1 changed files with 247 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
* Copyright (C) 2009, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <diese-addy@funzt-halt.net> |
* |
* Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
""" |
# Set this to the same path you used in settings.py, or None for auto-detection. |
import os, sys |
from os.path import join, dirname, abspath, exists |
# Path auto-detection |
if not MUMBLE_DJANGO_ROOT or not exists( MUMBLE_DJANGO_ROOT ): |
MUMBLE_DJANGO_ROOT = dirname(abspath(__file__)); |
# environment variables |
sys.path.append( MUMBLE_DJANGO_ROOT ) |
sys.path.append( join( MUMBLE_DJANGO_ROOT, 'pyweb' ) ) |
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'pyweb.settings' |
# If you get an error about Python not being able to write to the Python |
# egg cache, the egg cache path might be set awkwardly. This should not |
# happen under normal circumstances, but every now and then, it does. |
# Uncomment this line to point the egg cache to /tmp. |
#os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/tmp/pyeggs' |
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey |
from mumble.models import * |
def getNum( prompt, **kwargs ): |
id = None; |
while type(id) != int: |
print |
try: |
id = raw_input( "%s >>> " % prompt ).strip(); |
if id == 'q': |
return None; |
elif id in kwargs: |
return kwargs[id]; |
id = int( id ); |
except Exception, instance: |
print "Error reading input. Did you type a number?"; |
print instance; |
return id; |
def util_editModel( model, blacklist = None ): |
while True: |
print "Current settings" |
print "================" |
for field in model._meta.fields: |
if blacklist and field.name in blacklist: |
continue; |
print "#%-5d %-30s %s" % ( model._meta.fields.index( field ), field.verbose_name, getattr( model, field.name ) ); |
print "================" |
print "Enter the index of the parameter you would like to change," |
print "or q to return." |
idx = getNum( "Index" ); |
if idx is None: |
save = raw_input( "save? Y/n >>> " ); |
if not save or save.lower() == 'y': |
print "saving changes."; |
model.save(); |
else: |
print "NOT saving changes." |
return; |
field = model._meta.fields[idx]; |
if blacklist and field.name in blacklist: |
print "This field can not be changed."; |
elif isinstance( field, ForeignKey ): |
print "This is a ForeignKey."; |
print field.rel.to.objects.all(); |
else: |
value = None; |
while value is None: |
print |
try: |
value = field.to_python( raw_input( "%s >>> " % field.name ).strip() ); |
except Exception, instance: |
print instance; |
setattr( model, field.name, value ); |
def act_serverDetails( server ): |
"View or edit server settings." |
util_editModel( server, ( "id", "sslcrt", "sslkey" ) ); |
def act_registeredUsers( server ): |
"View or edit user registrations." |
mumbleusers_list = server.mumbleuser_set.all(); |
print "Currently registered accounts"; |
print "============================="; |
for mu in mumbleusers_list: |
if mu.owner is not None: |
print "#%-5d %-20s Owner: %-20s Admin: %s" % ( mu.id, mu.name, mu.owner.username, mu.getAdmin() ); |
else: |
print "#%-5d %-20s" % ( mu.id, mu.name ); |
print "============================="; |
print "Enter the ID of the account you would like to change, n to create a new one, or q to return." |
while True: |
idx = getNum( "ID", n=-1 ); |
if idx is None: |
return; |
if idx == -1: |
mu = MumbleUser(); |
mu.server = server; |
else: |
mu = mumbleusers_list.get( id=idx ); |
util_editModel( mu, ( "id", "mumbleid", "server" ) ); |
def act_listChannels( server ): |
"Display a channel tree." |
def printItem( item, level ): |
print "%s%s" % ( " "*level, item ); |
server.rootchan.visit( printItem ); |
def act_chanDetails( server ): |
"Display detailed information about one specific channel." |
print "Please choose the channel by entering the according ID (the number in parentheses)." |
act_listChannels( server ); |
id = getNum( "ID" ); |
if id is None: return; |
print "Channel name: %s" % server.channels[id].name |
print "Channel ID: %d" % server.channels[id].chanid |
print "Users online: %d" % len( server.channels[id].players ) |
print "Linked chans: %d" % len( server.channels[id].linked ) |
def cli_chooseServer(): |
mumble_all = Mumble.objects.all().order_by( 'name', 'id' ); |
print "Please choose a Server instance by typing the corresponding ID.\n"; |
for mm in mumble_all: |
print "#%d\t%s" % ( mm.id, mm.name ); |
print "n: Create new instance"; |
print "q: Exit"; |
id = getNum( "ID", n = -1 ); |
if id is None: |
return; |
elif id == -1: |
return Mumble(); |
return Mumble.objects.get( id=id ); |
def cli_chooseAction( server ): |
actions = { |
"LISTCHAN": act_listChannels, |
"CHANINFO": act_chanDetails, |
"EDITSERVER": act_serverDetails, |
"EDITUSERS": act_registeredUsers, |
}; |
while True: |
print "What do you want to do?" |
keys = actions.keys(); |
for act in keys: |
print "#%-5d %-20s %s" % ( keys.index(act), act, actions[act].__doc__ ); |
print "q: Return to server selection"; |
idx = getNum( "Index" ); |
if idx is None: |
return; |
# call action function |
func = actions[ keys[idx] ] |
func( server ); |
print |
def main(): |
print |
while True: |
mumble = cli_chooseServer(); |
if mumble is None: |
print "Bye."; |
return; |
print "Selected %s." % mumble; |
print |
cli_chooseAction( mumble ); |
print |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
#parser = OptionParser(); |
#parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", help="verbose output messages", default=False, action="store_true" ); |
#parser.add_option( "-n", "--num", help="size of the Matrix", default=4, type = 'int' ); |
#parser.add_option( "-s", "--sure", help="don't prompt if num >= 10", default=False, action="store_true" ); |
#options, args = parser.parse_args(); |
main(); |
Reference in new issue