){ if(c._nodup != d){ c._nodup = d; }else{ r = []; for(var j = 0; j < i; j++){ r[++ri] = cs[j]; } for(j = i+1; cj = cs[j]; j++){ if(cj._nodup != d){ cj._nodup = d; r[++ri] = cj; } } return r; } } return r; } function quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2){ var d = ++key; for(var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++){ c1[i].setAttribute("_qdiff", d); } var r = []; for(var i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++){ if(c2[i].getAttribute("_qdiff") != d){ r[r.length] = c2[i]; } } for(var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++){ c1[i].removeAttribute("_qdiff"); } return r; } function quickDiff(c1, c2){ var len1 = c1.length; if(!len1){ return c2; } if(isIE && c1[0].selectSingleNode){ return quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2); } var d = ++key; for(var i = 0; i < len1; i++){ c1[i]._qdiff = d; } var r = []; for(var i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++){ if(c2[i]._qdiff != d){ r[r.length] = c2[i]; } } return r; } function quickId(ns, mode, root, id){ if(ns == root){ var d = root.ownerDocument || root; return d.getElementById(id); } ns = getNodes(ns, mode, "*"); return byId(ns, null, id); } return { getStyle : function(el, name){ return Ext.fly(el).getStyle(name); }, compile : function(path, type){ type = type || "select"; var fn = ["var f = function(root){\n var mode; ++batch; var n = root || document;\n"]; var q = path, mode, lq; var tk = Ext.DomQuery.matchers; var tklen = tk.length; var mm; // accept leading mode switch var lmode = q.match(modeRe); if(lmode && lmode[1]){ fn[fn.length] = 'mode="'+lmode[1].replace(trimRe, "")+'";'; q = q.replace(lmode[1], ""); } // strip leading slashes while(path.substr(0, 1)=="/"){ path = path.substr(1); } while(q && lq != q){ lq = q; var tm = q.match(tagTokenRe); if(type == "select"){ if(tm){ if(tm[1] == "#"){ fn[fn.length] = 'n = quickId(n, mode, root, "'+tm[2]+'");'; }else{ fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "'+tm[2]+'");'; } q = q.replace(tm[0], ""); }else if(q.substr(0, 1) != '@'){ fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "*");'; } }else{ if(tm){ if(tm[1] == "#"){ fn[fn.length] = 'n = byId(n, null, "'+tm[2]+'");'; }else{ fn[fn.length] = 'n = byTag(n, "'+tm[2]+'");'; } q = q.replace(tm[0], ""); } } while(!(mm = q.match(modeRe))){ var matched = false; for(var j = 0; j < tklen; j++){ var t = tk[j]; var m = q.match(t.re); if(m){ fn[fn.length] = t.select.replace(tplRe, function(x, i){ return m[i]; }); q = q.replace(m[0], ""); matched = true; break; } } // prevent infinite loop on bad selector if(!matched){ throw 'Error parsing selector, parsing failed at "' + q + '"'; } } if(mm[1]){ fn[fn.length] = 'mode="'+mm[1].replace(trimRe, "")+'";'; q = q.replace(mm[1], ""); } } fn[fn.length] = "return nodup(n);\n}"; eval(fn.join("")); return f; }, select : function(path, root, type){ if(!root || root == document){ root = document; } if(typeof root == "string"){ root = document.getElementById(root); } var paths = path.split(","); var results = []; for(var i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; i++){ var p = paths[i].replace(trimRe, ""); if(!cache[p]){ cache[p] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(p); if(!cache[p]){ throw p + " is not a valid selector"; } } var result = cache[p](root); if(result && result != document){ results = results.concat(result); } } if(paths.length > 1){ return nodup(results); } return results; }, selectNode : function(path, root){ return Ext.DomQuery.select(path, root)[0]; }, selectValue : function(path, root, defaultValue){ path = path.replace(trimRe, ""); if(!valueCache[path]){ valueCache[path] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(path, "select"); } var n = valueCache[path](root); n = n[0] ? n[0] : n; var v = (n && n.firstChild ? n.firstChild.nodeValue : null); return ((v === null||v === undefined||v==='') ? defaultValue : v); }, selectNumber : function(path, root, defaultValue){ var v = Ext.DomQuery.selectValue(path, root, defaultValue || 0); return parseFloat(v); }, is : function(el, ss){ if(typeof el == "string"){ el = document.getElementById(el); } var isArray = Ext.isArray(el); var result = Ext.DomQuery.filter(isArray ? el : [el], ss); return isArray ? (result.length == el.length) : (result.length > 0); }, filter : function(els, ss, nonMatches){ ss = ss.replace(trimRe, ""); if(!simpleCache[ss]){ simpleCache[ss] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(ss, "simple"); } var result = simpleCache[ss](els); return nonMatches ? quickDiff(result, els) : result; }, matchers : [{ re: /^\.([\w-]+)/, select: 'n = byClassName(n, null, " {1} ");' }, { re: /^\:([\w-]+)(?:\(((?:[^\s>\/]*|.*?))\))?/, select: 'n = byPseudo(n, "{1}", "{2}");' },{ re: /^(?:([\[\{])(?:@)?([\w-]+)\s?(?:(=|.=)\s?['"]?(.*?)["']?)?[\]\}])/, select: 'n = byAttribute(n, "{2}", "{4}", "{3}", "{1}");' }, { re: /^#([\w-]+)/, select: 'n = byId(n, null, "{1}");' },{ re: /^@([\w-]+)/, select: 'return {firstChild:{nodeValue:attrValue(n, "{1}")}};' } ], operators : { "=" : function(a, v){ return a == v; }, "!=" : function(a, v){ return a != v; }, "^=" : function(a, v){ return a && a.substr(0, v.length) == v; }, "$=" : function(a, v){ return a && a.substr(a.length-v.length) == v; }, "*=" : function(a, v){ return a && a.indexOf(v) !== -1; }, "%=" : function(a, v){ return (a % v) == 0; }, "|=" : function(a, v){ return a && (a == v || a.substr(0, v.length+1) == v+'-'); }, "~=" : function(a, v){ return a && (' '+a+' ').indexOf(' '+v+' ') != -1; } }, pseudos : { "first-child" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1, n; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = n = c[i]; i++){ while((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); if(!n){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "last-child" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1, n; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = n = c[i]; i++){ while((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); if(!n){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "nth-child" : function(c, a) { var r = [], ri = -1; var m = nthRe.exec(a == "even" && "2n" || a == "odd" && "2n+1" || !nthRe2.test(a) && "n+" + a || a); var f = (m[1] || 1) - 0, l = m[2] - 0; for(var i = 0, n; n = c[i]; i++){ var pn = n.parentNode; if (batch != pn._batch) { var j = 0; for(var cn = pn.firstChild; cn; cn = cn.nextSibling){ if(cn.nodeType == 1){ cn.nodeIndex = ++j; } } pn._batch = batch; } if (f == 1) { if (l == 0 || n.nodeIndex == l){ r[++ri] = n; } } else if ((n.nodeIndex + l) % f == 0){ r[++ri] = n; } } return r; }, "only-child" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1;; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(!prev(ci) && !next(ci)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "empty" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ var cns = ci.childNodes, j = 0, cn, empty = true; while(cn = cns[j]){ ++j; if(cn.nodeType == 1 || cn.nodeType == 3){ empty = false; break; } } if(empty){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "contains" : function(c, v){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if((ci.textContent||ci.innerText||'').indexOf(v) != -1){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "nodeValue" : function(c, v){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(ci.firstChild && ci.firstChild.nodeValue == v){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "checked" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(ci.checked == true){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "not" : function(c, ss){ return Ext.DomQuery.filter(c, ss, true); }, "any" : function(c, selectors){ var ss = selectors.split('|'); var r = [], ri = -1, s; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ for(var j = 0; s = ss[j]; j++){ if(Ext.DomQuery.is(ci, s)){ r[++ri] = ci; break; } } } return r; }, "odd" : function(c){ return this["nth-child"](c, "odd"); }, "even" : function(c){ return this["nth-child"](c, "even"); }, "nth" : function(c, a){ return c[a-1] || []; }, "first" : function(c){ return c[0] || []; }, "last" : function(c){ return c[c.length-1] || []; }, "has" : function(c, ss){ var s = Ext.DomQuery.select; var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(s(ss, ci).length > 0){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "next" : function(c, ss){ var is = Ext.DomQuery.is; var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ var n = next(ci); if(n && is(n, ss)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "prev" : function(c, ss){ var is = Ext.DomQuery.is; var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ var n = prev(ci); if(n && is(n, ss)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; } } }; }(); Ext.query = Ext.DomQuery.select; Ext.util.Observable = function(){ if(this.listeners){ this.on(this.listeners); delete this.listeners; } }; Ext.util.Observable.prototype = { fireEvent : function(){ if(this.eventsSuspended !== true){ var ce = this.events[arguments[0].toLowerCase()]; if(typeof ce == "object"){ return ce.fire.apply(ce, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } } return true; }, // private filterOptRe : /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single)$/, addListener : function(eventName, fn, scope, o){ if(typeof eventName == "object"){ o = eventName; for(var e in o){ if(this.filterOptRe.test(e)){ continue; } if(typeof o[e] == "function"){ // shared options this.addListener(e, o[e], o.scope, o); }else{ // individual options this.addListener(e, o[e].fn, o[e].scope, o[e]); } } return; } o = (!o || typeof o == "boolean") ? {} : o; eventName = eventName.toLowerCase(); var ce = this.events[eventName] || true; if(typeof ce == "boolean"){ ce = new Ext.util.Event(this, eventName); this.events[eventName] = ce; } ce.addListener(fn, scope, o); }, removeListener : function(eventName, fn, scope){ var ce = this.events[eventName.toLowerCase()]; if(typeof ce == "object"){ ce.removeListener(fn, scope); } }, purgeListeners : function(){ for(var evt in this.events){ if(typeof this.events[evt] == "object"){ this.events[evt].clearListeners(); } } }, relayEvents : function(o, events){ var createHandler = function(ename){ return function(){ return this.fireEvent.apply(this, Ext.combine(ename, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0))); }; }; for(var i = 0, len = events.length; i < len; i++){ var ename = events[i]; if(!this.events[ename]){ this.events[ename] = true; }; o.on(ename, createHandler(ename), this); } }, addEvents : function(o){ if(!this.events){ this.events = {}; } if(typeof o == 'string'){ for(var i = 0, a = arguments, v; v = a[i]; i++){ if(!this.events[a[i]]){ this.events[a[i]] = true; } } }else{ Ext.applyIf(this.events, o); } }, hasListener : function(eventName){ var e = this.events[eventName]; return typeof e == "object" && e.listeners.length > 0; }, suspendEvents : function(){ this.eventsSuspended = true; }, resumeEvents : function(){ this.eventsSuspended = false; }, // these are considered experimental // allows for easier interceptor and sequences, including cancelling and overwriting the return value of the call // private getMethodEvent : function(method){ if(!this.methodEvents){ this.methodEvents = {}; } var e = this.methodEvents[method]; if(!e){ e = {}; this.methodEvents[method] = e; e.originalFn = this[method]; e.methodName = method; e.before = []; e.after = []; var returnValue, v, cancel; var obj = this; var makeCall = function(fn, scope, args){ if((v = fn.apply(scope || obj, args)) !== undefined){ if(typeof v === 'object'){ if(v.returnValue !== undefined){ returnValue = v.returnValue; }else{ returnValue = v; } if(v.cancel === true){ cancel = true; } }else if(v === false){ cancel = true; }else { returnValue = v; } } } this[method] = function(){ returnValue = v = undefined; cancel = false; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); for(var i = 0, len = e.before.length; i < len; i++){ makeCall(e.before[i].fn, e.before[i].scope, args); if(cancel){ return returnValue; } } if((v = e.originalFn.apply(obj, args)) !== undefined){ returnValue = v; } for(var i = 0, len = e.after.length; i < len; i++){ makeCall(e.after[i].fn, e.after[i].scope, args); if(cancel){ return returnValue; } } return returnValue; }; } return e; }, // adds an "interceptor" called before the original method beforeMethod : function(method, fn, scope){ var e = this.getMethodEvent(method); e.before.push({fn: fn, scope: scope}); }, // adds a "sequence" called after the original method afterMethod : function(method, fn, scope){ var e = this.getMethodEvent(method); e.after.push({fn: fn, scope: scope}); }, removeMethodListener : function(method, fn, scope){ var e = this.getMethodEvent(method); for(var i = 0, len = e.before.length; i < len; i++){ if(e.before[i].fn == fn && e.before[i].scope == scope){ e.before.splice(i, 1); return; } } for(var i = 0, len = e.after.length; i < len; i++){ if(e.after[i].fn == fn && e.after[i].scope == scope){ e.after.splice(i, 1); return; } } } }; Ext.util.Observable.prototype.on = Ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener; Ext.util.Observable.prototype.un = Ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener; Ext.util.Observable.capture = function(o, fn, scope){ o.fireEvent = o.fireEvent.createInterceptor(fn, scope); }; Ext.util.Observable.releaseCapture = function(o){ o.fireEvent = Ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent; }; (function(){ var createBuffered = function(h, o, scope){ var task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(); return function(){ task.delay(o.buffer, h, scope, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); }; }; var createSingle = function(h, e, fn, scope){ return function(){ e.removeListener(fn, scope); return h.apply(scope, arguments); }; }; var createDelayed = function(h, o, scope){ return function(){ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); setTimeout(function(){ h.apply(scope, args); }, o.delay || 10); }; }; Ext.util.Event = function(obj, name){ this.name = name; this.obj = obj; this.listeners = []; }; Ext.util.Event.prototype = { addListener : function(fn, scope, options){ scope = scope || this.obj; if(!this.isListening(fn, scope)){ var l = this.createListener(fn, scope, options); if(!this.firing){ this.listeners.push(l); }else{ // if we are currently firing this event, don't disturb the listener loop this.listeners = this.listeners.slice(0); this.listeners.push(l); } } }, createListener : function(fn, scope, o){ o = o || {}; scope = scope || this.obj; var l = {fn: fn, scope: scope, options: o}; var h = fn; if(o.delay){ h = createDelayed(h, o, scope); } if(o.single){ h = createSingle(h, this, fn, scope); } if(o.buffer){ h = createBuffered(h, o, scope); } l.fireFn = h; return l; }, findListener : function(fn, scope){ scope = scope || this.obj; var ls = this.listeners; for(var i = 0, len = ls.length; i < len; i++){ var l = ls[i]; if(l.fn == fn && l.scope == scope){ return i; } } return -1; }, isListening : function(fn, scope){ return this.findListener(fn, scope) != -1; }, removeListener : function(fn, scope){ var index; if((index = this.findListener(fn, scope)) != -1){ if(!this.firing){ this.listeners.splice(index, 1); }else{ this.listeners = this.listeners.slice(0); this.listeners.splice(index, 1); } return true; } return false; }, clearListeners : function(){ this.listeners = []; }, fire : function(){ var ls = this.listeners, scope, len = ls.length; if(len > 0){ this.firing = true; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ var l = ls[i]; if(l.fireFn.apply(l.scope||this.obj||window, arguments) === false){ this.firing = false; return false; } } this.firing = false; } return true; } }; })(); Ext.EventManager = function(){ var docReadyEvent, docReadyProcId, docReadyState = false; var resizeEvent, resizeTask, textEvent, textSize; var E = Ext.lib.Event; var D = Ext.lib.Dom; // fix parser confusion var xname = 'Ex' + 't'; var elHash = {}; var addListener = function(el, ename, fn, wrap, scope){ var id = Ext.id(el); if(!elHash[id]){ elHash[id] = {}; } var es = elHash[id]; if(!es[ename]){ es[ename] = []; } var ls = es[ename]; ls.push({ id: id, ename: ename, fn: fn, wrap: wrap, scope: scope }); E.on(el, ename, wrap); if(ename == "mousewheel" && el.addEventListener){ // workaround for jQuery el.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", wrap, false); E.on(window, 'unload', function(){ el.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", wrap, false); }); } if(ename == "mousedown" && el == document){ // fix stopped mousedowns on the document Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.addListener(wrap); } } var removeListener = function(el, ename, fn, scope){ el = Ext.getDom(el); var id = Ext.id(el), es = elHash[id], wrap; if(es){ var ls = es[ename], l; if(ls){ for(var i = 0, len = ls.length; i < len; i++){ l = ls[i]; if(l.fn == fn && (!scope || l.scope == scope)){ wrap = l.wrap; E.un(el, ename, wrap); ls.splice(i, 1); break; } } } } if(ename == "mousewheel" && el.addEventListener && wrap){ el.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", wrap, false); } if(ename == "mousedown" && el == document && wrap){ // fix stopped mousedowns on the document Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.removeListener(wrap); } } var removeAll = function(el){ el = Ext.getDom(el); var id = Ext.id(el), es = elHash[id], ls; if(es){ for(var ename in es){ if(es.hasOwnProperty(ename)){ ls = es[ename]; for(var i = 0, len = ls.length; i < len; i++){ E.un(el, ename, ls[i].wrap); ls[i] = null; } } es[ename] = null; } delete elHash[id]; } } var fireDocReady = function(){ if(!docReadyState){ docReadyState = true; Ext.isReady = true; if(docReadyProcId){ clearInterval(docReadyProcId); } if(Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) { document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fireDocReady, false); } if(Ext.isIE){ var defer = document.getElementById("ie-deferred-loader"); if(defer){ defer.onreadystatechange = null; defer.parentNode.removeChild(defer); } } if(docReadyEvent){ docReadyEvent.fire(); docReadyEvent.clearListeners(); } } }; var initDocReady = function(){ docReadyEvent = new Ext.util.Event(); if(Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fireDocReady, false); }else if(Ext.isIE){ document.write(""); var defer = document.getElementById("ie-deferred-loader"); defer.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(this.readyState == "complete"){ fireDocReady(); } }; }else if(Ext.isSafari){ docReadyProcId = setInterval(function(){ var rs = document.readyState; if(rs == "complete") { fireDocReady(); } }, 10); } // no matter what, make sure it fires on load E.on(window, "load", fireDocReady); }; var createBuffered = function(h, o){ var task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(h); return function(e){ // create new event object impl so new events don't wipe out properties e = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(e); task.delay(o.buffer, h, null, [e]); }; }; var createSingle = function(h, el, ename, fn, scope){ return function(e){ Ext.EventManager.removeListener(el, ename, fn, scope); h(e); }; }; var createDelayed = function(h, o){ return function(e){ // create new event object impl so new events don't wipe out properties e = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(e); setTimeout(function(){ h(e); }, o.delay || 10); }; }; var listen = function(element, ename, opt, fn, scope){ var o = (!opt || typeof opt == "boolean") ? {} : opt; fn = fn || o.fn; scope = scope || o.scope; var el = Ext.getDom(element); if(!el){ throw "Error listening for \"" + ename + '\". Element "' + element + '" doesn\'t exist.'; } var h = function(e){ // prevent errors while unload occurring if(!window[xname]){ return; } e = Ext.EventObject.setEvent(e); var t; if(o.delegate){ t = e.getTarget(o.delegate, el); if(!t){ return; } }else{ t = e.target; } if(o.stopEvent === true){ e.stopEvent(); } if(o.preventDefault === true){ e.preventDefault(); } if(o.stopPropagation === true){ e.stopPropagation(); } if(o.normalized === false){ e = e.browserEvent; } fn.call(scope || el, e, t, o); }; if(o.delay){ h = createDelayed(h, o); } if(o.single){ h = createSingle(h, el, ename, fn, scope); } if(o.buffer){ h = createBuffered(h, o); } addListener(el, ename, fn, h, scope); return h; }; var propRe = /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single|stopEvent|preventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized|args|delegate)$/; var pub = { addListener : function(element, eventName, fn, scope, options){ if(typeof eventName == "object"){ var o = eventName; for(var e in o){ if(propRe.test(e)){ continue; } if(typeof o[e] == "function"){ // shared options listen(element, e, o, o[e], o.scope); }else{ // individual options listen(element, e, o[e]); } } return; } return listen(element, eventName, options, fn, scope); }, removeListener : function(element, eventName, fn, scope){ return removeListener(element, eventName, fn, scope); }, removeAll : function(element){ return removeAll(element); }, onDocumentReady : function(fn, scope, options){ if(docReadyState){ // if it already fired docReadyEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options); docReadyEvent.fire(); docReadyEvent.clearListeners(); return; } if(!docReadyEvent){ initDocReady(); } options = options || {}; if(!options.delay){ options.delay = 1; } docReadyEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options); }, // private doResizeEvent: function(){ resizeEvent.fire(D.getViewWidth(), D.getViewHeight()); }, onWindowResize : function(fn, scope, options){ if(!resizeEvent){ resizeEvent = new Ext.util.Event(); resizeTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.doResizeEvent); E.on(window, "resize", this.fireWindowResize, this); } resizeEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options); }, // exposed only to allow manual firing fireWindowResize : function(){ if(resizeEvent){ if((Ext.isIE||Ext.isAir) && resizeTask){ resizeTask.delay(50); }else{ resizeEvent.fire(D.getViewWidth(), D.getViewHeight()); } } }, onTextResize : function(fn, scope, options){ if(!textEvent){ textEvent = new Ext.util.Event(); var textEl = new Ext.Element(document.createElement('div')); textEl.dom.className = 'x-text-resize'; textEl.dom.innerHTML = 'X'; textEl.appendTo(document.body); textSize = textEl.dom.offsetHeight; setInterval(function(){ if(textEl.dom.offsetHeight != textSize){ textEvent.fire(textSize, textSize = textEl.dom.offsetHeight); } }, this.textResizeInterval); } textEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options); }, removeResizeListener : function(fn, scope){ if(resizeEvent){ resizeEvent.removeListener(fn, scope); } }, // private fireResize : function(){ if(resizeEvent){ resizeEvent.fire(D.getViewWidth(), D.getViewHeight()); } }, ieDeferSrc : false, textResizeInterval : 50 }; pub.on = pub.addListener; pub.un = pub.removeListener; pub.stoppedMouseDownEvent = new Ext.util.Event(); return pub; }(); Ext.onReady = Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady; // Initialize doc classes (function(){ var initExtCss = function(){ // find the body element var bd = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; if(!bd){ return false; } var cls = [' ', Ext.isIE ? "ext-ie " + (Ext.isIE6 ? 'ext-ie6' : (Ext.isIE7 ? 'ext-ie7' : 'ext-ie8')) : Ext.isGecko ? "ext-gecko " + (Ext.isGecko2 ? 'ext-gecko2' : 'ext-gecko3') : Ext.isOpera ? "ext-opera" : Ext.isSafari ? "ext-safari" : Ext.isChrome ? "ext-chrome" : ""]; if(Ext.isMac){ cls.push("ext-mac"); } if(Ext.isLinux){ cls.push("ext-linux"); } if(Ext.isBorderBox){ cls.push('ext-border-box'); } if(Ext.isStrict){ // add to the parent to allow for selectors like ".ext-strict .ext-ie" var p = bd.parentNode; if(p){ p.className += ' ext-strict'; } } bd.className += cls.join(' '); return true; } if(!initExtCss()){ Ext.onReady(initExtCss); } })(); Ext.EventObject = function(){ var E = Ext.lib.Event; // safari keypress events for special keys return bad keycodes var safariKeys = { 3 : 13, // enter 63234 : 37, // left 63235 : 39, // right 63232 : 38, // up 63233 : 40, // down 63276 : 33, // page up 63277 : 34, // page down 63272 : 46, // delete 63273 : 36, // home 63275 : 35 // end }; // normalize button clicks var btnMap = Ext.isIE ? {1:0,4:1,2:2} : (Ext.isSafari ? {1:0,2:1,3:2} : {0:0,1:1,2:2}); Ext.EventObjectImpl = function(e){ if(e){ this.setEvent(e.browserEvent || e); } }; Ext.EventObjectImpl.prototype = { browserEvent : null, button : -1, shiftKey : false, ctrlKey : false, altKey : false, BACKSPACE: 8, TAB: 9, NUM_CENTER: 12, ENTER: 13, RETURN: 13, SHIFT: 16, CTRL: 17, CONTROL : 17, // legacy ALT: 18, PAUSE: 19, CAPS_LOCK: 20, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGEUP : 33, // legacy PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGEDOWN : 34, // legacy END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, PRINT_SCREEN: 44, INSERT: 45, DELETE: 46, ZERO: 48, ONE: 49, TWO: 50, THREE: 51, FOUR: 52, FIVE: 53, SIX: 54, SEVEN: 55, EIGHT: 56, NINE: 57, A: 65, B: 66, C: 67, D: 68, E: 69, F: 70, G: 71, H: 72, I: 73, J: 74, K: 75, L: 76, M: 77, N: 78, O: 79, P: 80, Q: 81, R: 82, S: 83, T: 84, U: 85, V: 86, W: 87, X: 88, Y: 89, Z: 90, CONTEXT_MENU: 93, NUM_ZERO: 96, NUM_ONE: 97, NUM_TWO: 98, NUM_THREE: 99, NUM_FOUR: 100, NUM_FIVE: 101, NUM_SIX: 102, NUM_SEVEN: 103, NUM_EIGHT: 104, NUM_NINE: 105, NUM_MULTIPLY: 106, NUM_PLUS: 107, NUM_MINUS: 109, NUM_PERIOD: 110, NUM_DIVISION: 111, F1: 112, F2: 113, F3: 114, F4: 115, F5: 116, F6: 117, F7: 118, F8: 119, F9: 120, F10: 121, F11: 122, F12: 123, setEvent : function(e){ if(e == this || (e && e.browserEvent)){ // already wrapped return e; } this.browserEvent = e; if(e){ // normalize buttons this.button = e.button ? btnMap[e.button] : (e.which ? e.which-1 : -1); if(e.type == 'click' && this.button == -1){ this.button = 0; } this.type = e.type; this.shiftKey = e.shiftKey; // mac metaKey behaves like ctrlKey this.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; this.altKey = e.altKey; // in getKey these will be normalized for the mac this.keyCode = e.keyCode; this.charCode = e.charCode; // cache the target for the delayed and or buffered events this.target = E.getTarget(e); // same for XY this.xy = E.getXY(e); }else{ this.button = -1; this.shiftKey = false; this.ctrlKey = false; this.altKey = false; this.keyCode = 0; this.charCode = 0; this.target = null; this.xy = [0, 0]; } return this; }, stopEvent : function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ if(this.browserEvent.type == 'mousedown'){ Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.fire(this); } E.stopEvent(this.browserEvent); } }, preventDefault : function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ E.preventDefault(this.browserEvent); } }, isNavKeyPress : function(){ var k = this.keyCode; k = Ext.isSafari ? (safariKeys[k] || k) : k; return (k >= 33 && k <= 40) || k == this.RETURN || k == this.TAB || k == this.ESC; }, isSpecialKey : function(){ var k = this.keyCode; return (this.type == 'keypress' && this.ctrlKey) || k == 9 || k == 13 || k == 40 || k == 27 || (k == 16) || (k == 17) || (k >= 18 && k <= 20) || (k >= 33 && k <= 35) || (k >= 36 && k <= 39) || (k >= 44 && k <= 45); }, stopPropagation : function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ if(this.browserEvent.type == 'mousedown'){ Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.fire(this); } E.stopPropagation(this.browserEvent); } }, getCharCode : function(){ return this.charCode || this.keyCode; }, getKey : function(){ var k = this.keyCode || this.charCode; return Ext.isSafari ? (safariKeys[k] || k) : k; }, getPageX : function(){ return this.xy[0]; }, getPageY : function(){ return this.xy[1]; }, getTime : function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return E.getTime(this.browserEvent); } return null; }, getXY : function(){ return this.xy; }, getTarget : function(selector, maxDepth, returnEl){ return selector ? Ext.fly(this.target).findParent(selector, maxDepth, returnEl) : (returnEl ? Ext.get(this.target) : this.target); }, getRelatedTarget : function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return E.getRelatedTarget(this.browserEvent); } return null; }, getWheelDelta : function(){ var e = this.browserEvent; var delta = 0; if(e.wheelDelta){ delta = e.wheelDelta/120; }else if(e.detail){ delta = -e.detail/3; } return delta; }, hasModifier : function(){ return ((this.ctrlKey || this.altKey) || this.shiftKey) ? true : false; }, within : function(el, related, allowEl){ var t = this[related ? "getRelatedTarget" : "getTarget"](); return t && ((allowEl ? (t === Ext.getDom(el)) : false) || Ext.fly(el).contains(t)); }, getPoint : function(){ return new Ext.lib.Point(this.xy[0], this.xy[1]); } }; return new Ext.EventObjectImpl(); }(); (function(){ var D = Ext.lib.Dom; var E = Ext.lib.Event; var A = Ext.lib.Anim; // local style camelizing for speed var propCache = {}; var camelRe = /(-[a-z])/gi; var camelFn = function(m, a){ return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); }; var view = document.defaultView; Ext.Element = function(element, forceNew){ var dom = typeof element == "string" ? document.getElementById(element) : element; if(!dom){ // invalid id/element return null; } var id = dom.id; if(forceNew !== true && id && Ext.Element.cache[id]){ // element object already exists return Ext.Element.cache[id]; } this.dom = dom; this.id = id || Ext.id(dom); }; var El = Ext.Element; El.prototype = { originalDisplay : "", visibilityMode : 1, defaultUnit : "px", setVisibilityMode : function(visMode){ this.visibilityMode = visMode; return this; }, enableDisplayMode : function(display){ this.setVisibilityMode(El.DISPLAY); if(typeof display != "undefined") this.originalDisplay = display; return this; }, findParent : function(simpleSelector, maxDepth, returnEl){ var p = this.dom, b = document.body, depth = 0, dq = Ext.DomQuery, stopEl; maxDepth = maxDepth || 50; if(typeof maxDepth != "number"){ stopEl = Ext.getDom(maxDepth); maxDepth = 10; } while(p && p.nodeType == 1 && depth < maxDepth && p != b && p != stopEl){ if(dq.is(p, simpleSelector)){ return returnEl ? Ext.get(p) : p; } depth++; p = p.parentNode; } return null; }, findParentNode : function(simpleSelector, maxDepth, returnEl){ var p = Ext.fly(this.dom.parentNode, '_internal'); return p ? p.findParent(simpleSelector, maxDepth, returnEl) : null; }, up : function(simpleSelector, maxDepth){ return this.findParentNode(simpleSelector, maxDepth, true); }, is : function(simpleSelector){ return Ext.DomQuery.is(this.dom, simpleSelector); }, animate : function(args, duration, onComplete, easing, animType){ this.anim(args, {duration: duration, callback: onComplete, easing: easing}, animType); return this; }, anim : function(args, opt, animType, defaultDur, defaultEase, cb){ animType = animType || 'run'; opt = opt || {}; var anim = Ext.lib.Anim[animType]( this.dom, args, (opt.duration || defaultDur) || .35, (opt.easing || defaultEase) || 'easeOut', function(){ Ext.callback(cb, this); Ext.callback(opt.callback, opt.scope || this, [this, opt]); }, this ); opt.anim = anim; return anim; }, // private legacy anim prep preanim : function(a, i){ return !a[i] ? false : (typeof a[i] == "object" ? a[i]: {duration: a[i+1], callback: a[i+2], easing: a[i+3]}); }, clean : function(forceReclean){ if(this.isCleaned && forceReclean !== true){ return this; } var ns = /\S/; var d = this.dom, n = d.firstChild, ni = -1; while(n){ var nx = n.nextSibling; if(n.nodeType == 3 && !ns.test(n.nodeValue)){ d.removeChild(n); }else{ n.nodeIndex = ++ni; } n = nx; } this.isCleaned = true; return this; }, scrollIntoView : function(container, hscroll){ var c = Ext.getDom(container) || Ext.getBody().dom; var el = this.dom; var o = this.getOffsetsTo(c), l = o[0] + c.scrollLeft, t = o[1] + c.scrollTop, b = t+el.offsetHeight, r = l+el.offsetWidth; var ch = c.clientHeight; var ct = parseInt(c.scrollTop, 10); var cl = parseInt(c.scrollLeft, 10); var cb = ct + ch; var cr = cl + c.clientWidth; if(el.offsetHeight > ch || t < ct){ c.scrollTop = t; }else if(b > cb){ c.scrollTop = b-ch; } c.scrollTop = c.scrollTop; // corrects IE, other browsers will ignore if(hscroll !== false){ if(el.offsetWidth > c.clientWidth || l < cl){ c.scrollLeft = l; }else if(r > cr){ c.scrollLeft = r-c.clientWidth; } c.scrollLeft = c.scrollLeft; } return this; }, // private scrollChildIntoView : function(child, hscroll){ Ext.fly(child, '_scrollChildIntoView').scrollIntoView(this, hscroll); }, autoHeight : function(animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ var oldHeight = this.getHeight(); this.clip(); this.setHeight(1); // force clipping setTimeout(function(){ var height = parseInt(this.dom.scrollHeight, 10); // parseInt for Safari if(!animate){ this.setHeight(height); this.unclip(); if(typeof onComplete == "function"){ onComplete(); } }else{ this.setHeight(oldHeight); // restore original height this.setHeight(height, animate, duration, function(){ this.unclip(); if(typeof onComplete == "function") onComplete(); }.createDelegate(this), easing); } }.createDelegate(this), 0); return this; }, contains : function(el){ if(!el){return false;} return D.isAncestor(this.dom, el.dom ? el.dom : el); }, isVisible : function(deep) { var vis = !(this.getStyle("visibility") == "hidden" || this.getStyle("display") == "none"); if(deep !== true || !vis){ return vis; } var p = this.dom.parentNode; while(p && p.tagName.toLowerCase() != "body"){ if(!Ext.fly(p, '_isVisible').isVisible()){ return false; } p = p.parentNode; } return true; }, select : function(selector, unique){ return El.select(selector, unique, this.dom); }, query : function(selector){ return Ext.DomQuery.select(selector, this.dom); }, child : function(selector, returnDom){ var n = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(selector, this.dom); return returnDom ? n : Ext.get(n); }, down : function(selector, returnDom){ var n = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(" > " + selector, this.dom); return returnDom ? n : Ext.get(n); }, initDD : function(group, config, overrides){ var dd = new Ext.dd.DD(Ext.id(this.dom), group, config); return Ext.apply(dd, overrides); }, initDDProxy : function(group, config, overrides){ var dd = new Ext.dd.DDProxy(Ext.id(this.dom), group, config); return Ext.apply(dd, overrides); }, initDDTarget : function(group, config, overrides){ var dd = new Ext.dd.DDTarget(Ext.id(this.dom), group, config); return Ext.apply(dd, overrides); }, setVisible : function(visible, animate){ if(!animate || !A){ if(this.visibilityMode == El.DISPLAY){ this.setDisplayed(visible); }else{ this.fixDisplay(); this.dom.style.visibility = visible ? "visible" : "hidden"; } }else{ // closure for composites var dom = this.dom; var visMode = this.visibilityMode; if(visible){ this.setOpacity(.01); this.setVisible(true); } this.anim({opacity: { to: (visible?1:0) }}, this.preanim(arguments, 1), null, .35, 'easeIn', function(){ if(!visible){ if(visMode == El.DISPLAY){ dom.style.display = "none"; }else{ dom.style.visibility = "hidden"; } Ext.get(dom).setOpacity(1); } }); } return this; }, isDisplayed : function() { return this.getStyle("display") != "none"; }, toggle : function(animate){ this.setVisible(!this.isVisible(), this.preanim(arguments, 0)); return this; }, setDisplayed : function(value) { if(typeof value == "boolean"){ value = value ? this.originalDisplay : "none"; } this.setStyle("display", value); return this; }, focus : function() { try{ this.dom.focus(); }catch(e){} return this; }, blur : function() { try{ this.dom.blur(); }catch(e){} return this; }, addClass : function(className){ if(Ext.isArray(className)){ for(var i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { this.addClass(className[i]); } }else{ if(className && !this.hasClass(className)){ this.dom.className = this.dom.className + " " + className; } } return this; }, radioClass : function(className){ var siblings = this.dom.parentNode.childNodes; for(var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) { var s = siblings[i]; if(s.nodeType == 1){ Ext.get(s).removeClass(className); } } this.addClass(className); return this; }, removeClass : function(className){ if(!className || !this.dom.className){ return this; } if(Ext.isArray(className)){ for(var i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { this.removeClass(className[i]); } }else{ if(this.hasClass(className)){ var re = this.classReCache[className]; if (!re) { re = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)', "g"); this.classReCache[className] = re; } this.dom.className = this.dom.className.replace(re, " "); } } return this; }, // private classReCache: {}, toggleClass : function(className){ if(this.hasClass(className)){ this.removeClass(className); }else{ this.addClass(className); } return this; }, hasClass : function(className){ return className && (' '+this.dom.className+' ').indexOf(' '+className+' ') != -1; }, replaceClass : function(oldClassName, newClassName){ this.removeClass(oldClassName); this.addClass(newClassName); return this; }, getStyles : function(){ var a = arguments, len = a.length, r = {}; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ r[a[i]] = this.getStyle(a[i]); } return r; }, getStyle : function(){ return view && view.getComputedStyle ? function(prop){ var el = this.dom, v, cs, camel; if(prop == 'float'){ prop = "cssFloat"; } if(v = el.style[prop]){ return v; } if(cs = view.getComputedStyle(el, "")){ if(!(camel = propCache[prop])){ camel = propCache[prop] = prop.replace(camelRe, camelFn); } return cs[camel]; } return null; } : function(prop){ var el = this.dom, v, cs, camel; if(prop == 'opacity'){ if(typeof el.style.filter == 'string'){ var m = el.style.filter.match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i); if(m){ var fv = parseFloat(m[1]); if(!isNaN(fv)){ return fv ? fv / 100 : 0; } } } return 1; }else if(prop == 'float'){ prop = "styleFloat"; } if(!(camel = propCache[prop])){ camel = propCache[prop] = prop.replace(camelRe, camelFn); } if(v = el.style[camel]){ return v; } if(cs = el.currentStyle){ return cs[camel]; } return null; }; }(), setStyle : function(prop, value){ if(typeof prop == "string"){ var camel; if(!(camel = propCache[prop])){ camel = propCache[prop] = prop.replace(camelRe, camelFn); } if(camel == 'opacity') { this.setOpacity(value); }else{ this.dom.style[camel] = value; } }else{ for(var style in prop){ if(typeof prop[style] != "function"){ this.setStyle(style, prop[style]); } } } return this; }, applyStyles : function(style){ Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.dom, style); return this; }, getX : function(){ return D.getX(this.dom); }, getY : function(){ return D.getY(this.dom); }, getXY : function(){ return D.getXY(this.dom); }, getOffsetsTo : function(el){ var o = this.getXY(); var e = Ext.fly(el, '_internal').getXY(); return [o[0]-e[0],o[1]-e[1]]; }, setX : function(x, animate){ if(!animate || !A){ D.setX(this.dom, x); }else{ this.setXY([x, this.getY()], this.preanim(arguments, 1)); } return this; }, setY : function(y, animate){ if(!animate || !A){ D.setY(this.dom, y); }else{ this.setXY([this.getX(), y], this.preanim(arguments, 1)); } return this; }, setLeft : function(left){ this.setStyle("left", this.addUnits(left)); return this; }, setTop : function(top){ this.setStyle("top", this.addUnits(top)); return this; }, setRight : function(right){ this.setStyle("right", this.addUnits(right)); return this; }, setBottom : function(bottom){ this.setStyle("bottom", this.addUnits(bottom)); return this; }, setXY : function(pos, animate){ if(!animate || !A){ D.setXY(this.dom, pos); }else{ this.anim({points: {to: pos}}, this.preanim(arguments, 1), 'motion'); } return this; }, setLocation : function(x, y, animate){ this.setXY([x, y], this.preanim(arguments, 2)); return this; }, moveTo : function(x, y, animate){ this.setXY([x, y], this.preanim(arguments, 2)); return this; }, getRegion : function(){ return D.getRegion(this.dom); }, getHeight : function(contentHeight){ var h = this.dom.offsetHeight || 0; h = contentHeight !== true ? h : h-this.getBorderWidth("tb")-this.getPadding("tb"); return h < 0 ? 0 : h; }, getWidth : function(contentWidth){ var w = this.dom.offsetWidth || 0; w = contentWidth !== true ? w : w-this.getBorderWidth("lr")-this.getPadding("lr"); return w < 0 ? 0 : w; }, getComputedHeight : function(){ var h = Math.max(this.dom.offsetHeight, this.dom.clientHeight); if(!h){ h = parseInt(this.getStyle('height'), 10) || 0; if(!this.isBorderBox()){ h += this.getFrameWidth('tb'); } } return h; }, getComputedWidth : function(){ var w = Math.max(this.dom.offsetWidth, this.dom.clientWidth); if(!w){ w = parseInt(this.getStyle('width'), 10) || 0; if(!this.isBorderBox()){ w += this.getFrameWidth('lr'); } } return w; }, getSize : function(contentSize){ return {width: this.getWidth(contentSize), height: this.getHeight(contentSize)}; }, getStyleSize : function(){ var w, h, d = this.dom, s = d.style; if(s.width && s.width != 'auto'){ w = parseInt(s.width, 10); if(Ext.isBorderBox){ w -= this.getFrameWidth('lr'); } } if(s.height && s.height != 'auto'){ h = parseInt(s.height, 10); if(Ext.isBorderBox){ h -= this.getFrameWidth('tb'); } } return {width: w || this.getWidth(true), height: h || this.getHeight(true)}; }, getViewSize : function(){ var d = this.dom, doc = document, aw = 0, ah = 0; if(d == doc || d == doc.body){ return {width : D.getViewWidth(), height: D.getViewHeight()}; }else{ return { width : d.clientWidth, height: d.clientHeight }; } }, getValue : function(asNumber){ return asNumber ? parseInt(this.dom.value, 10) : this.dom.value; }, // private adjustWidth : function(width){ if(typeof width == "number"){ if(this.autoBoxAdjust && !this.isBorderBox()){ width -= (this.getBorderWidth("lr") + this.getPadding("lr")); } if(width < 0){ width = 0; } } return width; }, // private adjustHeight : function(height){ if(typeof height == "number"){ if(this.autoBoxAdjust && !this.isBorderBox()){ height -= (this.getBorderWidth("tb") + this.getPadding("tb")); } if(height < 0){ height = 0; } } return height; }, setWidth : function(width, animate){ width = this.adjustWidth(width); if(!animate || !A){ this.dom.style.width = this.addUnits(width); }else{ this.anim({width: {to: width}}, this.preanim(arguments, 1)); } return this; }, setHeight : function(height, animate){ height = this.adjustHeight(height); if(!animate || !A){ this.dom.style.height = this.addUnits(height); }else{ this.anim({height: {to: height}}, this.preanim(arguments, 1)); } return this; }, setSize : function(width, height, animate){ if(typeof width == "object"){ // in case of object from getSize() height = width.height; width = width.width; } width = this.adjustWidth(width); height = this.adjustHeight(height); if(!animate || !A){ this.dom.style.width = this.addUnits(width); this.dom.style.height = this.addUnits(height); }else{ this.anim({width: {to: width}, height: {to: height}}, this.preanim(arguments, 2)); } return this; }, setBounds : function(x, y, width, height, animate){ if(!animate || !A){ this.setSize(width, height); this.setLocation(x, y); }else{ width = this.adjustWidth(width); height = this.adjustHeight(height); this.anim({points: {to: [x, y]}, width: {to: width}, height: {to: height}}, this.preanim(arguments, 4), 'motion'); } return this; }, setRegion : function(region, animate){ this.setBounds(region.left, region.top, region.right-region.left, region.bottom-region.top, this.preanim(arguments, 1)); return this; }, addListener : function(eventName, fn, scope, options){ Ext.EventManager.on(this.dom, eventName, fn, scope || this, options); }, removeListener : function(eventName, fn, scope){ Ext.EventManager.removeListener(this.dom, eventName, fn, scope || this); return this; }, removeAllListeners : function(){ Ext.EventManager.removeAll(this.dom); return this; }, relayEvent : function(eventName, observable){ this.on(eventName, function(e){ observable.fireEvent(eventName, e); }); }, setOpacity : function(opacity, animate){ if(!animate || !A){ var s = this.dom.style; if(Ext.isIE){ s.zoom = 1; s.filter = (s.filter || '').replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi,"") + (opacity == 1 ? "" : " alpha(opacity=" + opacity * 100 + ")"); }else{ s.opacity = opacity; } }else{ this.anim({opacity: {to: opacity}}, this.preanim(arguments, 1), null, .35, 'easeIn'); } return this; }, getLeft : function(local){ if(!local){ return this.getX(); }else{ return parseInt(this.getStyle("left"), 10) || 0; } }, getRight : function(local){ if(!local){ return this.getX() + this.getWidth(); }else{ return (this.getLeft(true) + this.getWidth()) || 0; } }, getTop : function(local) { if(!local){ return this.getY(); }else{ return parseInt(this.getStyle("top"), 10) || 0; } }, getBottom : function(local){ if(!local){ return this.getY() + this.getHeight(); }else{ return (this.getTop(true) + this.getHeight()) || 0; } }, position : function(pos, zIndex, x, y){ if(!pos){ if(this.getStyle('position') == 'static'){ this.setStyle('position', 'relative'); } }else{ this.setStyle("position", pos); } if(zIndex){ this.setStyle("z-index", zIndex); } if(x !== undefined && y !== undefined){ this.setXY([x, y]); }else if(x !== undefined){ this.setX(x); }else if(y !== undefined){ this.setY(y); } }, clearPositioning : function(value){ value = value ||''; this.setStyle({ "left": value, "right": value, "top": value, "bottom": value, "z-index": "", "position" : "static" }); return this; }, getPositioning : function(){ var l = this.getStyle("left"); var t = this.getStyle("top"); return { "position" : this.getStyle("position"), "left" : l, "right" : l ? "" : this.getStyle("right"), "top" : t, "bottom" : t ? "" : this.getStyle("bottom"), "z-index" : this.getStyle("z-index") }; }, getBorderWidth : function(side){ return this.addStyles(side, El.borders); }, getPadding : function(side){ return this.addStyles(side, El.paddings); }, setPositioning : function(pc){ this.applyStyles(pc); if(pc.right == "auto"){ this.dom.style.right = ""; } if(pc.bottom == "auto"){ this.dom.style.bottom = ""; } return this; }, // private fixDisplay : function(){ if(this.getStyle("display") == "none"){ this.setStyle("visibility", "hidden"); this.setStyle("display", this.originalDisplay); // first try reverting to default if(this.getStyle("display") == "none"){ // if that fails, default to block this.setStyle("display", "block"); } } }, // private setOverflow : function(v){ if(v=='auto' && Ext.isMac && Ext.isGecko2){ // work around stupid FF 2.0/Mac scroll bar bug this.dom.style.overflow = 'hidden'; (function(){this.dom.style.overflow = 'auto';}).defer(1, this); }else{ this.dom.style.overflow = v; } }, setLeftTop : function(left, top){ this.dom.style.left = this.addUnits(left); this.dom.style.top = this.addUnits(top); return this; }, move : function(direction, distance, animate){ var xy = this.getXY(); direction = direction.toLowerCase(); switch(direction){ case "l": case "left": this.moveTo(xy[0]-distance, xy[1], this.preanim(arguments, 2)); break; case "r": case "right": this.moveTo(xy[0]+distance, xy[1], this.preanim(arguments, 2)); break; case "t": case "top": case "up": this.moveTo(xy[0], xy[1]-distance, this.preanim(arguments, 2)); break; case "b": case "bottom": case "down": this.moveTo(xy[0], xy[1]+distance, this.preanim(arguments, 2)); break; } return this; }, clip : function(){ if(!this.isClipped){ this.isClipped = true; this.originalClip = { "o": this.getStyle("overflow"), "x": this.getStyle("overflow-x"), "y": this.getStyle("overflow-y") }; this.setStyle("overflow", "hidden"); this.setStyle("overflow-x", "hidden"); this.setStyle("overflow-y", "hidden"); } return this; }, unclip : function(){ if(this.isClipped){ this.isClipped = false; var o = this.originalClip; if(o.o){this.setStyle("overflow", o.o);} if(o.x){this.setStyle("overflow-x", o.x);} if(o.y){this.setStyle("overflow-y", o.y);} } return this; }, getAnchorXY : function(anchor, local, s){ //Passing a different size is useful for pre-calculating anchors, //especially for anchored animations that change the el size. var w, h, vp = false; if(!s){ var d = this.dom; if(d == document.body || d == document){ vp = true; w = D.getViewWidth(); h = D.getViewHeight(); }else{ w = this.getWidth(); h = this.getHeight(); } }else{ w = s.width; h = s.height; } var x = 0, y = 0, r = Math.round; switch((anchor || "tl").toLowerCase()){ case "c": x = r(w*.5); y = r(h*.5); break; case "t": x = r(w*.5); y = 0; break; case "l": x = 0; y = r(h*.5); break; case "r": x = w; y = r(h*.5); break; case "b": x = r(w*.5); y = h; break; case "tl": x = 0; y = 0; break; case "bl": x = 0; y = h; break; case "br": x = w; y = h; break; case "tr": x = w; y = 0; break; } if(local === true){ return [x, y]; } if(vp){ var sc = this.getScroll(); return [x + sc.left, y + sc.top]; } //Add the element's offset xy var o = this.getXY(); return [x+o[0], y+o[1]]; }, getAlignToXY : function(el, p, o){ el = Ext.get(el); if(!el || !el.dom){ throw "Element.alignToXY with an element that doesn't exist"; } var d = this.dom; var c = false; //constrain to viewport var p1 = "", p2 = ""; o = o || [0,0]; if(!p){ p = "tl-bl"; }else if(p == "?"){ p = "tl-bl?"; }else if(p.indexOf("-") == -1){ p = "tl-" + p; } p = p.toLowerCase(); var m = p.match(/^([a-z]+)-([a-z]+)(\?)?$/); if(!m){ throw "Element.alignTo with an invalid alignment " + p; } p1 = m[1]; p2 = m[2]; c = !!m[3]; //Subtract the aligned el's internal xy from the target's offset xy //plus custom offset to get the aligned el's new offset xy var a1 = this.getAnchorXY(p1, true); var a2 = el.getAnchorXY(p2, false); var x = a2[0] - a1[0] + o[0]; var y = a2[1] - a1[1] + o[1]; if(c){ //constrain the aligned el to viewport if necessary var w = this.getWidth(), h = this.getHeight(), r = el.getRegion(); // 5px of margin for ie var dw = D.getViewWidth()-5, dh = D.getViewHeight()-5; //If we are at a viewport boundary and the aligned el is anchored on a target border that is //perpendicular to the vp border, allow the aligned el to slide on that border, //otherwise swap the aligned el to the opposite border of the target. var p1y = p1.charAt(0), p1x = p1.charAt(p1.length-1); var p2y = p2.charAt(0), p2x = p2.charAt(p2.length-1); var swapY = ((p1y=="t" && p2y=="b") || (p1y=="b" && p2y=="t")); var swapX = ((p1x=="r" && p2x=="l") || (p1x=="l" && p2x=="r")); var doc = document; var scrollX = (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft || 0)+5; var scrollY = (doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop || 0)+5; if((x+w) > dw + scrollX){ x = swapX ? r.left-w : dw+scrollX-w; } if(x < scrollX){ x = swapX ? r.right : scrollX; } if((y+h) > dh + scrollY){ y = swapY ? r.top-h : dh+scrollY-h; } if (y < scrollY){ y = swapY ? r.bottom : scrollY; } } return [x,y]; }, // private getConstrainToXY : function(){ var os = {top:0, left:0, bottom:0, right: 0}; return function(el, local, offsets, proposedXY){ el = Ext.get(el); offsets = offsets ? Ext.applyIf(offsets, os) : os; var vw, vh, vx = 0, vy = 0; if(el.dom == document.body || el.dom == document){ vw = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(); vh = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(); }else{ vw = el.dom.clientWidth; vh = el.dom.clientHeight; if(!local){ var vxy = el.getXY(); vx = vxy[0]; vy = vxy[1]; } } var s = el.getScroll(); vx += offsets.left + s.left; vy += offsets.top + s.top; vw -= offsets.right; vh -= offsets.bottom; var vr = vx+vw; var vb = vy+vh; var xy = proposedXY || (!local ? this.getXY() : [this.getLeft(true), this.getTop(true)]); var x = xy[0], y = xy[1]; var w = this.dom.offsetWidth, h = this.dom.offsetHeight; // only move it if it needs it var moved = false; // first validate right/bottom if((x + w) > vr){ x = vr - w; moved = true; } if((y + h) > vb){ y = vb - h; moved = true; } // then make sure top/left isn't negative if(x < vx){ x = vx; moved = true; } if(y < vy){ y = vy; moved = true; } return moved ? [x, y] : false; }; }(), // private adjustForConstraints : function(xy, parent, offsets){ return this.getConstrainToXY(parent || document, false, offsets, xy) || xy; }, alignTo : function(element, position, offsets, animate){ var xy = this.getAlignToXY(element, position, offsets); this.setXY(xy, this.preanim(arguments, 3)); return this; }, anchorTo : function(el, alignment, offsets, animate, monitorScroll, callback){ var action = function(){ this.alignTo(el, alignment, offsets, animate); Ext.callback(callback, this); }; Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(action, this); var tm = typeof monitorScroll; if(tm != 'undefined'){ Ext.EventManager.on(window, 'scroll', action, this, {buffer: tm == 'number' ? monitorScroll : 50}); } action.call(this); // align immediately return this; }, clearOpacity : function(){ if (window.ActiveXObject) { if(typeof this.dom.style.filter == 'string' && (/alpha/i).test(this.dom.style.filter)){ this.dom.style.filter = ""; } } else { this.dom.style.opacity = ""; this.dom.style["-moz-opacity"] = ""; this.dom.style["-khtml-opacity"] = ""; } return this; }, hide : function(animate){ this.setVisible(false, this.preanim(arguments, 0)); return this; }, show : function(animate){ this.setVisible(true, this.preanim(arguments, 0)); return this; }, addUnits : function(size){ return Ext.Element.addUnits(size, this.defaultUnit); }, update : function(html, loadScripts, callback){ if(typeof html == "undefined"){ html = ""; } if(loadScripts !== true){ this.dom.innerHTML = html; if(typeof callback == "function"){ callback(); } return this; } var id = Ext.id(); var dom = this.dom; html += ''; E.onAvailable(id, function(){ var hd = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var re = /(?:]*)?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig; var srcRe = /\ssrc=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i; var typeRe = /\stype=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i; var match; while(match = re.exec(html)){ var attrs = match[1]; var srcMatch = attrs ? attrs.match(srcRe) : false; if(srcMatch && srcMatch[2]){ var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = srcMatch[2]; var typeMatch = attrs.match(typeRe); if(typeMatch && typeMatch[2]){ s.type = typeMatch[2]; } hd.appendChild(s); }else if(match[2] && match[2].length > 0){ if(window.execScript) { window.execScript(match[2]); } else { window.eval(match[2]); } } } var el = document.getElementById(id); if(el){Ext.removeNode(el);} if(typeof callback == "function"){ callback(); } }); dom.innerHTML = html.replace(/(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig, ""); return this; }, load : function(){ var um = this.getUpdater(); um.update.apply(um, arguments); return this; }, getUpdater : function(){ if(!this.updateManager){ this.updateManager = new Ext.Updater(this); } return this.updateManager; }, unselectable : function(){ this.dom.unselectable = "on"; this.swallowEvent("selectstart", true); this.applyStyles("-moz-user-select:none;-khtml-user-select:none;"); this.addClass("x-unselectable"); return this; }, getCenterXY : function(){ return this.getAlignToXY(document, 'c-c'); }, center : function(centerIn){ this.alignTo(centerIn || document, 'c-c'); return this; }, isBorderBox : function(){ return noBoxAdjust[this.dom.tagName.toLowerCase()] || Ext.isBorderBox; }, getBox : function(contentBox, local){ var xy; if(!local){ xy = this.getXY(); }else{ var left = parseInt(this.getStyle("left"), 10) || 0; var top = parseInt(this.getStyle("top"), 10) || 0; xy = [left, top]; } var el = this.dom, w = el.offsetWidth, h = el.offsetHeight, bx; if(!contentBox){ bx = {x: xy[0], y: xy[1], 0: xy[0], 1: xy[1], width: w, height: h}; }else{ var l = this.getBorderWidth("l")+this.getPadding("l"); var r = this.getBorderWidth("r")+this.getPadding("r"); var t = this.getBorderWidth("t")+this.getPadding("t"); var b = this.getBorderWidth("b")+this.getPadding("b"); bx = {x: xy[0]+l, y: xy[1]+t, 0: xy[0]+l, 1: xy[1]+t, width: w-(l+r), height: h-(t+b)}; } bx.right = bx.x + bx.width; bx.bottom = bx.y + bx.height; return bx; }, getFrameWidth : function(sides, onlyContentBox){ return onlyContentBox && Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : (this.getPadding(sides) + this.getBorderWidth(sides)); }, setBox : function(box, adjust, animate){ var w = box.width, h = box.height; if((adjust && !this.autoBoxAdjust) && !this.isBorderBox()){ w -= (this.getBorderWidth("lr") + this.getPadding("lr")); h -= (this.getBorderWidth("tb") + this.getPadding("tb")); } this.setBounds(box.x, box.y, w, h, this.preanim(arguments, 2)); return this; }, repaint : function(){ var dom = this.dom; this.addClass("x-repaint"); setTimeout(function(){ Ext.get(dom).removeClass("x-repaint"); }, 1); return this; }, getMargins : function(side){ if(!side){ return { top: parseInt(this.getStyle("margin-top"), 10) || 0, left: parseInt(this.getStyle("margin-left"), 10) || 0, bottom: parseInt(this.getStyle("margin-bottom"), 10) || 0, right: parseInt(this.getStyle("margin-right"), 10) || 0 }; }else{ return this.addStyles(side, El.margins); } }, // private addStyles : function(sides, styles){ var val = 0, v, w; for(var i = 0, len = sides.length; i < len; i++){ v = this.getStyle(styles[sides.charAt(i)]); if(v){ w = parseInt(v, 10); if(w){ val += (w >= 0 ? w : -1 * w); } } } return val; }, createProxy : function(config, renderTo, matchBox){ config = typeof config == "object" ? config : {tag : "div", cls: config}; var proxy; if(renderTo){ proxy = Ext.DomHelper.append(renderTo, config, true); }else { proxy = Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(this.dom, config, true); } if(matchBox){ proxy.setBox(this.getBox()); } return proxy; }, mask : function(msg, msgCls){ if(this.getStyle("position") == "static"){ this.addClass("x-masked-relative"); } if(this._maskMsg){ this._maskMsg.remove(); } if(this._mask){ this._mask.remove(); } this._mask = Ext.DomHelper.append(this.dom, {cls:"ext-el-mask"}, true); this.addClass("x-masked"); this._mask.setDisplayed(true); if(typeof msg == 'string'){ this._maskMsg = Ext.DomHelper.append(this.dom, {cls:"ext-el-mask-msg", cn:{tag:'div'}}, true); var mm = this._maskMsg; mm.dom.className = msgCls ? "ext-el-mask-msg " + msgCls : "ext-el-mask-msg"; mm.dom.firstChild.innerHTML = msg; mm.setDisplayed(true); mm.center(this); } if(Ext.isIE && !(Ext.isIE7 && Ext.isStrict) && this.getStyle('height') == 'auto'){ // ie will not expand full height automatically this._mask.setSize(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); } return this._mask; }, unmask : function(){ if(this._mask){ if(this._maskMsg){ this._maskMsg.remove(); delete this._maskMsg; } this._mask.remove(); delete this._mask; } this.removeClass(["x-masked", "x-masked-relative"]); }, isMasked : function(){ return this._mask && this._mask.isVisible(); }, createShim : function(){ var el = document.createElement('iframe'); el.frameBorder = '0'; el.className = 'ext-shim'; if(Ext.isIE && Ext.isSecure){ el.src = Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL; } var shim = Ext.get(this.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(el, this.dom)); shim.autoBoxAdjust = false; return shim; }, remove : function(){ Ext.removeNode(this.dom); delete El.cache[this.dom.id]; }, hover : function(overFn, outFn, scope){ var preOverFn = function(e){ if(!e.within(this, true)){ overFn.apply(scope || this, arguments); } }; var preOutFn = function(e){ if(!e.within(this, true)){ outFn.apply(scope || this, arguments); } }; this.on("mouseover", preOverFn, this.dom); this.on("mouseout", preOutFn, this.dom); return this; }, addClassOnOver : function(className){ this.hover( function(){ Ext.fly(this, '_internal').addClass(className); }, function(){ Ext.fly(this, '_internal').removeClass(className); } ); return this; }, addClassOnFocus : function(className){ this.on("focus", function(){ Ext.fly(this, '_internal').addClass(className); }, this.dom); this.on("blur", function(){ Ext.fly(this, '_internal').removeClass(className); }, this.dom); return this; }, addClassOnClick : function(className){ var dom = this.dom; this.on("mousedown", function(){ Ext.fly(dom, '_internal').addClass(className); var d = Ext.getDoc(); var fn = function(){ Ext.fly(dom, '_internal').removeClass(className); d.removeListener("mouseup", fn); }; d.on("mouseup", fn); }); return this; }, swallowEvent : function(eventName, preventDefault){ var fn = function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); if(preventDefault){ e.preventDefault(); } }; if(Ext.isArray(eventName)){ for(var i = 0, len = eventName.length; i < len; i++){ this.on(eventName[i], fn); } return this; } this.on(eventName, fn); return this; }, parent : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode('parentNode', 'parentNode', selector, returnDom); }, next : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode('nextSibling', 'nextSibling', selector, returnDom); }, prev : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode('previousSibling', 'previousSibling', selector, returnDom); }, first : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode('nextSibling', 'firstChild', selector, returnDom); }, last : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode('previousSibling', 'lastChild', selector, returnDom); }, matchNode : function(dir, start, selector, returnDom){ var n = this.dom[start]; while(n){ if(n.nodeType == 1 && (!selector || Ext.DomQuery.is(n, selector))){ return !returnDom ? Ext.get(n) : n; } n = n[dir]; } return null; }, appendChild: function(el){ el = Ext.get(el); el.appendTo(this); return this; }, createChild: function(config, insertBefore, returnDom){ config = config || {tag:'div'}; if(insertBefore){ return Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(insertBefore, config, returnDom !== true); } return Ext.DomHelper[!this.dom.firstChild ? 'overwrite' : 'append'](this.dom, config, returnDom !== true); }, appendTo: function(el){ el = Ext.getDom(el); el.appendChild(this.dom); return this; }, insertBefore: function(el){ el = Ext.getDom(el); el.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, el); return this; }, insertAfter: function(el){ el = Ext.getDom(el); el.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, el.nextSibling); return this; }, insertFirst: function(el, returnDom){ el = el || {}; if(typeof el == 'object' && !el.nodeType && !el.dom){ // dh config return this.createChild(el, this.dom.firstChild, returnDom); }else{ el = Ext.getDom(el); this.dom.insertBefore(el, this.dom.firstChild); return !returnDom ? Ext.get(el) : el; } }, insertSibling: function(el, where, returnDom){ var rt; if(Ext.isArray(el)){ for(var i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; i++){ rt = this.insertSibling(el[i], where, returnDom); } return rt; } where = where ? where.toLowerCase() : 'before'; el = el || {}; var refNode = where == 'before' ? this.dom : this.dom.nextSibling; if(typeof el == 'object' && !el.nodeType && !el.dom){ // dh config if(where == 'after' && !this.dom.nextSibling){ rt = Ext.DomHelper.append(this.dom.parentNode, el, !returnDom); }else{ rt = Ext.DomHelper[where == 'after' ? 'insertAfter' : 'insertBefore'](this.dom, el, !returnDom); } }else{ rt = this.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(Ext.getDom(el), refNode); if(!returnDom){ rt = Ext.get(rt); } } return rt; }, wrap: function(config, returnDom){ if(!config){ config = {tag: "div"}; } var newEl = Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(this.dom, config, !returnDom); newEl.dom ? newEl.dom.appendChild(this.dom) : newEl.appendChild(this.dom); return newEl; }, replace: function(el){ el = Ext.get(el); this.insertBefore(el); el.remove(); return this; }, replaceWith: function(el){ if(typeof el == 'object' && !el.nodeType && !el.dom){ // dh config el = this.insertSibling(el, 'before'); }else{ el = Ext.getDom(el); this.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(el, this.dom); } El.uncache(this.id); Ext.removeNode(this.dom); this.dom = el; this.id = Ext.id(el); El.cache[this.id] = this; return this; }, insertHtml : function(where, html, returnEl){ var el = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml(where, this.dom, html); return returnEl ? Ext.get(el) : el; }, set : function(o, useSet){ var el = this.dom; useSet = typeof useSet == 'undefined' ? (el.setAttribute ? true : false) : useSet; for(var attr in o){ if(attr == "style" || typeof o[attr] == "function") continue; if(attr=="cls"){ el.className = o["cls"]; }else if(o.hasOwnProperty(attr)){ if(useSet) el.setAttribute(attr, o[attr]); else el[attr] = o[attr]; } } if(o.style){ Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(el, o.style); } return this; }, addKeyListener : function(key, fn, scope){ var config; if(typeof key != "object" || Ext.isArray(key)){ config = { key: key, fn: fn, scope: scope }; }else{ config = { key : key.key, shift : key.shift, ctrl : key.ctrl, alt : key.alt, fn: fn, scope: scope }; } return new Ext.KeyMap(this, config); }, addKeyMap : function(config){ return new Ext.KeyMap(this, config); }, isScrollable : function(){ var dom = this.dom; return dom.scrollHeight > dom.clientHeight || dom.scrollWidth > dom.clientWidth; }, scrollTo : function(side, value, animate){ var prop = side.toLowerCase() == "left" ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop"; if(!animate || !A){ this.dom[prop] = value; }else{ var to = prop == "scrollLeft" ? [value, this.dom.scrollTop] : [this.dom.scrollLeft, value]; this.anim({scroll: {"to": to}}, this.preanim(arguments, 2), 'scroll'); } return this; }, scroll : function(direction, distance, animate){ if(!this.isScrollable()){ return; } var el = this.dom; var l = el.scrollLeft, t = el.scrollTop; var w = el.scrollWidth, h = el.scrollHeight; var cw = el.clientWidth, ch = el.clientHeight; direction = direction.toLowerCase(); var scrolled = false; var a = this.preanim(arguments, 2); switch(direction){ case "l": case "left": if(w - l > cw){ var v = Math.min(l + distance, w-cw); this.scrollTo("left", v, a); scrolled = true; } break; case "r": case "right": if(l > 0){ var v = Math.max(l - distance, 0); this.scrollTo("left", v, a); scrolled = true; } break; case "t": case "top": case "up": if(t > 0){ var v = Math.max(t - distance, 0); this.scrollTo("top", v, a); scrolled = true; } break; case "b": case "bottom": case "down": if(h - t > ch){ var v = Math.min(t + distance, h-ch); this.scrollTo("top", v, a); scrolled = true; } break; } return scrolled; }, translatePoints : function(x, y){ if(typeof x == 'object' || Ext.isArray(x)){ y = x[1]; x = x[0]; } var p = this.getStyle('position'); var o = this.getXY(); var l = parseInt(this.getStyle('left'), 10); var t = parseInt(this.getStyle('top'), 10); if(isNaN(l)){ l = (p == "relative") ? 0 : this.dom.offsetLeft; } if(isNaN(t)){ t = (p == "relative") ? 0 : this.dom.offsetTop; } return {left: (x - o[0] + l), top: (y - o[1] + t)}; }, getScroll : function(){ var d = this.dom, doc = document; if(d == doc || d == doc.body){ var l, t; if(Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict){ l = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || (doc.body.scrollLeft || 0); t = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || (doc.body.scrollTop || 0); }else{ l = window.pageXOffset || (doc.body.scrollLeft || 0); t = window.pageYOffset || (doc.body.scrollTop || 0); } return {left: l, top: t}; }else{ return {left: d.scrollLeft, top: d.scrollTop}; } }, getColor : function(attr, defaultValue, prefix){ var v = this.getStyle(attr); if(!v || v == "transparent" || v == "inherit") { return defaultValue; } var color = typeof prefix == "undefined" ? "#" : prefix; if(v.substr(0, 4) == "rgb("){ var rvs = v.slice(4, v.length -1).split(","); for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){ var h = parseInt(rvs[i]); var s = h.toString(16); if(h < 16){ s = "0" + s; } color += s; } } else { if(v.substr(0, 1) == "#"){ if(v.length == 4) { for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++){ var c = v.charAt(i); color += c + c; } }else if(v.length == 7){ color += v.substr(1); } } } return(color.length > 5 ? color.toLowerCase() : defaultValue); }, boxWrap : function(cls){ cls = cls || 'x-box'; var el = Ext.get(this.insertHtml('beforeBegin', String.format('
', cls))); el.child('.'+cls+'-mc').dom.appendChild(this.dom); return el; }, getAttributeNS : Ext.isIE ? function(ns, name){ var d = this.dom; var type = typeof d[ns+":"+name]; if(type != 'undefined' && type != 'unknown'){ return d[ns+":"+name]; } return d[name]; } : function(ns, name){ var d = this.dom; return d.getAttributeNS(ns, name) || d.getAttribute(ns+":"+name) || d.getAttribute(name) || d[name]; }, getTextWidth : function(text, min, max){ return (Ext.util.TextMetrics.measure(this.dom, Ext.value(text, this.dom.innerHTML, true)).width).constrain(min || 0, max || 1000000); } }; var ep = El.prototype; ep.on = ep.addListener; // backwards compat ep.mon = ep.addListener; ep.getUpdateManager = ep.getUpdater; ep.un = ep.removeListener; ep.autoBoxAdjust = true; // private El.unitPattern = /\d+(px|em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i; // private El.addUnits = function(v, defaultUnit){ if(v === "" || v == "auto"){ return v; } if(v === undefined){ return ''; } if(typeof v == "number" || !El.unitPattern.test(v)){ return v + (defaultUnit || 'px'); } return v; }; // special markup used throughout Ext when box wrapping elements El.boxMarkup = '
'; El.VISIBILITY = 1; El.DISPLAY = 2; El.borders = {l: "border-left-width", r: "border-right-width", t: "border-top-width", b: "border-bottom-width"}; El.paddings = {l: "padding-left", r: "padding-right", t: "padding-top", b: "padding-bottom"}; El.margins = {l: "margin-left", r: "margin-right", t: "margin-top", b: "margin-bottom"}; El.cache = {}; var docEl; El.get = function(el){ var ex, elm, id; if(!el){ return null; } if(typeof el == "string"){ // element id if(!(elm = document.getElementById(el))){ return null; } if(ex = El.cache[el]){ ex.dom = elm; }else{ ex = El.cache[el] = new El(elm); } return ex; }else if(el.tagName){ // dom element if(!(id = el.id)){ id = Ext.id(el); } if(ex = El.cache[id]){ ex.dom = el; }else{ ex = El.cache[id] = new El(el); } return ex; }else if(el instanceof El){ if(el != docEl){ el.dom = document.getElementById(el.id) || el.dom; // refresh dom element in case no longer valid, // catch case where it hasn't been appended El.cache[el.id] = el; // in case it was created directly with Element(), let's cache it } return el; }else if(el.isComposite){ return el; }else if(Ext.isArray(el)){ return El.select(el); }else if(el == document){ // create a bogus element object representing the document object if(!docEl){ var f = function(){}; f.prototype = El.prototype; docEl = new f(); docEl.dom = document; } return docEl; } return null; }; // private El.uncache = function(el){ for(var i = 0, a = arguments, len = a.length; i < len; i++) { if(a[i]){ delete El.cache[a[i].id || a[i]]; } } }; // private // Garbage collection - uncache elements/purge listeners on orphaned elements // so we don't hold a reference and cause the browser to retain them El.garbageCollect = function(){ if(!Ext.enableGarbageCollector){ clearInterval(El.collectorThread); return; } for(var eid in El.cache){ var el = El.cache[eid], d = el.dom; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Determining what is garbage: // ------------------------------------------------------- // !d // dom node is null, definitely garbage // ------------------------------------------------------- // !d.parentNode // no parentNode == direct orphan, definitely garbage // ------------------------------------------------------- // !d.offsetParent && !document.getElementById(eid) // display none elements have no offsetParent so we will // also try to look it up by it's id. However, check // offsetParent first so we don't do unneeded lookups. // This enables collection of elements that are not orphans // directly, but somewhere up the line they have an orphan // parent. // ------------------------------------------------------- if(!d || !d.parentNode || (!d.offsetParent && !document.getElementById(eid))){ delete El.cache[eid]; if(d && Ext.enableListenerCollection){ Ext.EventManager.removeAll(d); } } } } El.collectorThreadId = setInterval(El.garbageCollect, 30000); var flyFn = function(){}; flyFn.prototype = El.prototype; var _cls = new flyFn(); // dom is optional El.Flyweight = function(dom){ this.dom = dom; }; El.Flyweight.prototype = _cls; El.Flyweight.prototype.isFlyweight = true; El._flyweights = {}; El.fly = function(el, named){ named = named || '_global'; el = Ext.getDom(el); if(!el){ return null; } if(!El._flyweights[named]){ El._flyweights[named] = new El.Flyweight(); } El._flyweights[named].dom = el; return El._flyweights[named]; }; Ext.get = El.get; Ext.fly = El.fly; // speedy lookup for elements never to box adjust var noBoxAdjust = Ext.isStrict ? { select:1 } : { input:1, select:1, textarea:1 }; if(Ext.isIE || Ext.isGecko){ noBoxAdjust['button'] = 1; } Ext.EventManager.on(window, 'unload', function(){ delete El.cache; delete El._flyweights; }); })(); //Notifies Element that fx methods are available Ext.enableFx = true; Ext.Fx = { slideIn : function(anchor, o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ anchor = anchor || "t"; // fix display to visibility this.fixDisplay(); // restore values after effect var r = this.getFxRestore(); var b = this.getBox(); // fixed size for slide this.setSize(b); // wrap if needed var wrap = this.fxWrap(r.pos, o, "hidden"); var st = this.dom.style; st.visibility = "visible"; st.position = "absolute"; // clear out temp styles after slide and unwrap var after = function(){ el.fxUnwrap(wrap, r.pos, o); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; el.afterFx(o); }; // time to calc the positions var a, pt = {to: [b.x, b.y]}, bw = {to: b.width}, bh = {to: b.height}; switch(anchor.toLowerCase()){ case "t": wrap.setSize(b.width, 0); st.left = st.bottom = "0"; a = {height: bh}; break; case "l": wrap.setSize(0, b.height); st.right = st.top = "0"; a = {width: bw}; break; case "r": wrap.setSize(0, b.height); wrap.setX(b.right); st.left = st.top = "0"; a = {width: bw, points: pt}; break; case "b": wrap.setSize(b.width, 0); wrap.setY(b.bottom); st.left = st.top = "0"; a = {height: bh, points: pt}; break; case "tl": wrap.setSize(0, 0); st.right = st.bottom = "0"; a = {width: bw, height: bh}; break; case "bl": wrap.setSize(0, 0); wrap.setY(b.y+b.height); st.right = st.top = "0"; a = {width: bw, height: bh, points: pt}; break; case "br": wrap.setSize(0, 0); wrap.setXY([b.right, b.bottom]); st.left = st.top = "0"; a = {width: bw, height: bh, points: pt}; break; case "tr": wrap.setSize(0, 0); wrap.setX(b.x+b.width); st.left = st.bottom = "0"; a = {width: bw, height: bh, points: pt}; break; } this.dom.style.visibility = "visible"; wrap.show(); arguments.callee.anim = wrap.fxanim(a, o, 'motion', .5, 'easeOut', after); }); return this; }, slideOut : function(anchor, o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ anchor = anchor || "t"; // restore values after effect var r = this.getFxRestore(); var b = this.getBox(); // fixed size for slide this.setSize(b); // wrap if needed var wrap = this.fxWrap(r.pos, o, "visible"); var st = this.dom.style; st.visibility = "visible"; st.position = "absolute"; wrap.setSize(b); var after = function(){ if(o.useDisplay){ el.setDisplayed(false); }else{ el.hide(); } el.fxUnwrap(wrap, r.pos, o); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; el.afterFx(o); }; var a, zero = {to: 0}; switch(anchor.toLowerCase()){ case "t": st.left = st.bottom = "0"; a = {height: zero}; break; case "l": st.right = st.top = "0"; a = {width: zero}; break; case "r": st.left = st.top = "0"; a = {width: zero, points: {to:[b.right, b.y]}}; break; case "b": st.left = st.top = "0"; a = {height: zero, points: {to:[b.x, b.bottom]}}; break; case "tl": st.right = st.bottom = "0"; a = {width: zero, height: zero}; break; case "bl": st.right = st.top = "0"; a = {width: zero, height: zero, points: {to:[b.x, b.bottom]}}; break; case "br": st.left = st.top = "0"; a = {width: zero, height: zero, points: {to:[b.x+b.width, b.bottom]}}; break; case "tr": st.left = st.bottom = "0"; a = {width: zero, height: zero, points: {to:[b.right, b.y]}}; break; } arguments.callee.anim = wrap.fxanim(a, o, 'motion', .5, "easeOut", after); }); return this; }, puff : function(o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ this.clearOpacity(); this.show(); // restore values after effect var r = this.getFxRestore(); var st = this.dom.style; var after = function(){ if(o.useDisplay){ el.setDisplayed(false); }else{ el.hide(); } el.clearOpacity(); el.setPositioning(r.pos); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; st.fontSize = ''; el.afterFx(o); }; var width = this.getWidth(); var height = this.getHeight(); arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim({ width : {to: this.adjustWidth(width * 2)}, height : {to: this.adjustHeight(height * 2)}, points : {by: [-(width * .5), -(height * .5)]}, opacity : {to: 0}, fontSize: {to:200, unit: "%"} }, o, 'motion', .5, "easeOut", after); }); return this; }, switchOff : function(o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ this.clearOpacity(); this.clip(); // restore values after effect var r = this.getFxRestore(); var st = this.dom.style; var after = function(){ if(o.useDisplay){ el.setDisplayed(false); }else{ el.hide(); } el.clearOpacity(); el.setPositioning(r.pos); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; el.afterFx(o); }; this.fxanim({opacity:{to:0.3}}, null, null, .1, null, function(){ this.clearOpacity(); (function(){ this.fxanim({ height:{to:1}, points:{by:[0, this.getHeight() * .5]} }, o, 'motion', 0.3, 'easeIn', after); }).defer(100, this); }); }); return this; }, highlight : function(color, o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ color = color || "ffff9c"; var attr = o.attr || "backgroundColor"; this.clearOpacity(); this.show(); var origColor = this.getColor(attr); var restoreColor = this.dom.style[attr]; var endColor = (o.endColor || origColor) || "ffffff"; var after = function(){ el.dom.style[attr] = restoreColor; el.afterFx(o); }; var a = {}; a[attr] = {from: color, to: endColor}; arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim(a, o, 'color', 1, 'easeIn', after); }); return this; }, frame : function(color, count, o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ color = color || "#C3DAF9"; if(color.length == 6){ color = "#" + color; } count = count || 1; var duration = o.duration || 1; this.show(); var b = this.getBox(); var animFn = function(){ var proxy = Ext.getBody().createChild({ style:{ visbility:"hidden", position:"absolute", "z-index":"35000", // yee haw border:"0px solid " + color } }); var scale = Ext.isBorderBox ? 2 : 1; proxy.animate({ top:{from:b.y, to:b.y - 20}, left:{from:b.x, to:b.x - 20}, borderWidth:{from:0, to:10}, opacity:{from:1, to:0}, height:{from:b.height, to:(b.height + (20*scale))}, width:{from:b.width, to:(b.width + (20*scale))} }, duration, function(){ proxy.remove(); if(--count > 0){ animFn(); }else{ el.afterFx(o); } }); }; animFn.call(this); }); return this; }, pause : function(seconds){ var el = this.getFxEl(); var o = {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ setTimeout(function(){ el.afterFx(o); }, seconds * 1000); }); return this; }, fadeIn : function(o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ this.setOpacity(0); this.fixDisplay(); this.dom.style.visibility = 'visible'; var to = o.endOpacity || 1; arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim({opacity:{to:to}}, o, null, .5, "easeOut", function(){ if(to == 1){ this.clearOpacity(); } el.afterFx(o); }); }); return this; }, fadeOut : function(o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ var to = o.endOpacity || 0; arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim({opacity:{to:to}}, o, null, .5, "easeOut", function(){ if(to === 0){ if(this.visibilityMode == Ext.Element.DISPLAY || o.useDisplay){ this.dom.style.display = "none"; }else{ this.dom.style.visibility = "hidden"; } this.clearOpacity(); } el.afterFx(o); }); }); return this; }, scale : function(w, h, o){ this.shift(Ext.apply({}, o, { width: w, height: h })); return this; }, shift : function(o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ var a = {}, w = o.width, h = o.height, x = o.x, y = o.y, op = o.opacity; if(w !== undefined){ a.width = {to: this.adjustWidth(w)}; } if(h !== undefined){ a.height = {to: this.adjustHeight(h)}; } if(o.left !== undefined){ a.left = {to: o.left}; } if(o.top !== undefined){ a.top = {to: o.top}; } if(o.right !== undefined){ a.right = {to: o.right}; } if(o.bottom !== undefined){ a.bottom = {to: o.bottom}; } if(x !== undefined || y !== undefined){ a.points = {to: [ x !== undefined ? x : this.getX(), y !== undefined ? y : this.getY() ]}; } if(op !== undefined){ a.opacity = {to: op}; } if(o.xy !== undefined){ a.points = {to: o.xy}; } arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim(a, o, 'motion', .35, "easeOut", function(){ el.afterFx(o); }); }); return this; }, ghost : function(anchor, o){ var el = this.getFxEl(); o = o || {}; el.queueFx(o, function(){ anchor = anchor || "b"; // restore values after effect var r = this.getFxRestore(); var w = this.getWidth(), h = this.getHeight(); var st = this.dom.style; var after = function(){ if(o.useDisplay){ el.setDisplayed(false); }else{ el.hide(); } el.clearOpacity(); el.setPositioning(r.pos); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; el.afterFx(o); }; var a = {opacity: {to: 0}, points: {}}, pt = a.points; switch(anchor.toLowerCase()){ case "t": pt.by = [0, -h]; break; case "l": pt.by = [-w, 0]; break; case "r": pt.by = [w, 0]; break; case "b": pt.by = [0, h]; break; case "tl": pt.by = [-w, -h]; break; case "bl": pt.by = [-w, h]; break; case "br": pt.by = [w, h]; break; case "tr": pt.by = [w, -h]; break; } arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim(a, o, 'motion', .5, "easeOut", after); }); return this; }, syncFx : function(){ this.fxDefaults = Ext.apply(this.fxDefaults || {}, { block : false, concurrent : true, stopFx : false }); return this; }, sequenceFx : function(){ this.fxDefaults = Ext.apply(this.fxDefaults || {}, { block : false, concurrent : false, stopFx : false }); return this; }, nextFx : function(){ var ef = this.fxQueue[0]; if(ef){ ef.call(this); } }, hasActiveFx : function(){ return this.fxQueue && this.fxQueue[0]; }, stopFx : function(){ if(this.hasActiveFx()){ var cur = this.fxQueue[0]; if(cur && cur.anim && cur.anim.isAnimated()){ this.fxQueue = [cur]; // clear out others cur.anim.stop(true); } } return this; }, beforeFx : function(o){ if(this.hasActiveFx() && !o.concurrent){ if(o.stopFx){ this.stopFx(); return true; } return false; } return true; }, hasFxBlock : function(){ var q = this.fxQueue; return q && q[0] && q[0].block; }, queueFx : function(o, fn){ if(!this.fxQueue){ this.fxQueue = []; } if(!this.hasFxBlock()){ Ext.applyIf(o, this.fxDefaults); if(!o.concurrent){ var run = this.beforeFx(o); fn.block = o.block; this.fxQueue.push(fn); if(run){ this.nextFx(); } }else{ fn.call(this); } } return this; }, fxWrap : function(pos, o, vis){ var wrap; if(!o.wrap || !(wrap = Ext.get(o.wrap))){ var wrapXY; if(o.fixPosition){ wrapXY = this.getXY(); } var div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.visibility = vis; wrap = Ext.get(this.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(div, this.dom)); wrap.setPositioning(pos); if(wrap.getStyle("position") == "static"){ wrap.position("relative"); } this.clearPositioning('auto'); wrap.clip(); wrap.dom.appendChild(this.dom); if(wrapXY){ wrap.setXY(wrapXY); } } return wrap; }, fxUnwrap : function(wrap, pos, o){ this.clearPositioning(); this.setPositioning(pos); if(!o.wrap){ wrap.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, wrap.dom); wrap.remove(); } }, getFxRestore : function(){ var st = this.dom.style; return {pos: this.getPositioning(), width: st.width, height : st.height}; }, afterFx : function(o){ if(o.afterStyle){ this.applyStyles(o.afterStyle); } if(o.afterCls){ this.addClass(o.afterCls); } if(o.remove === true){ this.remove(); } Ext.callback(o.callback, o.scope, [this]); if(!o.concurrent){ this.fxQueue.shift(); this.nextFx(); } }, getFxEl : function(){ // support for composite element fx return Ext.get(this.dom); }, fxanim : function(args, opt, animType, defaultDur, defaultEase, cb){ animType = animType || 'run'; opt = opt || {}; var anim = Ext.lib.Anim[animType]( this.dom, args, (opt.duration || defaultDur) || .35, (opt.easing || defaultEase) || 'easeOut', function(){ Ext.callback(cb, this); }, this ); opt.anim = anim; return anim; } }; // backwords compat Ext.Fx.resize = Ext.Fx.scale; //When included, Ext.Fx is automatically applied to Element so that all basic //effects are available directly via the Element API Ext.apply(Ext.Element.prototype, Ext.Fx); Ext.CompositeElement = function(els){ this.elements = []; this.addElements(els); }; Ext.CompositeElement.prototype = { isComposite: true, addElements : function(els){ if(!els) return this; if(typeof els == "string"){ els = Ext.Element.selectorFunction(els); } var yels = this.elements; var index = yels.length-1; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { yels[++index] = Ext.get(els[i]); } return this; }, fill : function(els){ this.elements = []; this.add(els); return this; }, filter : function(selector){ var els = []; this.each(function(el){ if(el.is(selector)){ els[els.length] = el.dom; } }); this.fill(els); return this; }, invoke : function(fn, args){ var els = this.elements; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { Ext.Element.prototype[fn].apply(els[i], args); } return this; }, add : function(els){ if(typeof els == "string"){ this.addElements(Ext.Element.selectorFunction(els)); }else if(els.length !== undefined){ this.addElements(els); }else{ this.addElements([els]); } return this; }, each : function(fn, scope){ var els = this.elements; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++){ if(fn.call(scope || els[i], els[i], this, i) === false) { break; } } return this; }, item : function(index){ return this.elements[index] || null; }, first : function(){ return this.item(0); }, last : function(){ return this.item(this.elements.length-1); }, getCount : function(){ return this.elements.length; }, contains : function(el){ return this.indexOf(el) !== -1; }, indexOf : function(el){ return this.elements.indexOf(Ext.get(el)); }, removeElement : function(el, removeDom){ if(Ext.isArray(el)){ for(var i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; i++){ this.removeElement(el[i]); } return this; } var index = typeof el == 'number' ? el : this.indexOf(el); if(index !== -1 && this.elements[index]){ if(removeDom){ var d = this.elements[index]; if(d.dom){ d.remove(); }else{ Ext.removeNode(d); } } this.elements.splice(index, 1); } return this; }, replaceElement : function(el, replacement, domReplace){ var index = typeof el == 'number' ? el : this.indexOf(el); if(index !== -1){ if(domReplace){ this.elements[index].replaceWith(replacement); }else{ this.elements.splice(index, 1, Ext.get(replacement)) } } return this; }, clear : function(){ this.elements = []; } }; (function(){ Ext.CompositeElement.createCall = function(proto, fnName){ if(!proto[fnName]){ proto[fnName] = function(){ return this.invoke(fnName, arguments); }; } }; for(var fnName in Ext.Element.prototype){ if(typeof Ext.Element.prototype[fnName] == "function"){ Ext.CompositeElement.createCall(Ext.CompositeElement.prototype, fnName); } }; })(); Ext.CompositeElementLite = function(els){ Ext.CompositeElementLite.superclass.constructor.call(this, els); this.el = new Ext.Element.Flyweight(); }; Ext.extend(Ext.CompositeElementLite, Ext.CompositeElement, { addElements : function(els){ if(els){ if(Ext.isArray(els)){ this.elements = this.elements.concat(els); }else{ var yels = this.elements; var index = yels.length-1; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { yels[++index] = els[i]; } } } return this; }, invoke : function(fn, args){ var els = this.elements; var el = this.el; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { el.dom = els[i]; Ext.Element.prototype[fn].apply(el, args); } return this; }, item : function(index){ if(!this.elements[index]){ return null; } this.el.dom = this.elements[index]; return this.el; }, // fixes scope with flyweight addListener : function(eventName, handler, scope, opt){ var els = this.elements; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { Ext.EventManager.on(els[i], eventName, handler, scope || els[i], opt); } return this; }, each : function(fn, scope){ var els = this.elements; var el = this.el; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++){ el.dom = els[i]; if(fn.call(scope || el, el, this, i) === false){ break; } } return this; }, indexOf : function(el){ return this.elements.indexOf(Ext.getDom(el)); }, replaceElement : function(el, replacement, domReplace){ var index = typeof el == 'number' ? el : this.indexOf(el); if(index !== -1){ replacement = Ext.getDom(replacement); if(domReplace){ var d = this.elements[index]; d.parentNode.insertBefore(replacement, d); Ext.removeNode(d); } this.elements.splice(index, 1, replacement); } return this; } }); Ext.CompositeElementLite.prototype.on = Ext.CompositeElementLite.prototype.addListener; if(Ext.DomQuery){ Ext.Element.selectorFunction = Ext.DomQuery.select; } Ext.Element.select = function(selector, unique, root){ var els; if(typeof selector == "string"){ els = Ext.Element.selectorFunction(selector, root); }else if(selector.length !== undefined){ els = selector; }else{ throw "Invalid selector"; } if(unique === true){ return new Ext.CompositeElement(els); }else{ return new Ext.CompositeElementLite(els); } }; Ext.select = Ext.Element.select; Ext.data.Connection = function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config); this.addEvents( "beforerequest", "requestcomplete", "requestexception" ); Ext.data.Connection.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.Connection, Ext.util.Observable, { timeout : 30000, autoAbort:false, disableCaching: true, disableCachingParam: '_dc', request : function(o){ if(this.fireEvent("beforerequest", this, o) !== false){ var p = o.params; if(typeof p == "function"){ p = p.call(o.scope||window, o); } if(typeof p == "object"){ p = Ext.urlEncode(p); } if(this.extraParams){ var extras = Ext.urlEncode(this.extraParams); p = p ? (p + '&' + extras) : extras; } var url = o.url || this.url; if(typeof url == 'function'){ url = url.call(o.scope||window, o); } if(o.form){ var form = Ext.getDom(o.form); url = url || form.action; var enctype = form.getAttribute("enctype"); if(o.isUpload || (enctype && enctype.toLowerCase() == 'multipart/form-data')){ return this.doFormUpload(o, p, url); } var f = Ext.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(form); p = p ? (p + '&' + f) : f; } var hs = o.headers; if(this.defaultHeaders){ hs = Ext.apply(hs || {}, this.defaultHeaders); if(!o.headers){ o.headers = hs; } } var cb = { success: this.handleResponse, failure: this.handleFailure, scope: this, argument: {options: o}, timeout : o.timeout || this.timeout }; var method = o.method||this.method||((p || o.xmlData || o.jsonData) ? "POST" : "GET"); if(method == 'GET' && (this.disableCaching && o.disableCaching !== false) || o.disableCaching === true){ var dcp = o.disableCachingParam || this.disableCachingParam; url += (url.indexOf('?') != -1 ? '&' : '?') + dcp + '=' + (new Date().getTime()); } if(typeof o.autoAbort == 'boolean'){ // options gets top priority if(o.autoAbort){ this.abort(); } }else if(this.autoAbort !== false){ this.abort(); } if((method == 'GET' || o.xmlData || o.jsonData) && p){ url += (url.indexOf('?') != -1 ? '&' : '?') + p; p = ''; } this.transId = Ext.lib.Ajax.request(method, url, cb, p, o); return this.transId; }else{ Ext.callback(o.callback, o.scope, [o, null, null]); return null; } }, isLoading : function(transId){ if(transId){ return Ext.lib.Ajax.isCallInProgress(transId); }else{ return this.transId ? true : false; } }, abort : function(transId){ if(transId || this.isLoading()){ Ext.lib.Ajax.abort(transId || this.transId); } }, // private handleResponse : function(response){ this.transId = false; var options = response.argument.options; response.argument = options ? options.argument : null; this.fireEvent("requestcomplete", this, response, options); Ext.callback(options.success, options.scope, [response, options]); Ext.callback(options.callback, options.scope, [options, true, response]); }, // private handleFailure : function(response, e){ this.transId = false; var options = response.argument.options; response.argument = options ? options.argument : null; this.fireEvent("requestexception", this, response, options, e); Ext.callback(options.failure, options.scope, [response, options]); Ext.callback(options.callback, options.scope, [options, false, response]); }, // private doFormUpload : function(o, ps, url){ var id = Ext.id(); var frame = document.createElement('iframe'); frame.id = id; frame.name = id; frame.className = 'x-hidden'; if(Ext.isIE){ frame.src = Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL; } document.body.appendChild(frame); if(Ext.isIE){ document.frames[id].name = id; } var form = Ext.getDom(o.form); form.target = id; form.method = 'POST'; form.enctype = form.encoding = 'multipart/form-data'; if(url){ form.action = url; } var hiddens, hd; if(ps){ // add dynamic params hiddens = []; ps = Ext.urlDecode(ps, false); for(var k in ps){ if(ps.hasOwnProperty(k)){ hd = document.createElement('input'); hd.type = 'hidden'; hd.name = k; hd.value = ps[k]; form.appendChild(hd); hiddens.push(hd); } } } function cb(){ var r = { // bogus response object responseText : '', responseXML : null }; r.argument = o ? o.argument : null; try { // var doc; if(Ext.isIE){ doc = frame.contentWindow.document; }else { doc = (frame.contentDocument || window.frames[id].document); } if(doc && doc.body){ r.responseText = doc.body.innerHTML; } if(doc && doc.XMLDocument){ r.responseXML = doc.XMLDocument; }else { r.responseXML = doc; } } catch(e) { // ignore } Ext.EventManager.removeListener(frame, 'load', cb, this); this.fireEvent("requestcomplete", this, r, o); Ext.callback(o.success, o.scope, [r, o]); Ext.callback(o.callback, o.scope, [o, true, r]); setTimeout(function(){Ext.removeNode(frame);}, 100); } Ext.EventManager.on(frame, 'load', cb, this); form.submit(); if(hiddens){ // remove dynamic params for(var i = 0, len = hiddens.length; i < len; i++){ Ext.removeNode(hiddens[i]); } } } }); Ext.Ajax = new Ext.data.Connection({ autoAbort : false, serializeForm : function(form){ return Ext.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(form); } }); Ext.Updater = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { constructor: function(el, forceNew){ el = Ext.get(el); if(!forceNew && el.updateManager){ return el.updateManager; } this.el = el; this.defaultUrl = null; this.addEvents( "beforeupdate", "update", "failure" ); var d = Ext.Updater.defaults; this.sslBlankUrl = d.sslBlankUrl; this.disableCaching = d.disableCaching; this.indicatorText = d.indicatorText; this.showLoadIndicator = d.showLoadIndicator; this.timeout = d.timeout; this.loadScripts = d.loadScripts; this.transaction = null; this.refreshDelegate = this.refresh.createDelegate(this); this.updateDelegate = this.update.createDelegate(this); this.formUpdateDelegate = this.formUpdate.createDelegate(this); if(!this.renderer){ this.renderer = this.getDefaultRenderer(); } Ext.Updater.superclass.constructor.call(this); }, getDefaultRenderer: function() { return new Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer(); }, getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, update : function(url, params, callback, discardUrl){ if(this.fireEvent("beforeupdate", this.el, url, params) !== false){ var cfg, callerScope; if(typeof url == "object"){ // must be config object cfg = url; url = cfg.url; params = params || cfg.params; callback = callback || cfg.callback; discardUrl = discardUrl || cfg.discardUrl; callerScope = cfg.scope; if(typeof cfg.nocache != "undefined"){this.disableCaching = cfg.nocache;}; if(typeof cfg.text != "undefined"){this.indicatorText = '
";}; if(typeof cfg.scripts != "undefined"){this.loadScripts = cfg.scripts;}; if(typeof cfg.timeout != "undefined"){this.timeout = cfg.timeout;}; } this.showLoading(); if(!discardUrl){ this.defaultUrl = url; } if(typeof url == "function"){ url = url.call(this); } var o = Ext.apply({}, { url : url, params: (typeof params == "function" && callerScope) ? params.createDelegate(callerScope) : params, success: this.processSuccess, failure: this.processFailure, scope: this, callback: undefined, timeout: (this.timeout*1000), disableCaching: this.disableCaching, argument: { "options": cfg, "url": url, "form": null, "callback": callback, "scope": callerScope || window, "params": params } }, cfg); this.transaction = Ext.Ajax.request(o); } }, formUpdate : function(form, url, reset, callback){ if(this.fireEvent("beforeupdate", this.el, form, url) !== false){ if(typeof url == "function"){ url = url.call(this); } form = Ext.getDom(form) this.transaction = Ext.Ajax.request({ form: form, url:url, success: this.processSuccess, failure: this.processFailure, scope: this, timeout: (this.timeout*1000), argument: { "url": url, "form": form, "callback": callback, "reset": reset } }); this.showLoading.defer(1, this); } }, refresh : function(callback){ if(this.defaultUrl == null){ return; } this.update(this.defaultUrl, null, callback, true); }, startAutoRefresh : function(interval, url, params, callback, refreshNow){ if(refreshNow){ this.update(url || this.defaultUrl, params, callback, true); } if(this.autoRefreshProcId){ clearInterval(this.autoRefreshProcId); } this.autoRefreshProcId = setInterval(this.update.createDelegate(this, [url || this.defaultUrl, params, callback, true]), interval*1000); }, stopAutoRefresh : function(){ if(this.autoRefreshProcId){ clearInterval(this.autoRefreshProcId); delete this.autoRefreshProcId; } }, isAutoRefreshing : function(){ return this.autoRefreshProcId ? true : false; }, showLoading : function(){ if(this.showLoadIndicator){ this.el.update(this.indicatorText); } }, // private processSuccess : function(response){ this.transaction = null; if(response.argument.form && response.argument.reset){ try{ // put in try/catch since some older FF releases had problems with this response.argument.form.reset(); }catch(e){} } if(this.loadScripts){ this.renderer.render(this.el, response, this, this.updateComplete.createDelegate(this, [response])); }else{ this.renderer.render(this.el, response, this); this.updateComplete(response); } }, // private updateComplete : function(response){ this.fireEvent("update", this.el, response); if(typeof response.argument.callback == "function"){ response.argument.callback.call(response.argument.scope, this.el, true, response, response.argument.options); } }, // private processFailure : function(response){ this.transaction = null; this.fireEvent("failure", this.el, response); if(typeof response.argument.callback == "function"){ response.argument.callback.call(response.argument.scope, this.el, false, response, response.argument.options); } }, setRenderer : function(renderer){ this.renderer = renderer; }, getRenderer : function(){ return this.renderer; }, setDefaultUrl : function(defaultUrl){ this.defaultUrl = defaultUrl; }, abort : function(){ if(this.transaction){ Ext.Ajax.abort(this.transaction); } }, isUpdating : function(){ if(this.transaction){ return Ext.Ajax.isLoading(this.transaction); } return false; } }); Ext.Updater.defaults = { timeout : 30, loadScripts : false, sslBlankUrl : (Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL || "javascript:false"), disableCaching : false, showLoadIndicator : true, indicatorText : '
' }; Ext.Updater.updateElement = function(el, url, params, options){ var um = Ext.get(el).getUpdater(); Ext.apply(um, options); um.update(url, params, options ? options.callback : null); }; Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer = function(){}; Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer.prototype = { render : function(el, response, updateManager, callback){ el.update(response.responseText, updateManager.loadScripts, callback); } }; Ext.UpdateManager = Ext.Updater; Ext.util.DelayedTask = function(fn, scope, args){ var id = null, d, t; var call = function(){ var now = new Date().getTime(); if(now - t >= d){ clearInterval(id); id = null; fn.apply(scope, args || []); } }; this.delay = function(delay, newFn, newScope, newArgs){ if(id && delay != d){ this.cancel(); } d = delay; t = new Date().getTime(); fn = newFn || fn; scope = newScope || scope; args = newArgs || args; if(!id){ id = setInterval(call, d); } }; this.cancel = function(){ if(id){ clearInterval(id); id = null; } }; };