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added docstrings

Michael Ziegler 15 years ago
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@ -19,18 +19,27 @@ from django.forms import Form, ModelForm
from models import *
class MumbleForm( ModelForm ):
The Mumble Server admin form that allows to configure settings which do not necessarily
have to be reserved to the server hoster.
Server hosters are expected to use the Django admin application instead, where everything
can be configured freely.
class Meta:
model = Mumble;
exclude = ( 'dbus', 'booted', 'addr', 'port', 'users', 'bwidth', 'sslcrt', 'sslkey', );
class MumbleUserForm( ModelForm ):
"""The user registration form used to register an account."""
class Meta:
model = MumbleUser;
fields = ( 'name', 'password' );
class MumbleTextureForm( Form ):
"""The form used to upload a new image to be set as texture."""
texturefile = forms.ImageField();


@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ def cmp_names( a, b ):
class mmChannel( object ):
"""Represents a channel in Murmur."""
# channels = list();
# subchans = list();
# chanid = int();
@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ class mmChannel( object ):
def parentChannels( self ):
"""Return the names of this channel's parents in the channel tree."""
if self.parent is None or self.parent.is_server or self.parent.chanid == 0:
return [];
return self.parent.parentChannels() + [];
@ -81,14 +84,14 @@ class mmChannel( object ):
return '<Channel "%s" (%d)>' % (, self.chanid );
def sort( self ):
# Sort my subchannels and players, and then iterate over them and sort them recursively
"""Sort my subchannels and players, and then iterate over them and sort them recursively."""
self.subchans.sort( cmp_names );
self.players.sort( cmp_names );
for sc in self.subchans:
def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ):
# call callback on myself, then visit my subchans, then my players
"""Call callback on myself, then visit my subchans, then my players."""
callback( self, lvl );
for sc in self.subchans:
sc.visit( callback, lvl + 1 );
@ -97,7 +100,10 @@ class mmChannel( object ):
def getURL( self, forUser = None ):
# mumble://username@host:port/parentchans/
Create an URL to connect to this channel. The URL is of the form
userstr = "";
if forUser is not None:
@ -120,6 +126,8 @@ class mmChannel( object ):
class mmPlayer( object ):
"""Represents a Player in Murmur."""
# muted = bool;
# deafened = bool;
# suppressed = bool;
@ -175,6 +183,8 @@ class mmPlayer( object ):
class mmACL:
"""Represents an ACL for a certain channel."""
def __init__( self, channelId, aclObj ):
aclsrc, groupsrc, inherit = aclObj;
@ -197,6 +207,7 @@ class mmACL:
self.inherit = inherit;
def pack( self ):
"""Packs the information in this ACL up in a way that it can be passed to DBus."""
return (
[( acl['applyHere'], acl['applySubs'], acl['inherited'], acl['playerid'], acl['group'], acl['allow'], acl['deny'] ) for acl in self.acls ],


@ -29,6 +29,20 @@ from mctl import *
class Mumble( models.Model ):
"""Represents a Murmur server instance.
All configurable settings are represented by a field in this model. To change the
settings, just update the appropriate field and call the save() method.
To set up a new server instance, instanciate this Model. The first field you should
define is the "dbus" field, which tells the connector subsystem how to connect to
the Murmurd master process. Set this to the appropriate DBus service name or the
Ice proxy string.
When an instance of this model is deleted, the according server instance will be
deleted as well.
name = models.CharField( 'Server Name', max_length = 200 );
dbus = models.CharField( 'DBus or ICE base', max_length = 200, default = settings.DEFAULT_CONN );
srvid = models.IntegerField( 'Server ID', editable = False );
@ -68,6 +82,10 @@ class Mumble( models.Model ):
# Ctl instantiation
def getCtl( self ):
"""Instantiate and return a MumbleCtl object for this server.
Only one instance will be created, and reused on subsequent calls.
if not self._ctl:
self._ctl = MumbleCtlBase.newInstance( self.dbus );
return self._ctl;
@ -76,6 +94,10 @@ class Mumble( models.Model ):
def save( self, dontConfigureMurmur=False ):
Save the options configured in this model instance not only to Django's database,
but to Murmur as well.
if dontConfigureMurmur:
# skip murmur configuration, e.g. because we're inserting models for existing servers.
return self );
@ -134,6 +156,7 @@ class Mumble( models.Model ):
def isUserAdmin( self, user ):
"""Determine if the given user is an admin on this server."""
if user.is_authenticated():
return self.mumbleuser_set.get( owner=user ).getAdmin();
@ -144,6 +167,7 @@ class Mumble( models.Model ):
# Deletion handler
def deleteServer( self ):
"""Delete this server instance from Murmur."""
@ -153,6 +177,11 @@ class Mumble( models.Model ):
# Channel list
def getChannels( self ):
"""Query the channels from Murmur and create a tree structure.
Again, this will only be done for the first call to this function. Subsequent
calls will simply return the list created last time.
if self._channels is None:
self._channels = {};
chanlist = self.ctl.getChannels(self.srvid);
@ -204,11 +233,11 @@ class Mumble( models.Model ):
return self._channels;
channels = property( getChannels, None );
rootchan = property( lambda self: self.channels[0], None );
channels = property( getChannels, None ); """A convenience wrapper for getChannels()."""
rootchan = property( lambda self: self.channels[0], None ); """A convenience wrapper for getChannels()[0]."""
def getURL( self, forUser = None ):
# mumble://username@host:port/
"""Create an URL of the form mumble://username@host:port/ for this server."""
userstr = "";
if forUser is not None:
userstr = "%s@" %;
@ -218,13 +247,25 @@ class Mumble( models.Model ):
return "mumble://%s%s/" % ( userstr, self.addr );
connecturl = property( getURL, None );
connecturl = property( getURL, None ); """A convenience wrapper for getURL()."""
version = property( lambda self: self.ctl.getVersion(), None );
version = property( lambda self: self.ctl.getVersion(), None ); """Get the version of Murmur."""
class MumbleUser( models.Model ):
"""Represents a User account in Murmur.
To change an account, simply set the according field in this model and call the save()
method to update the account in Murmur and in Django's database. Note that, once saved
for the first time, the server field must not be changed. Attempting to do this will
result in an AttributeError. To move an account to a new server, recreate it on the
new server and delete the old model.
When you delete an instance of this model, the according user account will be deleted
in Murmur as well, after revoking the user's admin privileges.
mumbleid = models.IntegerField( 'Mumble player_id', editable = False, default = -1 );
name = models.CharField( 'User name and Login', max_length = 200 );
password = models.CharField( 'Login password', max_length = 200, blank=True );
@ -239,13 +280,11 @@ class MumbleUser( models.Model ):
is_channel = False;
is_player = True;
def __unicode__( self ):
return u"Mumble user %s on %s owned by Django user %s" % (, self.server, self.owner );
def save( self, dontConfigureMurmur=False ):
"""Save the settings in this model to Murmur."""
if dontConfigureMurmur:
# skip murmur configuration, e.g. because we're inserting models for existing players.
return self );
@ -289,7 +328,7 @@ class MumbleUser( models.Model ):
# Admin handlers
def getAdmin( self ):
# Get ACL of root Channel, get the admin group and see if I'm in it
"""Get ACL of root Channel, get the admin group and see if this user is in it."""
acl = mmACL( 0, self.server.ctl.getACL(self.server.srvid, 0) );
if not hasattr( acl, "admingroup" ):
@ -297,7 +336,7 @@ class MumbleUser( models.Model ):
return self.mumbleid in acl.admingroup['add'];
def setAdmin( self, value ):
# Get ACL of root Channel, get the admin group and see if I'm in it
"""Set or revoke this user's membership in the admin group on the root channel."""
ctl = self.server.ctl;
acl = mmACL( 0, ctl.getACL(self.server.srvid, 0) );
@ -317,12 +356,13 @@ class MumbleUser( models.Model ):
# Texture handlers
def getTexture( self ):
"""Get the user texture as a PIL Image."""
return self.server.ctl.getTexture(self.server.srvid, self.mumbleid);
def setTexture( self, infile ):
"""Read an image from the infile and install it as the user's texture."""
self.server.ctl.setTexture(self.server.srvid, self.mumbleid, infile)
# Deletion handler
@ -330,6 +370,7 @@ class MumbleUser( models.Model ):
def unregister( self ):
"""Delete this user account from Murmur."""
if self.getAdmin():
self.setAdmin( False );
self.server.ctl.unregisterPlayer(self.server.srvid, self.mumbleid)


@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from mmobjects import *
def mumbles( request ):
"Displays a list of all configured Mumble servers, or redirects if only one configured."
"""Display a list of all configured Mumble servers, or redirects if only one configured."""
mumbles = get_list_or_404( Mumble );
if len(mumbles) == 1:
@ -45,7 +45,12 @@ def mumbles( request ):
def show( request, server ):
"Displays the channel list for the given Server ID."
"""Display the channel list for the given Server ID.
This includes not only the channel list itself, but indeed the user registration,
server admin and user texture form as well. The template then uses JavaScript
to display these forms integrated into the Channel viewer.
srv = get_object_or_404( Mumble, id=server );
isAdmin = srv.isUserAdmin( request.user );
@ -137,6 +142,7 @@ def show( request, server ):
def showTexture( request, server ):
"""Pack the currently logged in user's texture (if any) into an HttpResponse."""
if request.user.is_authenticated():
srv = Mumble.objects.get( id=int(server) );
user = MumbleUser.objects.get( server=srv, owner=request.user );
