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add forms documentation, EXT_validate and (untested) files support

Michael Ziegler 15 years ago
  1. 64


@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;
* Copyright (C) 200, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <>
* Copyright (C) 2010, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <>
* Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -137,11 +137,35 @@ class Provider( object ):
return method
def register_form( self, formclass ):
""" Register a Django Form class for handling teh stuffz, yoo know. """
""" Register a Django Form class.
After registration, you will be able to retrieve an ExtJS form class
definition for this form under the URL "<formname>.js". Include this
script via a <script> tag just like the "api.js" for Ext.Direct.
The form class will then be created as Ext.ux.<FormName> and will
have a registered xtype of "formname".
When registering a form, the Provider will automatically generate and
export objects and methods for data transfer, so the form will be
ready to use.
To ensure that validation error messages are displayed properly, be
sure to call Ext.QuickTips.init() somewhere in your code.
In order to do extra validation, the Provider checks if your form class
has a method called EXT_validate, and if so, calls that method with the
request as parameter before calling is_valid() or save(). If EXT_validate
returns False, the form will not be saved and an error will be returned
instead. EXT_validate should update form.errors before returning False.
if not issubclass( formclass, forms.ModelForm ):
raise TypeError( "Ext.Direct provider can only handle ModelForms, '%s' is something else." % formclass.__name__ )
formname = formclass.__name__.lower()
self.forms[formname] = formclass
getfunc = functools.partial( self.get_form_data, formname )
getfunc = functools.partial( self.get_form_data, formname )
getfunc.EXT_len = 1
getfunc.EXT_argnames = ["pk"]
getfunc.EXT_flags = {}
@ -356,6 +380,7 @@ class Provider( object ):
items = []
clsname = self.forms[formname].__name__
hasfiles = False
for fldname in self.forms[formname].base_fields:
field = self.forms[formname].base_fields[fldname]
@ -386,6 +411,7 @@ class Provider( object ):
"xtype": "numberfield",
elif isinstance( field, forms.FileField ) or isinstance( field, forms.ImageField ):
hasfiles = True
"xtype": "textfield",
"inputType": "file"
@ -412,11 +438,23 @@ class Provider( object ):
clscode = EXT_CLASS_TEMPLATE % {
'clsname': clsname,
'clslowername': formname,
'defaultconf': simplejson.dumps({
'items': items,
'defaults': { "anchor": "-20px" },
'paramsAsHash': True,
}, indent=4 ),
'defaultconf': '{'
'items:' + simplejson.dumps(items, indent=4) + ','
'fileUpload: ' + simplejson.dumps(hasfiles) + ','
'defaults: { "anchor": "-20px" },'
'paramsAsHash: true,'
"""buttons: [{
text: "Submit",
handler: function(){
form = this.ownerCt.ownerCt;
params: {
uid: 34
'apiconf': ('{'
'load: ' + ("XD_%s.get" % clsname) + ","
'submit:' + ("XD_%s.update" % clsname) + ","
@ -438,8 +476,14 @@ class Provider( object ):
pk = request.POST['pk']
formcls = self.forms[formname]
instance = formcls.Meta.model.objects.get( pk=pk )
forminst = formcls( request.POST, instance=instance )
if forminst.is_valid():
if request.POST['extUpload'] == "true":
forminst = formcls( request.POST, request.FILES, instance=instance )
forminst = formcls( request.POST, instance=instance )
# save if either no usable validation method available or validation passes; and form.is_valid
if ( not hasattr( forminst, "EXT_validate" ) or not callable( forminst.EXT_validate )
or forminst.EXT_validate( request ) ) \
and forminst.is_valid():
return { 'success': True }
