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package com.sothr.imagetools.engine
import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.image.{Image, ImageFilter, ImageService, SimilarImages}
import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.util.DirectoryFilter
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import scala.collection.mutable
* Engine definition
* Created by drew on 1/26/14.
abstract class Engine extends Logging {
val system = ActorSystem("EngineActorSystem")
val imageFilter: ImageFilter = new ImageFilter()
val imageCache = AppConfig.cacheManager.getCache("images")
//file search listener
var searchedListener = system.actorOf(Props[DefaultLoggingEngineListener],
name = "SearchedEngineListener")
def setSearchedListener(listenerRef: ActorRef) = {
this.searchedListener = listenerRef
def setProcessedListener(listenerType: ActorRef)
def setSimilarityListener(listenerType: ActorRef)
def getAllImageFiles(directoryPath: String, recursive: Boolean = false, recursiveDepth: Int = 500): List[File] = {
val fileList = new mutable.MutableList[File]()
if (directoryPath != null && directoryPath != "") {
val directory: File = new File(directoryPath)
val imageFilter = new ImageFilter
if (directory.isDirectory) {
val files = directory.listFiles(imageFilter)
if (files != null) {
fileList ++= files
debug(s"Found ${files.length} files that are images in directory: $directoryPath")
if (recursive) {
val directoryFilter = new DirectoryFilter
val directories = directory.listFiles(directoryFilter)
for (directory <- directories) {
fileList ++= getAllImageFiles(directory.getAbsolutePath, recursive, recursiveDepth - 1)
this.searchedListener ! SubmitMessage(s"Found ${fileList.length} files to process")
} else {
this.searchedListener ! SubmitMessage(s"Found ${fileList.length} files to process")
* Get all images for a directory with hashes
def getImagesForDirectory(directoryPath: String, recursive: Boolean = false, recursiveDepth: Int = 500): List[Image]
* Get all similar images for a directory with hashes
def getSimilarImagesForDirectory(directoryPath: String, recursive: Boolean = false, recursiveDepth: Int = 500): List[SimilarImages]
def deleteImage(image: Image): Unit = {
def deleteImages(images: List[Image]): Unit = {
for (image <- images) {
* Go through the list of similarities and group them so that they represent actual similarities
* For example. A is similar to B and C is similar to B but A is was not considered similar to C. Therefore A B and C should be considered similar unless otherwise noted.
* @param similarList a list of detected similar images
* @return a grouped and combined list of similar images
def processSimilarities(similarList: List[SimilarImages]): List[SimilarImages] = {
//process the result into a list we want in cleanedSimilarImages
var count = 0
val cleanedSimilarImages = new mutable.MutableList[SimilarImages]()
val ignoreSet = new mutable.HashSet[Image]()
for (similarImages <- similarList) {
count += 1
if (count % 25 == 0 || count == similarList.length) debug(s"Cleaning similar image $count/${similarList.length} ${similarList.length - count} left to clean")
if (!ignoreSet.contains(similarImages.rootImage)) {
cleanedSimilarImages += similarImages
ignoreSet += similarImages.rootImage
for (image <- similarImages.similarImages) {
ignoreSet += image
//rewrite todo:
Go through all the images. If a similar image for the image doesn't exist, create it. if it does,
add it to that similar image. The end result is that all images should be grouped according to
their similar images and images that are similar to them.
//return a non mutable cleaned list
case class SubmitMessage(message: String)
case class ScannedFileCount(count: Integer, total: Integer, message: String = null)
case class ComparedFileCount(count: Integer, total: Integer, message: String = null)
abstract class EngineListener extends Actor with ActorLogging {
override def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case command: SubmitMessage => handleMessage(command)
case command: ScannedFileCount => handleScannedFileCount(command)
case command: ComparedFileCount => handleComparedFileCount(command)
case _ =>"received unknown message")
def handleMessage(command: SubmitMessage)
def handleScannedFileCount(command: ScannedFileCount)
def handleComparedFileCount(command: ComparedFileCount)
* Actor for logging output information
class DefaultLoggingEngineListener extends EngineListener with ActorLogging {
override def handleComparedFileCount(command: ComparedFileCount): Unit = {
if (command.message != null) {
}"Processed {}/{}", command.count,
override def handleScannedFileCount(command: ScannedFileCount): Unit = {
if (command.message != null) {
}"Scanned {}/{} For Similarities", command.count,
override def handleMessage(command: SubmitMessage): Unit = {
* Actor for writing progress out to the commandline
class CLIEngineListener extends EngineListener with ActorLogging {
override def handleComparedFileCount(command: ComparedFileCount): Unit = {
if (command.message != null) {
System.out.println(s"Processed ${command.count}/${}")
override def handleScannedFileCount(command: ScannedFileCount): Unit = {
if (command.message != null) {
System.out.println(s"Scanned ${command.count}/${} For Similarities")
override def handleMessage(command: SubmitMessage): Unit = {