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package com.sothr.imagetools
import com.sothr.imagetools.image.{SimilarImages, ImageFilter, Image}
import com.sothr.imagetools.util.DirectoryFilter
import scala.collection.mutable
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
* Created by drew on 1/26/14.
abstract class Engine extends Logging{
val imageFilter:ImageFilter = new ImageFilter()
val imageCache = AppConfig.cacheManager.getCache("images")
def getAllImageFiles(directoryPath:String, recursive:Boolean=false, recursiveDepth:Int=500):List[File] = {
val fileList = new mutable.MutableList[File]()
if (directoryPath != null && directoryPath != "") {
val directory:File = new File(directoryPath)
val imageFilter = new ImageFilter
if (directory.isDirectory) {
val files = directory.listFiles(imageFilter)
if (files != null) {
fileList ++= files
info(s"Found ${files.length} files that are images in directory: $directoryPath")
if (recursive) {
val directoryFilter = new DirectoryFilter
val directories = directory.listFiles(directoryFilter)
for (directory <- directories) {
fileList ++= getAllImageFiles(directory.getAbsolutePath, recursive, recursiveDepth-1)
* Get all images for a directory with hashes
def getImagesForDirectory(directoryPath:String, recursive:Boolean=false, recursiveDepth:Int=500):List[Image];
* Get all similar images for a directory with hashes
def getSimilarImagesForDirectory(directoryPath:String, recursive:Boolean=false, recursiveDepth:Int=500):List[SimilarImages];