#!/bin/bash #Update the release version of the project #version string will look similar to this: 0.1.0-DEV-27-060aec7 VERSION=$(head -1 ./version.info) #do work on the version to get the correct info #we need the version string from above to look like this: 0.1.1-DEV IFS='.' read -a arr <<< "$VERSION" #results in [0,1,0-DEV-27-060aec7] IFS='-' read -a arr2 <<< "${arr[2]}" #results in [0,DEV,27,060aec7] let patch=${arr2[0]}+1 #echo $patch VERSION="${arr[0]}.${arr[1]}.$patch-${arr2[1]}" #echo $VERSION #update the POM mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$VERSION #tag the build git tag -a v$VERSION -m "Patch Release Version $VERSION" . build.sh . package.sh