4 changed files with 285 additions and 200 deletions
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use std::ops::{Add, Mul, Sub};
/// A complex number.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct c64(pub f64, pub f64);
impl Add for c64 {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: c64) -> c64 {
c64(self.0 + rhs.0, self.1 + rhs.1)
impl Mul for c64 {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: c64) -> c64 {
c64(self.0 * rhs.0 - self.1 * rhs.1, self.0 * rhs.1 + self.1 * rhs.0)
impl Mul<f64> for c64 {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: f64) -> c64 {
c64(self.0 * rhs, self.1 * rhs)
impl Sub for c64 {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, rhs: c64) -> c64 {
c64(self.0 - rhs.0, self.1 - rhs.1)
@ -1,96 +1,139 @@ |
use std::slice;
mod complex;
pub use complex::c64;
/// A means of obtaining a slice of mutable complex numbers.
pub trait AsMutComplex<'l> {
fn as_mut_complex(self) -> &'l mut [c64];
impl<'l> AsMutComplex<'l> for &'l mut [c64] {
fn as_mut_complex(self) -> &'l mut [c64] {
impl<'l> AsMutComplex<'l> for &'l mut [f64] {
/// Treat the slice as a collection of pairs of real and imaginary parts and
/// reinterpret it as a slice of complex numbers.
/// ## Panics
/// The function panics if the number of elements is not even.
fn as_mut_complex(self) -> &'l mut [c64] {
unsafe {
let length = self.len();
assert!(length % 2 == 0, "the number of elements should be even");
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, length / 2)
impl<'l> AsMutComplex<'l> for &'l mut Vec<f64> {
fn as_mut_complex(self) -> &'l mut [c64] {
<&mut [f64]>::as_mut_complex(&mut *self)
/// Perform the Fourier transform.
/// `data` should contain `n` complex numbers where `n` is a power of two. Each
/// complex number is stored as a pair of `f64`s so that the first is the real
/// part and the second is the corresponding imaginary part. Hence, the total
/// length of `data` should be `2 × n`.
/// # Panics
/// The function panics if `data.len()` is not even or `data.len() / 2` is not a
/// power of two.
/// The number of points should be a power of two.
pub fn forward(data: &mut [f64]) {
transform(data, 1.0);
pub fn forward<'l, T: AsMutComplex<'l>>(data: T) {
let data = data.as_mut_complex();
let n = data.len();
if n < 1 || n & (n - 1) != 0 {
panic!("expected the number of points to be a power of two");
rearrange(data, n);
perform(data, n, false);
/// Perform the inverse Fourier transform.
/// `data` should contain `n` complex numbers where `n` is a power of two. Each
/// complex number is stored as a pair of `f64`s so that the first is the real
/// part and the second is the corresponding imaginary part. Hence, the total
/// length of `data` should be `2 × n`.
/// # Panics
/// The function panics if `data.len()` is not even or `data.len() / 2` is not a
/// power of two.
/// The number of points should be a power of two.
pub fn inverse(data: &mut [f64]) {
transform(data, -1.0);
fn transform(data: &mut [f64], isign: f64) {
use std::f64::consts::PI;
let l = data.len();
if l % 2 != 0 {
panic!("expected the length of the data to be even");
pub fn inverse<'l, T: AsMutComplex<'l>>(data: T, scaling: bool) {
let data = data.as_mut_complex();
let n = l / 2;
let n = data.len();
if n < 1 || n & (n - 1) != 0 {
panic!("expected the number of points to be a power of two");
let nn = n << 1;
rearrange(data, n);
perform(data, n, true);
if scaling {
scale(data, n);
let mut j = 1;
for i in (1..nn).step_by(2) {
if j > i {
data.swap(j - 1, i - 1);
data.swap(j, i);
fn rearrange(data: &mut [c64], n: usize) {
let mut target = 0;
for position in 0..n {
if target > position {
data.swap(position, target);
let mut m = n;
while m >= 2 && j > m {
j -= m;
m >>= 1;
let mut mask = n >> 1;
while target & mask != 0 {
target &= !mask;
mask >>= 1;
j += m;
target |= mask;
let mut mmax = 2;
while nn > mmax {
let istep = mmax << 1;
let theta = isign * (2.0 * PI / mmax as f64);
let wtemp = (0.5 * theta).sin();
let wpr = -2.0 * wtemp * wtemp;
let wpi = theta.sin();
let mut wr = 1.0;
let mut wi = 0.0;
for m in (1..mmax).step_by(2) {
for i in (m..(nn + 1)).step_by(istep) {
let j = i + mmax;
let tempr = wr * data[j - 1] - wi * data[j];
let tempi = wr * data[j] + wi * data[j - 1];
data[j - 1] = data[i - 1] - tempr;
data[j] = data[i] - tempi;
data[i - 1] += tempr;
data[i] += tempi;
fn perform(data: &mut [c64], n: usize, inverse: bool) {
use std::f64::consts::PI;
let pi = if inverse { PI } else { -PI };
let mut step = 1;
while step < n {
let jump = step << 1;
let delta = pi / step as f64;
let sine = (0.5 * delta).sin();
let multiplier = c64(-2.0 * sine * sine, delta.sin());
let mut factor = c64(1.0, 0.0);
for group in 0..step {
let mut pair = group;
while pair < n {
let match_pair = pair + step;
let product = factor * data[match_pair];
data[match_pair] = data[pair] - product;
data[pair] = data[pair] + product;
pair += jump;
let wtemp = wr;
wr = wr * wpr - wi * wpi + wr;
wi = wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi;
factor = multiplier * factor + factor;
mmax = istep;
step <<= 1;
if isign == -1.0 {
let scale = 1.0 / n as f64;
for i in 0..l {
data[i] *= scale;
fn scale(data: &mut [c64], n: usize) {
let factor = 1.0 / n as f64;
for position in 0..n {
data[position] = data[position] * factor;
mod tests {
use c64;
use std::mem;
fn size_of() {
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<c64>(), 2 * mem::size_of::<f64>());
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<[c64; 42]>(), 2 * mem::size_of::<[f64; 42]>());
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