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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # mumble-django contributed by
  3. from PIL import Image
  4. from struct import pack, unpack
  5. from zlib import compress, decompress
  6. from mctl import MumbleCtlBase
  7. import Ice
  8. class MumbleCtlIce(MumbleCtlBase):
  9. proxy = 'Meta:tcp -h -p 6502'
  10. slice = '/usr/share/slice/'
  11. meta = None
  12. def __init__(self):
  13. self.meta = self._getIceMeta()
  14. def _getIceMeta(self):
  15. Ice.loadSlice(self.slice)
  16. ice = Ice.initialize()
  17. import Murmur
  18. prx = ice.stringToProxy(self.proxy)
  19. return Murmur.MetaPrx.checkedCast(prx)
  20. def _getIceServerObject(self, srvid):
  21. return self.meta.getServer(srvid);
  22. def getBootedServers(self):
  23. ret = []
  24. for x in self.meta.getBootedServers():
  25. ret.append(
  26. return ret
  27. def getAllServers(self):
  28. ret = []
  29. for x in self.meta.getAllServers():
  30. ret.append(
  31. return ret
  32. def getRegisteredPlayers(self, srvid):
  33. users = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getRegisteredPlayers('')
  34. ret = []
  35. for user in users:
  36. ret.append([user.playerid, unicode(, unicode(, unicode(])
  37. return ret
  38. def getChannels(self, srvid):
  39. chans = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getChannels()
  40. ret = []
  41. for x in chans:
  42. chan = chans[x]
  43. ret.append([, unicode(, chan.parent, chan.links])
  44. return ret
  45. def getPlayers(self, srvid):
  46. users = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getPlayers()
  47. ret = []
  48. for x in users:
  49. user = users[x]
  50. ret.append([user.session, user.mute, user.deaf, user.suppressed, user.selfMute, user.selfDeaf,, user.playerid, unicode(, user.onlinesecs, user.bytespersec])
  51. return ret
  52. def getACL(self, srvid, identifier):
  53. import Murmur
  54. acls = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getACL(identifier)
  55. ret = []
  56. for x in acls:
  57. if isinstance(x, list):
  58. tmp = []
  59. for y in x:
  60. if y.__class__ is Murmur.ACL:
  61. tmp.append([y.applyHere, y.applySubs, y.inherited, y.playerid, unicode(, y.allow, y.deny])
  62. elif y.__class__ is Murmur.Group:
  63. tmp.append([unicode(, y.inherited, y.inherit, y.inheritable, y.add, y.remove, y.members])
  64. ret.append(tmp)
  65. else:
  66. ret.append(x)
  67. return ret
  68. def getDefaultConf(self):
  69. return MumbleCtlIce.setUnicodeFlag(self.meta.getDefaultConf())
  70. def getAllConf(self, srvid):
  71. return MumbleCtlIce.setUnicodeFlag(self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getAllConf())
  72. def newServer(self):
  73. return self.meta.newServer().id()
  74. def deleteServer( self, srvid ):
  75. if self._getIceServerObject(srvid).isRunning():
  76. self._getIceServerObject(srvid).stop()
  77. self._getIceServerObject(srvid).delete()
  78. def setSuperUserPassword(self, srvid, value):
  79. self.meta.setSuperUserPassword(srvid, value)
  80. def setConf(self, srvid, key, value):
  81. #print "%s server %s/%s" % (srvid, key, value)
  82. self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setConf(key, value)
  83. def registerPlayer(self, srvid, name):
  84. return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).registerPlayer(name)
  85. def unregisterPlayer(self, srvid, mumbleid):
  86. self._getIceServerObject(srvid).unregisterPlayer(mumbleid)
  87. def setRegistration(self, srvid, mumbleid, name, email, password):
  88. user = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getRegistration(mumbleid)
  89. = name
  90. = email
  91. = password
  92. #print user
  93. # update*r*egistration r is lowercase...
  94. return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).updateregistration(user)
  95. def setACL(self, srvid, acl):
  96. '''
  97. print "xxxx"
  98. print srvid
  99. print acl
  100. print "--"
  101. print acl.pack()
  102. print "xxxx"
  103. '''
  104. import Murmur
  105. tmp = acl.pack()
  106. id = tmp[0]
  107. _acls = tmp[1]
  108. acls = []
  109. _groups = tmp[2]
  110. groups = []
  111. inherit = tmp[3]
  112. for x in _acls:
  113. acl = Murmur.ACL()
  114. acl.applyHere = x[0]
  115. acl.applySubs = x[1]
  116. acl.inherited = x[2]
  117. acl.playerid = x[3]
  118. = x[4]
  119. acl.allow = x[5]
  120. acl.deny = x[6]
  121. acls.append(acl)
  122. for x in _groups:
  123. group = Murmur.Group()
  124. = x[0]
  125. group.inherited = x[1]
  126. group.inherit = x[2]
  127. group.inheritable = x[3]
  128. group.add = x[4]
  129. group.remove = x[5]
  130. group.members = x[6]
  131. groups.append(group)
  132. self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setACL(id, acls, groups, inherit)
  133. def getTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid):
  134. print self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getTexture(mumbleid)
  135. #return Image.fromstring( "RGBA", ( 600, 60 ), self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getTexture(mumbleid));
  136. @staticmethod
  137. def setUnicodeFlag(data):
  138. ret = {}
  139. for key in data.keys():
  140. ret[unicode(key)] = unicode(data[key])
  141. return ret