let { logger } = require('./logging'); let { modules } = require('./module/index'); let trie = require('trie-prefix-tree'); let { getShortestPrefix } = require('./utility'); let help = require('./module/help'); let message = require('./message'); let utility = require('./utility'); let sentinelValue = '!'; class Engine { constructor(config, bot, modules) { this.config = config; this.bot = bot; this.modules = modules; this.moduleMap = new Map(); this.commandMap = new Map(); this.commandRadixTree = trie([]); } initModules() { this.modules.forEach((module) => { logger.info("Loading module: %s", module.name); this.moduleMap.set(module.command, module); this.commandMap.set(module.command, module); this.commandRadixTree.addWord(module.command); }); this.modules.forEach((module) => { let shortCommand = getShortestPrefix(this.commandRadixTree, module.command, 3); logger.info("Adding short command %s for module: %s", shortCommand, module.name); this.commandMap.set(shortCommand, module); }); this.helpModule = help.create(this.moduleMap) this.commandMap.set('help', this.helpModule); logger.info("Bound modules to keywords: %o", this.moduleMap); } init() { logger.info("Initializing modules"); this.initModules(); /* Bind Message Parsing */ let engine = this; let handleMessages = (event, room, toStartOfTimeline) => { /* Don't process messages from self */ if (event.sender.userId !== this.config.userId) { /* don't process messages that aren't of type m.room.message */ if (event.getType() !== "m.room.message") { logger.debug("Recieved message of type: %s", event.getType()); return; } else { let messageBody = event.event.content.body; logger.debug("[%s] %s", room.name, messageBody); if (messageBody.indexOf(sentinelValue) === 0) { let command = messageBody.split(' ')[0].substring(1); var responseMessage = null; if (engine.commandMap.has(command)) { responseMessage = engine.commandMap.get(command).handleMessage(event, room); } else { responseMessage = engine.helpModule.help(); } logger.debug("Responding to room: %s", room.roomId); if (responseMessage instanceof Object) { engine.bot.client.sendMessage(room.roomId, responseMessage); } else if (utility.isString(responseMessage)) { engine.bot.client.sendMessage(room.roomId, message.createBasic(responseMessage)); } else { logger.error("Unable to process response message: %s", responseMessage); } } } } } this.bot.init(handleMessages); /* Capture Exit Conditions */ ["SIGINT", "SIGTERM"].forEach((signature) => { process.on(signature, async () => { await this.bot.sendStatusShutdown() .then(() => { logger.info("Gracefully stopping Matrix SDK Client") this.bot.client.stopClient(); }); process.exit(0); }); }); process.on('exit', () => { logger.info("Shutting Down"); }); return this; } run() { this.bot.connect(); return this; } } function create(config, bot) { return new Engine(config, bot, modules) } exports.create = create;