Thank you for downloading mumble-django. :-)
To install mumble-django, extract it to wherever you would like it to reside, and then run:
python manage.py syncdb
This script will create the database for you. You will be asked whether to use Ice or DBus to connect to Murmur, so please make sure that: a) Murmur is reachable either over Ice or DBus. How to configure that is described in the wiki at http://bitbucket.org/Svedrin/mumble-django/wiki/Connecting_Murmur_to_ICE and http://bitbucket.org/Svedrin/mumble-django/wiki/Connecting_Murmur_to_DBus b) the slice version configured in settings.py matches the Murmur version you are running (1.1.8 or 1.2.0). In case of an emergency, you can always skip this step and repeat it later simply by running the syncdb command again.
If you need instructions on how to configure your web server in order to serve this application, you can have a look at the Wiki at <http://bitbucket.org/Svedrin/mumble-django/wiki/Webserver_Setup>. The wsgi script is also able to detect the installation paths automatically, so you shouldn't need to edit it.
Django_Registration requires a valid EMail address to be set in settings.py, that can be used as a sender address for the registration emails. If you intend to use the registration feature, you will need to change the DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL setting in settings.py.
Note that there it is discouraged to use the same Database that Murmur itself uses, as mumble-django exclusively uses DBus to connect to Murmur and does not access Murmur's database directly.
Also note that this application requires Python 2.3 or later, and a functional installation of Django 1.0 or newer. You can obtain Python from http://www.python.org/ and Django from http://www.djangoproject.com/.
In order to use the Munin plugin that ships with Mumble-Django, just symlink munin.py to /etc/munin/plugins and restart munin-node. Munin will then create a new section called "Mumble users" in the Network category. Don't worry if the numbers show up as "nan" at first, this will go away after a few Munin runs. To test the plugin, simply run it: standalone: python munin.py via Munin: munin-run <whatever you named the symlink in plugins> It should give you an output like "1.value 10". If it doesn't, you might need to set the MUMBLE_DJANGO_ROOT variable to the path you extracted Mumble-Django to (i.e, the one mumble-django.wsgi can be found in).