/*! * Ext JS Library 3.2.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc. * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.state.Provider * Abstract base class for state provider implementations. This class provides methods * for encoding and decoding <b>typed</b> variables including dates and defines the * Provider interface. */ Ext.state.Provider = function(){ /** * @event statechange * Fires when a state change occurs. * @param {Provider} this This state provider * @param {String} key The state key which was changed * @param {String} value The encoded value for the state */ this.addEvents("statechange"); this.state = {}; Ext.state.Provider.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; Ext.extend(Ext.state.Provider, Ext.util.Observable, { /** * Returns the current value for a key * @param {String} name The key name * @param {Mixed} defaultValue A default value to return if the key's value is not found * @return {Mixed} The state data */ get : function(name, defaultValue){ return typeof this.state[name] == "undefined" ? defaultValue : this.state[name]; }, /** * Clears a value from the state * @param {String} name The key name */ clear : function(name){ delete this.state[name]; this.fireEvent("statechange", this, name, null); }, /** * Sets the value for a key * @param {String} name The key name * @param {Mixed} value The value to set */ set : function(name, value){ this.state[name] = value; this.fireEvent("statechange", this, name, value); }, /** * Decodes a string previously encoded with {@link #encodeValue}. * @param {String} value The value to decode * @return {Mixed} The decoded value */ decodeValue : function(cookie){ var re = /^(a|n|d|b|s|o)\:(.*)$/; var matches = re.exec(unescape(cookie)); if(!matches || !matches[1]) return; // non state cookie var type = matches[1]; var v = matches[2]; switch(type){ case "n": return parseFloat(v); case "d": return new Date(Date.parse(v)); case "b": return (v == "1"); case "a": var all = []; if(v != ''){ Ext.each(v.split('^'), function(val){ all.push(this.decodeValue(val)); }, this); } return all; case "o": var all = {}; if(v != ''){ Ext.each(v.split('^'), function(val){ var kv = val.split('='); all[kv[0]] = this.decodeValue(kv[1]); }, this); } return all; default: return v; } }, /** * Encodes a value including type information. Decode with {@link #decodeValue}. * @param {Mixed} value The value to encode * @return {String} The encoded value */ encodeValue : function(v){ var enc; if(typeof v == "number"){ enc = "n:" + v; }else if(typeof v == "boolean"){ enc = "b:" + (v ? "1" : "0"); }else if(Ext.isDate(v)){ enc = "d:" + v.toGMTString(); }else if(Ext.isArray(v)){ var flat = ""; for(var i = 0, len = v.length; i < len; i++){ flat += this.encodeValue(v[i]); if(i != len-1) flat += "^"; } enc = "a:" + flat; }else if(typeof v == "object"){ var flat = ""; for(var key in v){ if(typeof v[key] != "function" && v[key] !== undefined){ flat += key + "=" + this.encodeValue(v[key]) + "^"; } } enc = "o:" + flat.substring(0, flat.length-1); }else{ enc = "s:" + v; } return escape(enc); } }); /** * @class Ext.state.Manager * This is the global state manager. By default all components that are "state aware" check this class * for state information if you don't pass them a custom state provider. In order for this class * to be useful, it must be initialized with a provider when your application initializes. Example usage: <pre><code> // in your initialization function init : function(){ Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider()); var win = new Window(...); win.restoreState(); } </code></pre> * @singleton */ Ext.state.Manager = function(){ var provider = new Ext.state.Provider(); return { /** * Configures the default state provider for your application * @param {Provider} stateProvider The state provider to set */ setProvider : function(stateProvider){ provider = stateProvider; }, /** * Returns the current value for a key * @param {String} name The key name * @param {Mixed} defaultValue The default value to return if the key lookup does not match * @return {Mixed} The state data */ get : function(key, defaultValue){ return provider.get(key, defaultValue); }, /** * Sets the value for a key * @param {String} name The key name * @param {Mixed} value The state data */ set : function(key, value){ provider.set(key, value); }, /** * Clears a value from the state * @param {String} name The key name */ clear : function(key){ provider.clear(key); }, /** * Gets the currently configured state provider * @return {Provider} The state provider */ getProvider : function(){ return provider; } }; }(); /** * @class Ext.state.CookieProvider * @extends Ext.state.Provider * The default Provider implementation which saves state via cookies. * <br />Usage: <pre><code> var cp = new Ext.state.CookieProvider({ path: "/cgi-bin/", expires: new Date(new Date().getTime()+(1000*60*60*24*30)), //30 days domain: "extjs.com" }); Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(cp); </code></pre> * @cfg {String} path The path for which the cookie is active (defaults to root '/' which makes it active for all pages in the site) * @cfg {Date} expires The cookie expiration date (defaults to 7 days from now) * @cfg {String} domain The domain to save the cookie for. Note that you cannot specify a different domain than * your page is on, but you can specify a sub-domain, or simply the domain itself like 'extjs.com' to include * all sub-domains if you need to access cookies across different sub-domains (defaults to null which uses the same * domain the page is running on including the 'www' like 'www.extjs.com') * @cfg {Boolean} secure True if the site is using SSL (defaults to false) * @constructor * Create a new CookieProvider * @param {Object} config The configuration object */ Ext.state.CookieProvider = function(config){ Ext.state.CookieProvider.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.path = "/"; this.expires = new Date(new Date().getTime()+(1000*60*60*24*7)); //7 days this.domain = null; this.secure = false; Ext.apply(this, config); this.state = this.readCookies(); }; Ext.extend(Ext.state.CookieProvider, Ext.state.Provider, { // private set : function(name, value){ if(typeof value == "undefined" || value === null){ this.clear(name); return; } this.setCookie(name, value); Ext.state.CookieProvider.superclass.set.call(this, name, value); }, // private clear : function(name){ this.clearCookie(name); Ext.state.CookieProvider.superclass.clear.call(this, name); }, // private readCookies : function(){ var cookies = {}; var c = document.cookie + ";"; var re = /\s?(.*?)=(.*?);/g; var matches; while((matches = re.exec(c)) != null){ var name = matches[1]; var value = matches[2]; if(name && name.substring(0,3) == "ys-"){ cookies[name.substr(3)] = this.decodeValue(value); } } return cookies; }, // private setCookie : function(name, value){ document.cookie = "ys-"+ name + "=" + this.encodeValue(value) + ((this.expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + this.expires.toGMTString())) + ((this.path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + this.path)) + ((this.domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + this.domain)) + ((this.secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); }, // private clearCookie : function(name){ document.cookie = "ys-" + name + "=null; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" + ((this.path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + this.path)) + ((this.domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + this.domain)) + ((this.secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } });