package com.sothr.imagetools import grizzled.slf4j.Logging import java.awt.image.{DataBufferByte, BufferedImage, ColorConvertOp} import net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails import import com.sothr.imagetools.image.Image import com.sothr.imagetools.hash.HashService import javax.imageio.ImageIO import import net.sf.ehcache.Element import com.sothr.imagetools.util.{PropertiesEnum, PropertiesService} object ImageService extends Logging { val imageCache = AppConfig.cacheManager.getCache("images") private def lookupImage(file:File):Image = { var image:Image = null //get from memory cache if possible try { if (imageCache.isKeyInCache(file.getAbsolutePath)) image = imageCache.get(file.getAbsolutePath).getObjectValue.asInstanceOf[Image] } catch { case npe:NullPointerException => error(s"Error grabbing \'${file.getAbsolutePath}\' from cache", npe) } //get from datastore if possible image } private def saveImage(image:Image):Image = { //save to cache imageCache.put(new Element(image.imagePath, image)) //save to datastore image } def getImage(file:File):Image = { try { val image = lookupImage(file) if (image != null) { debug(s"${file.getAbsolutePath} was already processed") return image } else { val bufferedImage = val hashes = HashService.getImageHashes(bufferedImage, file.getAbsolutePath) var thumbnailPath = lookupThumbnailPath(hashes.md5) if (thumbnailPath == null) thumbnailPath = getThumbnail(bufferedImage, hashes.md5) val imageSize = { (bufferedImage.getWidth, bufferedImage.getHeight) } val image = new Image(file.getAbsolutePath, thumbnailPath, imageSize, hashes) debug(s"Created image: $image") return saveImage(image) } } catch { case ioe:IOException => error(s"Error processing ${file.getAbsolutePath}", ioe) case ex:Exception => error(s"Error processing ${file.getAbsolutePath}", ex) } null } def calculateThumbPath(md5:String):String = { //break the path down into 4 char parts val split:List[String] = md5.grouped(4).toList var dirPath = "" for (seg <- split) dirPath += seg + "/" var path:String = s"${PropertiesService.get(PropertiesEnum.ThumbnailDirectory.toString)}${PropertiesService.get(PropertiesEnum.ThumbnailSize.toString)}/$dirPath" try { val dir = new File(path) if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs() } catch { case ioe:IOException => error(s"Unable to create dirs for path: \'$path\'", ioe) } path += md5 + ".jpg" path } def lookupThumbnailPath(md5:String):String = { var thumbPath:String = null if (md5 != null) { //check for the actual file val checkPath = calculateThumbPath(md5) if (new File(checkPath).exists) thumbPath = checkPath } else { error("Null md5 passed in") } thumbPath } def getThumbnail(image:BufferedImage, md5:String):String = { //create thumbnail val thumb = resize(image, PropertiesService.get(PropertiesEnum.ThumbnailSize.toString).toInt, forced=false) //calculate path val path = calculateThumbPath(md5) // save thumbnail to path try { ImageIO.write(thumb, "jpg", new File(path)) debug(s"Wrote thumbnail to $path") } catch { case ioe:IOException => error(s"Unable to save thumbnail to $path", ioe) } // return path path } /** * Get the raw data for an image */ def getImageData(image:BufferedImage):Array[Array[Int]] = { convertTo2DWithoutUsingGetRGB(image) } /** * Quickly convert an image to grayscale * * @param image * @return */ def convertToGray(image:BufferedImage):BufferedImage = { debug("Converting an image to grayscale") val grayImage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth, image.getHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY) //create a color conversion operation val op = new ColorConvertOp( image.getColorModel.getColorSpace, grayImage.getColorModel.getColorSpace, null) //convert the image to grey val result = op.filter(image, grayImage) //val g = image.getGraphics //g.drawImage(image,0,0,null) //g.dispose() result } def resize(image:BufferedImage, size:Int, forced:Boolean=false):BufferedImage = { debug(s"Resizing an image to size: ${size}x${size} forced: $forced") if (forced) { Thumbnails.of(image).forceSize(size,size).asBufferedImage } else { Thumbnails.of(image).size(size,size).asBufferedImage } } /** * Convert a buffered image into a 2d pixel data array * * @param image * @return */ private def convertTo2DWithoutUsingGetRGB(image:BufferedImage):Array[Array[Int]] = { val pixels = image.getRaster.getDataBuffer.asInstanceOf[DataBufferByte].getData val numPixels = pixels.length val width = image.getWidth val height = image.getHeight val isSingleChannel = if(numPixels == (width * height)) true else false val hasAlphaChannel = image.getAlphaRaster != null debug(s"Converting image to 2d. width:$width height:$height") val result = Array.ofDim[Int](height,width) if (isSingleChannel) { debug(s"Processing Single Channel Image") val pixelLength = 1 var row = 0 var col = 0 debug(s"Processing pixels 0 until $numPixels by $pixelLength") for (pixel <- 0 until numPixels by pixelLength) { //debug(s"Processing pixel: $pixel/${numPixels - 1}") val argb:Int = pixels(pixel).toInt //singleChannel //debug(s"Pixel data: $argb") result(row)(col) = argb col += 1 if (col == width) { col = 0 row += 1 } } } else if (hasAlphaChannel) { debug(s"Processing Four Channel Image") val pixelLength = 4 var row = 0 var col = 0 debug(s"Processing pixels 0 until $numPixels by $pixelLength") for (pixel <- 0 until numPixels by pixelLength) { //debug(s"Processing pixel: $pixel/${numPixels - 1}") var argb:Int = 0 argb += pixels(pixel).toInt << 24 //alpha argb += pixels(pixel + 1).toInt //blue argb += pixels(pixel + 2).toInt << 8 //green argb += pixels(pixel + 3).toInt << 16 //red result(row)(col) = argb col += 1 if (col == width) { col = 0 row += 1 } } } else { debug(s"Processing Three Channel Image") val pixelLength = 3 var row = 0 var col = 0 debug(s"Processing pixels 0 until $numPixels by $pixelLength") for (pixel <- 0 until numPixels by pixelLength) { //debug(s"Processing pixel: $pixel/${numPixels - 1}") var argb:Int = 0 argb += -16777216; // 255 alpha argb += pixels(pixel).toInt //blue argb += pixels(pixel + 1).toInt << 8 //green argb += pixels(pixel + 2).toInt << 16 //red result(row)(col) = argb col += 1 if (col == width) { col = 0 row += 1 } } } result } }