package com.sothr.imagetools.ui.controller import{File, IOException} import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Scanner import javafx.application.Platform import javafx.event.ActionEvent import javafx.fxml.FXML import javafx.scene.control.{Label, ProgressBar} import javafx.scene.text.{Text, TextAlignment} import javafx.scene.web.WebView import javafx.scene.{Group, Node, Scene} import javafx.stage.{DirectoryChooser, Stage, StageStyle} import import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.image.{SimilarImages, Image} import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.util.{PropertiesService, ResourceLoader} import com.sothr.imagetools.engine._ import com.sothr.imagetools.ui.component.ImageTileFactory import grizzled.slf4j.Logging import org.markdown4j.Markdown4jProcessor import scala.concurrent._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import /** * Main Application controller * * Created by drew on 12/31/13. */ class AppController extends Logging { //Define controls @FXML var rootPane: javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane = null @FXML var rootMenuBar: javafx.scene.control.MenuBar = null @FXML var imageTilePane: javafx.scene.layout.TilePane = null @FXML var tagListView: javafx.scene.control.ListView[String] = null // Labels @FXML var selectedDirectoryLabel: javafx.scene.control.Label = null @FXML var progressLabel: javafx.scene.control.Label = null // Others @FXML var progressBar: javafx.scene.control.ProgressBar = null // Engine val engine: Engine = new ConcurrentEngine() // Current State var currentDirectory: String = "." @FXML def initialize() = { if (PropertiesService.has("lastPath")) { currentDirectory = PropertiesService.get("lastPath", ".") selectedDirectoryLabel.setText(PropertiesService.get("lastPath", "")) //setup the engine listener val system: ActorSystem = AppConfig.getAppActorSystem val guiListenerProps: Props = Props.create(classOf[GUIEngineListener]) val guiListener: ActorRef = system.actorOf(guiListenerProps) // configure the listener guiListener ! SetupListener(progressBar, progressLabel) // tell the engine to use our listener this.engine.setProcessedListener(guiListener) this.engine.setSimilarityListener(guiListener) // Initialize the progress label guiListener ! SubmitMessage("Initialized System... Ready!") } //test //val testImage = new Image() //testImage.setThumbnailPath("test.jpg") //testImage.setImagePath("test.jpg") //for (i <- 1 to 100) { // imageTilePane.getChildren.add(ImageTileFactory.get(testImage)) //} //val list = FXCollections.observableArrayList[String]() //for (i <- 1 to 100) { // list.add(s"test-item ${i}") //} //tagListView.setItems(list) } //region MenuItem Actions @FXML def helpAction(event: ActionEvent) = { showExternalHTMLUtilityDialog("") } @FXML def aboutAction(event: ActionEvent) = { debug("Displaying about screen") var aboutMessage = "Simple About Message" try { val scanner = new Scanner(ResourceLoader.get().getResourceStream("documents/")) aboutMessage = "" while (scanner.hasNextLine) { aboutMessage += scanner.nextLine().trim() + "\n" } debug(s"Parsed About Message: '$aboutMessage'") } catch { case ioe: IOException => error("Unable to read about file") } showMarkdownUtilityDialog("About", aboutMessage, 400.0, 300.0) debug("Showing About Dialog") } @FXML def closeAction(event: ActionEvent) = { debug("Closing application from the menu bar") val stage: Stage = this.rootMenuBar.getScene.getWindow.asInstanceOf[Stage] stage.close() } //endregion //region buttons @FXML def browseFolders(event: ActionEvent) = { val chooser = new DirectoryChooser() chooser.setTitle("ImageTools Browser") val defaultDirectory = new File(currentDirectory) chooser.setInitialDirectory(defaultDirectory) val window = this.rootPane.getScene.getWindow val selectedDirectory = chooser.showDialog(window) info(s"Selected Directory: ${selectedDirectory.getAbsolutePath}") selectedDirectoryLabel.setText(selectedDirectory.getAbsolutePath) currentDirectory = selectedDirectory.getAbsolutePath PropertiesService.set("lastPath", selectedDirectory.getAbsolutePath) } @FXML def showAllImages(event: ActionEvent) = { imageTilePane.getChildren.setAll(new ArrayList[Node]()) val f: Future[List[Image]] = Future { engine.getImagesForDirectory(currentDirectory) } f onComplete { case Success(images) => info(s"Displaying ${images.length} images") // This is used so that JavaFX updates on the proper thread // This is important since UI updates can only happen on that thread Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { override def run() { for (image <- images) { debug(s"Adding image ${image.toString} to app") imageTilePane.getChildren.add(ImageTileFactory.get(image)) } } }) case Failure(t) => error("An Error Occurred", t) } } @FXML def showSimilarImages(event: ActionEvent) = { imageTilePane.getChildren.setAll(new ArrayList[Node]()) val f: Future[List[SimilarImages]] = Future { engine.getSimilarImagesForDirectory(currentDirectory) } f onComplete { case Success(similarImages) => info(s"Displaying ${similarImages.length} similar images") Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { override def run() { for (similarImage <- similarImages) { debug(s"Adding similar images ${similarImage.rootImage.toString} to app") imageTilePane.getChildren.add(ImageTileFactory.get(similarImage.rootImage)) similarImage.similarImages.foreach(image => imageTilePane.getChildren.add(ImageTileFactory.get(image))) } } }) case Failure(t) => error("An Error Occurred", t) } } //endregion //todo: include a templating engine for rendering information //todo: show a dialog that is rendered from markdown content def showMarkdownUtilityDialog(title: String, markdown: String, width: Double = 800.0, height: Double = 600.0) = { val htmlBody = new Markdown4jProcessor().process(markdown) showHTMLUtilityDialog(title, htmlBody, width, height) } /** * Render HTML content to a utility dialog. No input or output, just raw rendered content through a webkit engine. * * @param title Title of the dialog * @param htmlBody Body to render * @param width Desired width of the dialog * @param height Desired height of the dialog */ def showHTMLUtilityDialog(title: String, htmlBody: String, width: Double = 800.0, height: Double = 600.0) = { val dialog: Stage = new Stage() dialog.initStyle(StageStyle.UTILITY) val parent: Group = new Group() //setup the HTML view val htmlView = new WebView htmlView.getEngine.loadContent(htmlBody) htmlView.setMinWidth(width) htmlView.setMinHeight(height) htmlView.setPrefWidth(width) htmlView.setPrefHeight(height) parent.getChildren.add(htmlView) val scene: Scene = new Scene(parent) dialog.setScene(scene) dialog.setResizable(false) dialog.setTitle(title) } def showExternalHTMLUtilityDialog(url: String) = { val dialog: Stage = new Stage() dialog.initStyle(StageStyle.UTILITY) val parent: Group = new Group() //setup the HTML view val htmlView = new WebView htmlView.getEngine.load(url) //htmlView.setMinWidth(width) //htmlView.setMinHeight(height) //htmlView.setPrefWidth(width) //htmlView.setPrefHeight(height) parent.getChildren.add(htmlView) val scene: Scene = new Scene(parent) dialog.setScene(scene) dialog.setResizable(false) dialog.setTitle(htmlView.getEngine.getTitle) } /** * Show a plain text utility dialog * * @param message Message to display * @param wrapWidth When to wrap * @param alignment How it should be aligned */ def showUtilityDialog(title: String, message: String, wrapWidth: Double = 300.0, xOffset: Double = 25.0, yOffset: Double = 25.0, alignment: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.JUSTIFY) = { val dialog: Stage = new Stage() dialog.initStyle(StageStyle.UTILITY) val parent: Group = new Group() // fill the text box val messageText = new Text() messageText.setText(message) messageText.setWrappingWidth(wrapWidth) messageText.setX(xOffset) messageText.setY(yOffset) messageText.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.JUSTIFY) parent.getChildren.add(messageText) val scene: Scene = new Scene(parent) dialog.setScene(scene) dialog.setResizable(false) dialog.setMinWidth(wrapWidth + xOffset * 2) dialog.setTitle(title) } def print(): String = { "This method works" } } //region EngineListener case class SetupListener(progressBar: ProgressBar, progressLabel: Label) /** * Actor for logging output information */ class GUIEngineListener extends EngineListener with ActorLogging { var progressBar: javafx.scene.control.ProgressBar = null var progressLabel: javafx.scene.control.Label = null var isStarted = false var isFinished = false override def receive: Actor.Receive = { case command: SetupListener => setupListener(command) case command: SubmitMessage => handleMessage(command) case command: ScannedFileCount => handleScannedFileCount(command) case command: ComparedFileCount => handleComparedFileCount(command) case _ =>"received unknown message") } def setupListener(command: SetupListener) = { this.progressBar = command.progressBar this.progressLabel = command.progressLabel } override def handleComparedFileCount(command: ComparedFileCount): Unit = { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { override def run(): Unit = { if (command.message != null) { log.debug(command.message) progressLabel.setText(command.message) } else { progressLabel.setText(s"Processed ${command.count}/${}") } log.debug("Processed {}/{}", command.count, progressBar.setProgress(command.count.toFloat/ } }) } override def handleScannedFileCount(command: ScannedFileCount): Unit = { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { override def run(): Unit = { if (command.message != null) { log.debug(command.message) progressLabel.setText(command.message) } else { progressLabel.setText(s"Scanned ${command.count}/${} For Similarities") } log.debug("Scanned {}/{} For Similarities", command.count, progressBar.setProgress(command.count.toFloat/ } }) } override def handleMessage(command: SubmitMessage): Unit = { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { override def run(): Unit = { log.debug(command.message) progressLabel.setText(command.message) } }) } } //endregion