@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ from PIL import Image
from struct import pack , unpack
from zlib import compress , decompress
from django.conf import settings
from mctl import MumbleCtlBase
from utils import ObjectInfo
@ -44,13 +42,14 @@ def protectDjangoErrPage( func ):
return func ( * args , * * kwargs ) ;
except Ice . Exception , e :
raise e ;
protection_wrapper . innerfunc = func
return protection_wrapper ;
def MumbleCtlIce ( connstring ) :
def MumbleCtlIce ( connstring , slicefile ) :
""" Choose the correct Ice handler to use (1.1.8 or 1.2.x), and make sure the
Murmur version matches the slice Version .
@ -59,19 +58,19 @@ def MumbleCtlIce( connstring ):
import Murmur
except ImportError :
if not settings . SLICE :
if not slicefile :
raise EnvironmentError ( " You didn ' t configure a slice file. Please set the SLICE variable in settings.py. " )
if not exists ( settings . SLICE ) :
raise EnvironmentError ( " The slice file does not exist: ' %s ' - please check the settings. " % settings . SLICE )
if not exists ( slicefile ) :
raise EnvironmentError ( " The slice file does not exist: ' %s ' - please check the settings. " % slicefile )
if " " in settings . SLICE :
if " " in slicefile :
raise EnvironmentError ( " You have a space char in your Slice path. This will confuse Ice, please check. " )
if not settings . SLICE . endswith ( " .ice " ) :
if not slicefile . endswith ( " .ice " ) :
raise EnvironmentError ( " The slice file name MUST end with ' .ice ' . " )
Ice . loadSlice ( settings . SLICE )
Ice . loadSlice ( slicefile )
import Murmur