let fs = require('fs'); let sdk = require('matrix-js-sdk'); let message = require('./message'); let utility = require('./utility'); let { logger } = require('./logging'); class Bot { constructor(config, buildInfo) { this.config = config; this.buildInfo = buildInfo; this.connected = false; } /** * Initialize the bot connection */ init(messageCallback) { logger.info("Creating Matrix Client") this.client = sdk.createClient({ baseUrl: this.config.baseUrl, userId: this.config.userId }); this.client.on("sync", async (state, previousState, data) => { switch (state) { case "PREPARED": this.connected = true; await this.sendStatusStartup(); await this.updateAvatar(process.env.NODE_PATH + '/assets/avatar.jpg'); this.client.getJoinedRooms() .done((rooms) => { logger.info("Connected to: %o", rooms) }); break; case "SYNCING": logger.debug("Syncing") break; case "RECONNECTING": logger.debug("Reconnecting"); break; default: logger.error("Unexpected sync state: %s", state); process.exit(1); } }); this.client.on("RoomMember.membership", (event, member) => { if (member.membership === "invite" && this.config.admin.indexOf(ember.userId) >= 0) { this.client.joinRoom(member.roomId).done(() => { logger.info("Auto-joined %s", member.roomId); }); } }); this.client.on("Room.timeline", messageCallback); return this; } async connect() { // logger.info("Initializing Crypto"); // await bot.client.initCrypto(); let botClient = this.client; let botConfig = this.config; let startServerConnection = () => { logger.info("Starting Matrix SDK Client"); return this.client.startClient({ initialSyncLimit: 0 }); } let attemptPasswordLogin = (botClient, botConfig) => { return botClient.loginWithPassword(botConfig.userId, botConfig.userPassword) .then((data) => { logger.info("Successfully authenticated with password %o", data); return startServerConnection(); }, (err) => { logger.error("Failed to authenticate with password %o", err); }); } logger.info("Authenticating With Server"); if (typeof botConfig.accessToken !== 'undefined') { await botClient.loginWithToken(this.config.accessToken) .then((data) => { logger.info("Successfully authenticated with access token %o", data); return startServerConnection(); }, (err) => { logger.error("Failed to authenticate with access token %o", err); if (typeof botConfig.userPassword !== 'undefined') { return attemptPasswordLogin(botClient, botConfig); } else { logger.error("No fallback password provided!"); } }); } else if (typeof botConfig.userPassword !== 'undefined') { await attemptPasswordLogin(botClient, botConfig); } else { logger.error("No authentication credentials available!"); process.exit(1); } } updateAvatar(avatarFile, overwrite = false) { let matrixClient = this.client; let botConfig = this.config; let promises = [Promise.resolve(true)]; if (this.connected) { promises.push(this.client.getProfileInfo(this.config.userId, "avatar_url") .then((existingAvatarUrl) => { logger.info("Recieved avatar_url: %o", existingAvatarUrl); if (typeof existingAvatarUrl !== 'undefined' && typeof existingAvatarUrl == 'object' && existingAvatarUrl.constructor === Object && Object.keys(existingAvatarUrl).length !== 0 && !overwrite) { logger.info("Avatar already set"); } else { logger.info("Setting avatar content from %s", avatarFile); let avatarFileBuffer = fs.readFileSync(avatarFile); logger.debug("Avatar Image Data %o", avatarFileBuffer); matrixClient.uploadContent(avatarFileBuffer, { name: botConfig.userId + " avatar", type: "image/jpeg", rawResponse: false }).then((uploadedAvatar) => { logger.info("Uploaded avatar %o", uploadedAvatar); matrixClient.setAvatarUrl(uploadedAvatar.content_uri) .then(() => { logger.info("Updated %s avatar to %s", botConfig.userId, uploadedAvatar.content_uri); return true; }); }); } })); } else { logger.warn("Attempting to update avatar while disconnected"); } return Promise.all(promises); } sendStatusStartup() { let promises = [Promise.resolve(true)] if (this.connected) { this.config.statusRooms.forEach(roomId => { logger.debug("Notifying %s of startup", roomId); promises.push(this.client.sendMessage( roomId, message.createBasic("Started with version: " + this.buildInfo, message.types.NOTICE) ).then(() => { logger.debug("Notified %s of startup", roomId); }, (err) => { logger.error("Unable to send message to room %s because %s", roomId, err.errcode); })); }); } else { logger.warn("Attempting to send startup message while disconnected"); } return Promise.all(promises); } sendStatusShutdown() { let promises = [Promise.resolve(true)] if (this.connected) { this.config.statusRooms.forEach(roomId => { logger.debug("Notifying %s of shutdown", roomId); promises.push(this.client.sendMessage( roomId, message.createBasic("Shutting down", message.types.NOTICE) ).then(() => { logger.debug("Notified %s of shutdown", roomId); }, (err) => { logger.error("Unable to send message to room %s because %s", roomId, err.errcode); })); }); } else { logger.warn("Attempting to send shutdown message while disconnected"); } return Promise.all(promises); } } function create(config) { let buildInfo = utility.getBuildInfo(); logger.info("Running version: %s", buildInfo); return new Bot(config, buildInfo); } exports.create = create;