# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2010, mbonetti <http://code.google.com/u/mbonetti/> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. """
from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test from django.core.paginator import Paginator, InvalidPage from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, resolve, Resolver404 from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode, force_unicode, iri_to_uri from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from rosetta.polib import pofile from rosetta.poutil import find_pos, pagination_range from rosetta.conf import settings as rosetta_settings import re, os, rosetta, datetime, unicodedata from django.template import RequestContext
try: resolve(settings.LOGIN_URL) except Resolver404: try: resolve('/admin/') except Resolver404: raise Exception('Rosetta cannot log you in!\nYou must define a LOGIN_URL in your settings if you don\'t run the Django admin site at a standard URL.') else: LOGIN_URL = '/admin/' else: LOGIN_URL = settings.LOGIN_URL
def home(request): """
Displays a list of messages to be translated """
def fix_nls(in_,out_): """Fixes submitted translations by filtering carriage returns and pairing
newlines at the begging and end of the translated string with the original """
if 0 == len(in_) or 0 == len(out_): return out_
if "\r" in out_ and "\r" not in in_: out_=out_.replace("\r",'')
if "\n" == in_[0] and "\n" != out_[0]: out_ = "\n" + out_ elif "\n" != in_[0] and "\n" == out_[0]: out_ = out_.lstrip() if "\n" == in_[-1] and "\n" != out_[-1]: out_ = out_ + "\n" elif "\n" != in_[-1] and "\n" == out_[-1]: out_ = out_.rstrip() return out_ version = rosetta.get_version(True) if 'rosetta_i18n_fn' in request.session: rosetta_i18n_fn=request.session.get('rosetta_i18n_fn') rosetta_i18n_app = get_app_name(rosetta_i18n_fn) rosetta_i18n_pofile = request.session.get('rosetta_i18n_pofile') rosetta_i18n_lang_code = request.session['rosetta_i18n_lang_code'] rosetta_i18n_lang_bidi = (rosetta_i18n_lang_code in settings.LANGUAGES_BIDI) rosetta_i18n_write = request.session.get('rosetta_i18n_write', True) if 'filter' in request.GET: if request.GET.get('filter') in ('untranslated', 'translated', 'fuzzy', 'all'): filter_ = request.GET.get('filter') request.session['rosetta_i18n_filter'] = filter_ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('rosetta-home')) rosetta_i18n_filter = request.session.get('rosetta_i18n_filter', 'all') if '_next' in request.POST: rx=re.compile(r'^m_([0-9]+)') rx_plural=re.compile(r'^m_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)') file_change = False for k in request.POST.keys(): if rx_plural.match(k): id=int(rx_plural.match(k).groups()[0]) idx=int(rx_plural.match(k).groups()[1]) rosetta_i18n_pofile[id].msgstr_plural[str(idx)] = fix_nls(rosetta_i18n_pofile[id].msgid_plural[idx], request.POST.get(k)) file_change = True elif rx.match(k): id=int(rx.match(k).groups()[0]) rosetta_i18n_pofile[id].msgstr = fix_nls(rosetta_i18n_pofile[id].msgid, request.POST.get(k)) file_change = True if file_change and 'fuzzy' in rosetta_i18n_pofile[id].flags and not request.POST.get('f_%d' %id, False): rosetta_i18n_pofile[id].flags.remove('fuzzy') elif file_change and 'fuzzy' not in rosetta_i18n_pofile[id].flags and request.POST.get('f_%d' %id, False): rosetta_i18n_pofile[id].flags.append('fuzzy') if file_change and rosetta_i18n_write: try: rosetta_i18n_pofile.metadata['Last-Translator'] = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', u"%s %s <%s>" %(request.user.first_name,request.user.last_name,request.user.email)).encode('ascii', 'ignore') rosetta_i18n_pofile.metadata['X-Translated-Using'] = u"django-rosetta %s" % rosetta.get_version(False) rosetta_i18n_pofile.metadata['PO-Revision-Date'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass try: rosetta_i18n_pofile.save() rosetta_i18n_pofile.save_as_mofile(rosetta_i18n_fn.replace('.po','.mo')) # Try auto-reloading via the WSGI daemon mode reload mechanism if rosetta_settings.WSGI_AUTO_RELOAD and \ request.environ.has_key('mod_wsgi.process_group') and \ request.environ.get('mod_wsgi.process_group',None) and \ request.environ.has_key('SCRIPT_FILENAME') and \ int(request.environ.get('mod_wsgi.script_reloading', '0')): try: os.utime(request.environ.get('SCRIPT_FILENAME'), None) except OSError: pass except: request.session['rosetta_i18n_write'] = False request.session['rosetta_i18n_pofile']=rosetta_i18n_pofile # Retain query arguments query_arg = '' if 'query' in request.REQUEST: query_arg = '?query=%s' %request.REQUEST.get('query') if 'page' in request.GET: if query_arg: query_arg = query_arg + '&' else: query_arg = '?' query_arg = query_arg + 'page=%d' % int(request.GET.get('page')) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('rosetta-home') + iri_to_uri(query_arg)) rosetta_i18n_lang_name = _(request.session.get('rosetta_i18n_lang_name')) rosetta_i18n_lang_code = request.session.get('rosetta_i18n_lang_code') if 'query' in request.REQUEST and request.REQUEST.get('query','').strip(): query=request.REQUEST.get('query').strip() rx=re.compile(query, re.IGNORECASE) paginator = Paginator([e for e in rosetta_i18n_pofile if rx.search(smart_unicode(e.msgstr)+smart_unicode(e.msgid)+u''.join([o[0] for o in e.occurrences]))], rosetta_settings.MESSAGES_PER_PAGE) else: if rosetta_i18n_filter == 'untranslated': paginator = Paginator(rosetta_i18n_pofile.untranslated_entries(), rosetta_settings.MESSAGES_PER_PAGE) elif rosetta_i18n_filter == 'translated': paginator = Paginator(rosetta_i18n_pofile.translated_entries(), rosetta_settings.MESSAGES_PER_PAGE) elif rosetta_i18n_filter == 'fuzzy': paginator = Paginator(rosetta_i18n_pofile.fuzzy_entries(), rosetta_settings.MESSAGES_PER_PAGE) else: paginator = Paginator([e for e in rosetta_i18n_pofile if not e.obsolete], rosetta_settings.MESSAGES_PER_PAGE) if 'page' in request.GET and int(request.GET.get('page')) <= paginator.num_pages and int(request.GET.get('page')) > 0: page = int(request.GET.get('page')) else: page = 1 messages = paginator.page(page).object_list if rosetta_settings.MAIN_LANGUAGE and rosetta_settings.MAIN_LANGUAGE != rosetta_i18n_lang_code:
main_language = None for language in settings.LANGUAGES: if language[0] == rosetta_settings.MAIN_LANGUAGE: main_language = _(language[1]) break
fl = ("/%s/" % rosetta_settings.MAIN_LANGUAGE).join(rosetta_i18n_fn.split("/%s/" % rosetta_i18n_lang_code)) po = pofile(fl)
main_messages = [] for message in messages: message.main_lang = po.find(message.msgid).msgstr needs_pagination = paginator.num_pages > 1 if needs_pagination: if paginator.num_pages >= 10: page_range = pagination_range(1, paginator.num_pages, page) else: page_range = range(1,1+paginator.num_pages) ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX ENABLE_TRANSLATION_SUGGESTIONS = rosetta_settings.ENABLE_TRANSLATION_SUGGESTIONS return render_to_response('rosetta/pofile.html', locals(), context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: return list_languages(request) home=user_passes_test(lambda user:can_translate(user),LOGIN_URL)(home) home=never_cache(home)
def download_file(request): import zipfile, os from StringIO import StringIO # original filename rosetta_i18n_fn=request.session.get('rosetta_i18n_fn', None) # in-session modified catalog rosetta_i18n_pofile = request.session.get('rosetta_i18n_pofile', None) # language code rosetta_i18n_lang_code = request.session.get('rosetta_i18n_lang_code', None) if not rosetta_i18n_lang_code or not rosetta_i18n_pofile or not rosetta_i18n_fn: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('rosetta-home')) try: if len(rosetta_i18n_fn.split('/')) >= 5: offered_fn = '_'.join(rosetta_i18n_fn.split('/')[-5:]) else: offered_fn = rosetta_i18n_fn.split('/')[-1] po_fn = str(rosetta_i18n_fn.split('/')[-1]) mo_fn = str(po_fn.replace('.po','.mo')) # not so smart, huh zipdata = StringIO() zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipdata, mode="w") zipf.writestr(po_fn, str(rosetta_i18n_pofile)) zipf.writestr(mo_fn, rosetta_i18n_pofile.to_binary()) zipf.close() zipdata.seek(0) response = HttpResponse(zipdata.read()) response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s.%s.zip' %(offered_fn,rosetta_i18n_lang_code) response['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-zip' return response except Exception, e: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('rosetta-home')) download_file=user_passes_test(lambda user:can_translate(user),LOGIN_URL)(download_file) download_file=never_cache(download_file)
def list_languages(request): """
Lists the languages for the current project, the gettext catalog files that can be translated and their translation progress """
languages = [] do_django = 'django' in request.GET do_rosetta = 'rosetta' in request.GET has_pos = False for language in settings.LANGUAGES: pos = find_pos(language[0],include_djangos=do_django,include_rosetta=do_rosetta) has_pos = has_pos or len(pos) languages.append( (language[0], _(language[1]), [(get_app_name(l), os.path.realpath(l), pofile(l)) for l in pos], ) ) ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX version = rosetta.get_version(True) return render_to_response('rosetta/languages.html', locals(), context_instance=RequestContext(request)) list_languages=user_passes_test(lambda user:can_translate(user),LOGIN_URL)(list_languages) list_languages=never_cache(list_languages)
def get_app_name(path): app = path.split("/locale")[0].split("/")[-1] return app
def lang_sel(request,langid,idx): """
Selects a file to be translated """
if langid not in [l[0] for l in settings.LANGUAGES]: raise Http404 else: do_django = 'django' in request.GET do_rosetta = 'rosetta' in request.GET file_ = find_pos(langid,include_djangos=do_django,include_rosetta=do_rosetta)[int(idx)] request.session['rosetta_i18n_lang_code'] = langid request.session['rosetta_i18n_lang_name'] = unicode([l[1] for l in settings.LANGUAGES if l[0] == langid][0]) request.session['rosetta_i18n_fn'] = file_ po = pofile(file_) for i in range(len(po)): po[i].id = i request.session['rosetta_i18n_pofile'] = po try: os.utime(file_,None) request.session['rosetta_i18n_write'] = True except OSError: request.session['rosetta_i18n_write'] = False return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('rosetta-home')) lang_sel=user_passes_test(lambda user:can_translate(user),LOGIN_URL)(lang_sel) lang_sel=never_cache(lang_sel)
def can_translate(user): if not user.is_authenticated(): return False elif user.is_superuser: return True else: try: from django.contrib.auth.models import Group translators = Group.objects.get(name='translators') return translators in user.groups.all() except Group.DoesNotExist: return False