You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
/*! * Ext JS Library 3.2.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc. * * */ .x-panel { border-style: solid; border-width:0; }
.x-panel-header { overflow:hidden; zoom:1; padding:5px 3px 4px 5px; border:1px solid; line-height: 15px; background: transparent repeat-x 0 -1px; }
.x-panel-body { border:1px solid; border-top:0 none; overflow:hidden; position: relative; /* added for item scroll positioning */ }
.x-panel-bbar .x-toolbar, .x-panel-tbar .x-toolbar { border:1px solid; border-top:0 none; overflow:hidden; padding:2px; }
.x-panel-tbar-noheader .x-toolbar, .x-panel-mc .x-panel-tbar .x-toolbar { border-top:1px solid; border-bottom: 0 none; }
.x-panel-body-noheader, .x-panel-mc .x-panel-body { border-top:1px solid; }
.x-panel-header { overflow:hidden; zoom:1; }
.x-panel-tl .x-panel-header { padding:5px 0 4px 0; border:0 none; background:transparent; }
.x-panel-tl .x-panel-icon, .x-window-tl .x-panel-icon { padding-left:20px !important; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:0 4px; zoom:1; }
.x-panel-inline-icon { width:16px; height:16px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:0 0; vertical-align:middle; margin-right:4px; margin-top:-1px; margin-bottom:-1px; }
.x-panel-tc { background: transparent repeat-x 0 0; overflow:hidden; }
/* fix ie7 strict mode bug */ .ext-strict .ext-ie7 .x-panel-tc { overflow: visible; }
.x-panel-tl { background: transparent no-repeat 0 0; padding-left:6px; zoom:1; border-bottom:1px solid; }
.x-panel-tr { background: transparent no-repeat right 0; zoom:1; padding-right:6px; }
.x-panel-bc { background: transparent repeat-x 0 bottom; zoom:1; }
.x-panel-bc .x-panel-footer { zoom:1; }
.x-panel-bl { background: transparent no-repeat 0 bottom; padding-left:6px; zoom:1; }
.x-panel-br { background: transparent no-repeat right bottom; padding-right:6px; zoom:1; }
.x-panel-mc { border:0 none; padding:0; margin:0; padding-top:6px; }
.x-panel-mc .x-panel-body { background:transparent; border: 0 none; }
.x-panel-ml { background: repeat-y 0 0; padding-left:6px; zoom:1; }
.x-panel-mr { background: transparent repeat-y right 0; padding-right:6px; zoom:1; }
.x-panel-bc .x-panel-footer { padding-bottom:6px; }
.x-panel-nofooter .x-panel-bc, .x-panel-nofooter .x-window-bc { height:6px; font-size:0; line-height:0; }
.x-panel-bwrap { overflow:hidden; zoom:1; left:0; top:0; } .x-panel-body { overflow:hidden; zoom:1; }
.x-panel-collapsed .x-resizable-handle{ display:none; }
.ext-gecko .x-panel-animated div { overflow:hidden !important; }
/* Plain */ .x-plain-body { overflow:hidden; }
.x-plain-bbar .x-toolbar { overflow:hidden; padding:2px; }
.x-plain-tbar .x-toolbar { overflow:hidden; padding:2px; }
.x-plain-bwrap { overflow:hidden; zoom:1; }
.x-plain { overflow:hidden; }
/* Tools */ .x-tool { overflow:hidden; width:15px; height:15px; float:right; cursor:pointer; background:transparent no-repeat; margin-left:2px; }
/* expand / collapse tools */ .x-tool-toggle { background-position:0 -60px; }
.x-tool-toggle-over { background-position:-15px -60px; }
.x-panel-collapsed .x-tool-toggle { background-position:0 -75px; }
.x-panel-collapsed .x-tool-toggle-over { background-position:-15px -75px; }
.x-tool-close { background-position:0 -0; }
.x-tool-close-over { background-position:-15px 0; }
.x-tool-minimize { background-position:0 -15px; }
.x-tool-minimize-over { background-position:-15px -15px; }
.x-tool-maximize { background-position:0 -30px; }
.x-tool-maximize-over { background-position:-15px -30px; }
.x-tool-restore { background-position:0 -45px; }
.x-tool-restore-over { background-position:-15px -45px; }
.x-tool-gear { background-position:0 -90px; }
.x-tool-gear-over { background-position:-15px -90px; }
.x-tool-pin { background-position:0 -135px; }
.x-tool-pin-over { background-position:-15px -135px; }
.x-tool-unpin { background-position:0 -150px; }
.x-tool-unpin-over { background-position:-15px -150px; }
.x-tool-right { background-position:0 -165px; }
.x-tool-right-over { background-position:-15px -165px; }
.x-tool-left { background-position:0 -180px; }
.x-tool-left-over { background-position:-15px -180px; }
.x-tool-up { background-position:0 -210px; }
.x-tool-up-over { background-position:-15px -210px; }
.x-tool-down { background-position:0 -195px; }
.x-tool-down-over { background-position:-15px -195px; }
.x-tool-refresh { background-position:0 -225px; }
.x-tool-refresh-over { background-position:-15px -225px; }
.x-tool-minus { background-position:0 -255px; }
.x-tool-minus-over { background-position:-15px -255px; }
.x-tool-plus { background-position:0 -240px; }
.x-tool-plus-over { background-position:-15px -240px; }
.x-tool-search { background-position:0 -270px; }
.x-tool-search-over { background-position:-15px -270px; }
.x-tool-save { background-position:0 -285px; }
.x-tool-save-over { background-position:-15px -285px; }
.x-tool-help { background-position:0 -300px; }
.x-tool-help-over { background-position:-15px -300px; }
.x-tool-print { background-position:0 -315px; }
.x-tool-print-over { background-position:-15px -315px; }
/* Ghosting */ .x-panel-ghost { z-index:12000; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; left:0;top:0; opacity:.65; -moz-opacity:.65; filter:alpha(opacity=65); }
.x-panel-ghost ul { margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; font-size:0; line-height:0; border:1px solid; border-top:0 none; display:block; }
.x-panel-ghost * { cursor:move !important; }
.x-panel-dd-spacer { border:2px dashed; }
/* Buttons */ .x-panel-btns { padding:5px; overflow:hidden; }
.x-panel-btns td.x-toolbar-cell{ padding:3px; }
.x-panel-btns .x-btn-focus .x-btn-left{ background-position:0 -147px; }
.x-panel-btns .x-btn-focus .x-btn-right{ background-position:0 -168px; }
.x-panel-btns .x-btn-focus .x-btn-center{ background-position:0 -189px; }
.x-panel-btns .x-btn-over .x-btn-left{ background-position:0 -63px; }
.x-panel-btns .x-btn-over .x-btn-right{ background-position:0 -84px; }
.x-panel-btns .x-btn-over .x-btn-center{ background-position:0 -105px; }
.x-panel-btns .x-btn-click .x-btn-center{ background-position:0 -126px; }
.x-panel-btns .x-btn-click .x-btn-right{ background-position:0 -84px; }
.x-panel-btns .x-btn-click .x-btn-left{ background-position:0 -63px; }
.x-panel-fbar td,.x-panel-fbar span,.x-panel-fbar input,.x-panel-fbar div,.x-panel-fbar select,.x-panel-fbar label{ white-space: nowrap; }