package com.sothr.imagetools.engine import import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, ActorSystem} import AppConfig import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.image.{SimilarImages, ImageFilter, Image} import com.sothr.imagetools.image.SimilarImages import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.util.DirectoryFilter import grizzled.slf4j.Logging import scala.collection.mutable /** * Engine definition * * Created by drew on 1/26/14. */ abstract class Engine extends Logging { val system = ActorSystem("EngineActorSystem") val imageFilter:ImageFilter = new ImageFilter() val imageCache = AppConfig.cacheManager.getCache("images") def setProcessedListener(listenerType: ActorRef) def setSimilarityListener(listenerType: ActorRef) def getAllImageFiles(directoryPath:String, recursive:Boolean=false, recursiveDepth:Int=500):List[File] = { val fileList = new mutable.MutableList[File]() if (directoryPath != null && directoryPath != "") { val directory:File = new File(directoryPath) val imageFilter = new ImageFilter if (directory.isDirectory) { val files = directory.listFiles(imageFilter) if (files != null) { fileList ++= files info(s"Found ${files.length} files that are images in directory: $directoryPath") if (recursive) { val directoryFilter = new DirectoryFilter val directories = directory.listFiles(directoryFilter) for (directory <- directories) { fileList ++= getAllImageFiles(directory.getAbsolutePath, recursive, recursiveDepth-1) } } } } } fileList.toList } /** * Get all images for a directory with hashes */ def getImagesForDirectory(directoryPath:String, recursive:Boolean=false, recursiveDepth:Int=500):List[Image] /** * Get all similar images for a directory with hashes */ def getSimilarImagesForDirectory(directoryPath:String, recursive:Boolean=false, recursiveDepth:Int=500):List[SimilarImages] } case class SubmitMessage(message:String) case class ScannedFileCount(count:Integer, total:Integer, message:String=null) case class ComparedFileCount(count:Integer,total:Integer, message:String=null) abstract class EngineListener extends Actor with ActorLogging { override def receive: Actor.Receive = { case command:SubmitMessage => handleMessage(command) case command:ScannedFileCount => handleScannedFileCount(command) case command:ComparedFileCount => handleComparedFileCount(command) case _ =>"received unknown message") } def handleMessage(command:SubmitMessage) def handleScannedFileCount(command:ScannedFileCount) def handleComparedFileCount(command:ComparedFileCount) } /** * Actor for logging output information */ class DefaultLoggingEngineListener extends EngineListener with ActorLogging { override def handleComparedFileCount(command: ComparedFileCount): Unit = { if (command.message != null) { }"Processed {}/{}",command.count, } override def handleScannedFileCount(command: ScannedFileCount): Unit = { if (command.message != null) { }"Scanned {}/{} For Similarities",command.count, } override def handleMessage(command: SubmitMessage): Unit = { } } /** * Actor for writing progress out to the commandline */ class CLIEngineListener extends EngineListener with ActorLogging { override def handleComparedFileCount(command: ComparedFileCount): Unit = { if (command.message != null) { System.out.println(command.message) } System.out.println(s"Processed ${command.count}/${}") } override def handleScannedFileCount(command: ScannedFileCount): Unit = { if (command.message != null) { System.out.println(command.message) } System.out.println(s"Scanned ${command.count}/${} For Similarities") } override def handleMessage(command: SubmitMessage): Unit = { System.out.println(command.message) } }