You need to be logged in to be able to register an account on this Mumble server.
- {% endblocktrans %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if Registered %}
{% trans "User Texture" %}
- {% if DBaseObject|mmversion_eq:"1.2.2" %}
- {% blocktrans %}
- Sorry, due to a bug in Murmur 1.2.2, displaying and setting the Texture is disabled.
- {% endblocktrans %}
- {% else %}
- {% blocktrans with as serverid %}
- You can upload an image that you would like to use as your user texture here.
- {% endblocktrans %}
- {% if MumbleAccount.hasTexture %}
- {% trans "Your current texture is" %}:
- {% else %}
- {% trans "You don't currently have a texture set" %}.
- {% endif %}
- {% if DBaseObject|mmversion_lt:"1.2.3" %}
- {% blocktrans with as serverid %}
- Hint: The texture image needs to be 600x60 in size. If you upload an image with
- a different size, it will be resized accordingly.
- {% endblocktrans %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if CurrentUserIsAdmin %}
{% trans "Server administration" %}
- {% endif %}
- {% for item in ChannelTable %}
- {% if item.is_player %}
{% trans "Player" %} {{ }}
{% trans "Online since" %}: {{ item.onlinesince|time }}
{% trans "Authenticated" %}: {{ item.isAuthed|yesno }}
{% trans "Admin" %}: {{ item.isAdmin|yesno }}
{% trans "Muted" %}: {{ item.mute|yesno }}
{% trans "Deafened" %}: {{ item.deaf|yesno }}
{% trans "Muted by self" %}: {{ item.selfMute|yesno }}
{% trans "Deafened by self" %}: {{ item.selfDeaf|yesno }}
- {% if CurrentUserIsAdmin or user.is_staff %}
{% trans "IP Address" %}: {{ item.fqdn }}
- {% endif %}
- {% if item.mumbleuser and item.mumbleuser.owner %}
{% trans "User" %} {{ item.mumbleuser.owner.username|capfirst }}
- {% if item.mumbleuser.owner.first_name and item.mumbleuser.owner.last_name %}