//Default Properties File //Image Tools version: ${project.version} akka { loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"] loglevel = "INFO" } //Default App Settings app { version.current = "${build-version}" timed = false engine { //Concurrency Settings concurrent { similarity.limit = 15 processing.limit = 15 } } #Default Image Settings image { //images must be 90% similar differenceThreshold = 0.90 //control generation of hashes for new images. hash { precision = 64 } ahash { use = true weight = 0.70 precision = 8 tolerance = 8 } dhash { use = true weight = 0.85 precision = 8 tolerance = 8 } phash { //set to false if hashing images is taking too long use = true weight = 1.0 precision = 32 tolerance = 8 } } //Default Thumbnail Settings thumbnail { //Directory where to store thumbnails directory = ".cache/thumbnails/" //Size of the thumbnail to generate and store size = 128 } //Default Database Settings database { connectionURL = "jdbc:h2:.cache/imageTools" inMemory = false } }