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move fields that just require a get/setConf to properties and pimp PMF to show translated docstrings as labels

Michael Ziegler 14 years ago
  1. 25
  2. 42


@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ class PropertyModelForm( ModelForm ):
for fldname in self.fields:
if fldname not in instfields:
self.fields[fldname].initial = getattr( self.instance, fldname )
docstr = getattr( self.instance.__class__, fldname ).__doc__
if docstr:
self.fields[fldname].label = _( docstr )
def save( self, commit=True ):
inst = self, commit=commit )
@ -65,12 +68,28 @@ def populate_channel_choices( form ):
form.fields['defchan'].choices = choices
class MumbleAdminForm( ModelForm ):
class MumbleAdminForm( PropertyModelForm ):
""" A Mumble Server admin form intended to be used by the server hoster. """
defchan = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=(), coerce=int )
url = forms.CharField( required=False )
motd = forms.CharField( required=False, widget=forms.Textarea )
passwd = forms.CharField( required=False, help_text=_(
"Password required to join. Leave empty for public servers.") )
users = forms.IntegerField( required=False )
bwidth = forms.IntegerField( required=False )
sslcrt = forms.CharField( required=False, widget=forms.Textarea )
sslkey = forms.CharField( required=False, widget=forms.Textarea )
obfsc = forms.BooleanField( required=False, help_text=_(
"If on, IP adresses of the clients are not logged.") )
player = forms.CharField( required=False )
channel = forms.CharField( required=False )
defchan = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=(), coerce=int, help_text=_(
"Enter the ID of the default channel here. The Channel viewer displays the ID to "
"server admins on the channel detail page.") )
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
ModelForm.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
PropertyModelForm.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
populate_channel_choices( self )
class Meta:


@ -26,6 +26,14 @@ from mumble.mmobjects import mmChannel, mmPlayer
from mumble.mctl import MumbleCtlBase
def mk_config_property( field, doc="" ):
""" Create a property for the given config field. """
return property(
lambda self: self.getConf( field ),
lambda self, value: self.setConf( field, value ),
class Mumble( models.Model ):
""" Represents a Murmur server instance.
@ -51,24 +59,22 @@ class Mumble( models.Model ):
"global server list.") );
port = models.IntegerField( _('Server Port'), default=settings.MUMBLE_DEFAULT_PORT, help_text=_(
"Port number to bind to. Use -1 to auto assign one.") );
url = models.CharField( _('Website URL'), max_length = 200, blank = True );
motd = models.TextField( _('Welcome Message'), blank = True );
passwd = models.CharField( _('Server Password'), max_length = 200, blank = True, help_text=_(
"Password required to join. Leave empty for public servers.") );
supw = models.CharField( _('Superuser Password'), max_length = 200, blank = True );
users = models.IntegerField( _('Max. Users'), blank = True, null = True );
bwidth = models.IntegerField( _('Bandwidth [Bps]'), blank = True, null = True );
sslcrt = models.TextField( _('SSL Certificate'), blank = True );
sslkey = models.TextField( _('SSL Key'), blank = True );
obfsc = models.BooleanField( _('IP Obfuscation'), default = False, help_text=_(
"If on, IP adresses of the clients are not logged.") );
player = models.CharField( _('Player name regex'), max_length=200, default=r'[-=\w\[\]\{\}\(\)\@\|\.]+' );
channel = models.CharField( _('Channel name regex'), max_length=200, default=r'[ \-=\w\#\[\]\{\}\(\)\@\|]+' );
defchan = models.IntegerField( _('Default channel'), default=0, help_text=_(
"Enter the ID of the default channel here. The Channel viewer displays the ID to "
"server admins on the channel detail page."));
booted = models.BooleanField( _('Boot Server'), default = True );
url = mk_config_property( "registerurl", "Website URL" )
motd = mk_config_property( "welcometext", "Welcome Message" )
passwd = mk_config_property( "password", "Server Password" )
users = mk_config_property( "users", "Max. Users" )
bwidth = mk_config_property( "bandwidth", "Bandwidth [Bps]" )
sslcrt = mk_config_property( "certificate", "SSL Certificate" )
sslkey = mk_config_property( "key", "SSL Key" )
obfsc = mk_config_property( "obfuscate", "IP Obfuscation" )
player = mk_config_property( "username", "Player name regex" )
channel = mk_config_property( "channelname", "Channel name regex" )
defchan = mk_config_property( "defaultchannel", "Default channel" )
class Meta:
unique_together = ( ( 'dbus', 'srvid' ), ( 'addr', 'port' ), );
verbose_name = _('Server instance');
@ -176,6 +182,12 @@ class Mumble( models.Model ):
ctl = property( getCtl, doc="Get a Control object for this server. The ctl is cached for later reuse." );
def getConf( self, field ):
return self.ctl.getConf( self.srvid, field )
def setConf( self, field, value ):
return self.ctl.setConf( self.srvid, field, value )
def configureFromMurmur( self ):
default = self.ctl.getDefaultConf();
conf = self.ctl.getAllConf( self.srvid );
