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automate starting of Murmur and process handling

Michael Ziegler 15 years ago
  1. 45
  2. 87
  3. 49
  4. 2


@ -15,11 +15,13 @@
import os, subprocess, signal
from select import select
from os.path import join, exists
from shutil import copyfile
from django.conf import settings
from utils import ObjectInfo
def get_available_versions():
""" Return murmur versions installed inside the LAB_DIR. """
@ -116,11 +118,54 @@ def run_murmur( version ):
stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
# Check capabilities by waiting for certain lines to show up.
capa = ObjectInfo( has_dbus=False, has_ice=False, has_instance=False, has_users=False );
def canRead( self, timeout=1 ):
rdy_read, rdy_write, rdy_other = select( [self.stdout], [], [], timeout );
return self.stdout in rdy_read;
setattr(subprocess.Popen, 'canRead', canRead)
while process.canRead(0.5):
line = process.stdout.readline();
if line == 'DBus registration succeeded\n':
capa.has_dbus = True;
elif line == 'MurmurIce: Endpoint "tcp -h -p 6502" running\n':
capa.has_ice = True;
elif line == '1 => Server listening on\n':
capa.has_instance = True;
elif "> Authenticated\n" in line:
capa.has_users = True;
process.capabilities = capa;
return process;
raise EnvironmentError( "Murmur binary not found. (Tried %s)" % unicode(binary_candidates) );
def wait_for_user( process, timeout=1 ):
""" Wait for a user to connect. This call will consume any output from murmur
until a line indicating a user's attempt to connect has been found.
The timeout parameter specifies how long (in seconds) to wait for input.
It defaults to 1 second. If you set this to 0 it will return at the end
of input (and thereby tell you if a player has already connected). If
you set this to None, the call will block until a player has connected.
Returns True if a user has connected before the timeout has been hit,
False otherwise.
while process.canRead( timeout ):
line = process.stdout.readline();
if "> Authenticated\n" in line:
process.capabilities.has_users = True;
return True;
return False;
def kill_murmur( process ):
""" Send a sigterm to the given process. """
return os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM );


@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2009, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <>
* Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
import os
from django.test.simple import run_tests as django_run_tests
from django.conf import settings
from murmurenvutils import get_available_versions, run_callback, wait_for_user
def run_tests( test_labels, verbosity=1, interactive=True, extra_tests=[] ):
""" Run the Django built in testing framework, but before testing the mumble
app, allow Murmur to be set up correctly.
if not test_labels:
test_labels = [ appname.split('.')[-1] for appname in settings.INSTALLED_APPS ];
# No need to sync any murmur servers for the other apps
os.environ['MURMUR_CONNSTR'] = '';
# The easy way: mumble is not being tested.
if "mumble" not in test_labels:
return django_run_tests( test_labels, verbosity, interactive, extra_tests );
# First run everything apart from mumble. mumble will be tested separately, so Murmur
# can be set up properly first.
failed_tests = 0;
if len(test_labels) > 1:
# only run others if mumble is not the only app to be tested
test_labels = list(test_labels);
test_labels.remove( "mumble" );
failed_tests += django_run_tests( test_labels, verbosity, interactive, extra_tests );
failed_tests += run_mumble_tests( verbosity, interactive );
return failed_tests;
def run_mumble_tests( verbosity=1, interactive=True ):
connstrings = {
'DBus': 'net.sourceforge.mumble.murmur',
'Ice': 'Meta:tcp -h -p 6502',
def django_run_tests_wrapper( process, version ):
wr_failed_tests = 0;
for method in connstrings:
# Check if this server is ready to be used with the current method
if getattr( process.capabilities, ("has_%s" % method.lower()), False ):
print "Testing mumble %s via %s" % ( version, method );
os.environ['MURMUR_CONNSTR'] = connstrings[method];
settings.DEFAULT_CONN = connstrings[method];
print "Waiting for user to connect (60 seconds)."
wait_for_user( process, timeout=60 );
wr_failed_tests += django_run_tests( ('mumble',), verbosity, interactive, [] );
print "Mumble %s does not support Method %s" % ( version, method );
return wr_failed_tests;
failed_tests = 0;
for version in get_available_versions():
failed_tests += run_callback( version, django_run_tests_wrapper, version );
return failed_tests;


@ -17,12 +17,9 @@
import os
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.simple import run_tests as django_run_tests
from django.conf import settings
from models import *
from utils import ObjectInfo
from murmurenvutils import get_available_versions, run_callback
class InstancesHandling( TestCase ):
@ -202,50 +199,4 @@ class DataReading( TestCase ):
self.assert_( hasattr( grp, "members" ) );
def run_tests( test_labels, verbosity=1, interactive=True, extra_tests=[] ):
""" Run the Django built in testing framework, but before testing the mumble
app, allow Murmur to be set up correctly.
if not test_labels:
test_labels = [ appname.split('.')[-1] for appname in settings.INSTALLED_APPS ];
# No need to sync any murmur servers for the other apps
os.environ['MURMUR_CONNSTR'] = '';
# The easy way: mumble is not being tested.
if "mumble" not in test_labels:
return django_run_tests( test_labels, verbosity, interactive, extra_tests );
# First run everything apart from mumble. mumble will be tested separately, so Murmur
# can be set up properly first.
test_labels.remove( "mumble" );
failed_tests = django_run_tests( test_labels, verbosity, interactive, extra_tests );
failed_tests += run_mumble_tests( verbosity, interactive );
return failed_tests;
def run_mumble_tests( verbosity=1, interactive=True ):
connstrings = {
'DBus': 'net.sourceforge.mumble.murmur',
'Ice': 'Meta:tcp -h -p 6502',
failed_tests = 0;
def django_run_tests_wrapper( process ):
return django_run_tests( ('mumble',), verbosity, interactive, [] ), False;
for version in get_available_versions():
for method in connstrings:
print "Testing mumble %s via %s" % ( version, method );
os.environ['MURMUR_CONNSTR'] = connstrings[method];
settings.DEFAULT_CONN = connstrings[method];
failed_tests += run_callback( version, django_run_tests_wrapper );
return failed_tests;


@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ TEMPLATE_DIRS = (
join( MUMBLE_DJANGO_ROOT, 'template' ),
TEST_RUNNER = 'mumble.tests.run_tests'
TEST_RUNNER = 'mumble.testrunner.run_tests'
TEST_MURMUR_LAB_DIR = join( dirname(MUMBLE_DJANGO_ROOT), 'murmur' );
