// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;
Ext.ux.MumbleUserEditor = Ext.extend( Ext.Component, { clickHandler: function( node, ev ){ if( typeof node.attributes.userdata != "undefined" ){ this.activate(node.attributes.userdata); } },
init: function( tree ){ this.tree = tree; tree.on("click", this.clickHandler, this); },
activate: function( userdata ){ if( !this.wnd ){ this.userdata = userdata; this.wnd = new Ext.Window({ title: this.windowTitle || gettext("User details"), layout: 'fit', items: [{ xtype: "tabpanel", activeTab: 0, border: false, items: [{ xtype: "form", border: false, title: gettext("User comment"), items: [{ xtype: "htmleditor", fieldLabel: 'x', hideLabel: true, name: "comment", value: userdata.comment, }], }, { title: gettext("Avatar"), scope: this, listeners: { afterrender: function( panel ){ Mumble.hasTexture( this.scope.serverid, this.scope.userdata.userid, function(provider, response){ if( response.result.has ){ panel.el.dom.children[0].children[0].innerHTML = String.format( '<img src="{0}" alt="avatar" />', response.result.url ); } else{ panel.el.dom.children[0].children[0].innerHTML = gettext("This user does not have an Avatar."); } } ); } }, html: gettext("Loading..."), }, { title: gettext("Infos"), html: "<ul><li>admin: yes</li><li>registered: maybe</li></ul>", }, { xtype: "form", border: false, title: gettext("Administration"), items: [{ xtype: "checkbox", fieldLabel: gettext("Ban"), name: "ban" }, { xtype: "numberfield", fieldLabel: gettext("Ban duration"), value: 3600, name: "duration" }, { xtype: "label", text: gettext("Only if banning. Set to 0 for permanent ban, any other value for the ban duration in seconds."), cls: "form_hint_label", }, { xtype: "textfield", fieldLabel: gettext("Reason"), name: "reason" }], fbar: [{ scope: this, text: gettext("Kick"), handler: function(btn){ f = btn.ownerCt.ownerCt.getForm().getValues(); Mumble.kickUser( this.serverid, this.userdata.session, f.reason, (f.ban || false), parseInt(f.duration) ); } }, { text: gettext("Mute"), enableToggle: true, scope: this, ref: '../mutebutton', pressed: this.userdata.mute, disabled: this.userdata.deaf, toggleHandler: function(btn, state){ Mumble.muteUser(this.serverid, this.userdata.session, state); } }, { text: gettext("Deafen"), enableToggle: true, scope: this, ref: '../deafenbutton', pressed: this.userdata.deaf, toggleHandler: function(btn, state){ Mumble.deafenUser(this.serverid, this.userdata.session, state); if( state ) btn.refOwner.mutebutton.toggle(true, true); btn.refOwner.mutebutton.setDisabled(state); } }], }], }], width: 500, height: 300, scope: this, listeners: { beforeclose: function(){ this.owner.wnd = null; } }, }); this.wnd.owner = this; } if( !this.wnd.isVisible() ){ this.wnd.show(); mypos = this.tree.getPosition(); mysize = this.tree.getSize(); this.wnd.setPosition( mypos[0] + mysize.width - 50, mypos[1] + 50 ); } else{ this.wnd.close(); } }, } );
Ext.ux.MumbleChannelEditor = Ext.extend( Ext.Component, { clickHandler: function( node, ev ){ if( typeof node.attributes.chandata != "undefined" ){ this.activate(node.attributes.chandata); } },
init: function( tree ){ this.tree = tree; tree.on("click", this.clickHandler, this); },
activate: function( chandata ){ if( !this.wnd ){ this.wnd = new Ext.Window({ title: this.windowTitle || gettext("Channel details"), layout: 'fit', items: [{ xtype: "tabpanel", activeTab: 0, items: [{ xtype: "form", border: false, title: gettext("Channel description"), defaults: { "anchor": "-20px" }, items: [{ xtype: "htmleditor", fieldLabel: 'x', hideLabel: true, name: "description", value: chandata.description, }], }], }], width: 500, height: 300, scope: this, listeners: { beforeclose: function(){ this.owner.wnd = null; } }, }); this.wnd.owner = this; } if( !this.wnd.isVisible() ){ this.wnd.show(); mypos = this.tree.getPosition(); mysize = this.tree.getSize(); this.wnd.setPosition( mypos[0] + mysize.width - 50, mypos[1] + 50 ); } else{ this.wnd.close(); } }, } );