@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ package com.sothr.imagetools.engine |
import java.io.File |
import akka.actor._ |
import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.image.{Image, ImageFilter, ImageService, SimilarImages} |
import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.image._ |
import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.util.DirectoryFilter |
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging |
import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet |
import scala.collection.mutable |
import scala.util.control.Breaks._ |
/** |
* Engine definition |
@ -87,29 +89,55 @@ abstract class Engine extends Logging { |
*/ |
def processSimilarities(similarList: List[SimilarImages]): List[SimilarImages] = { |
//process the result into a list we want in cleanedSimilarImages |
/* |
Go through all the images. If a similar image for the image doesn't exist, create it. if it does, |
add it to that similar image. The end result is that all images should be grouped according to |
their similar images and images that are similar to them. |
*/ |
var count = 0 |
// similar image mapping to map known images back to their similar set |
val similarImageMap = new mutable.HashMap[Image, SimilarImages]() |
// List of the actual similar image sets |
val cleanedSimilarImages = new mutable.MutableList[SimilarImages]() |
val ignoreSet = new mutable.HashSet[Image]() |
// loop over all of the similar image sets |
for (similarImages <- similarList) { |
count += 1 |
if (count % 25 == 0 || count == similarList.length) debug(s"Cleaning similar image $count/${similarList.length} ${similarList.length - count} left to clean") |
if (!ignoreSet.contains(similarImages.rootImage)) { |
cleanedSimilarImages += similarImages |
ignoreSet += similarImages.rootImage |
for (image <- similarImages.similarImages) { |
ignoreSet += image |
if (count % 25 == 0 || count == similarList.length) { |
debug(s"Cleaning similar images. $count/${similarList.length} ${similarList.length - count} left to clean") |
this.searchedListener ! SubmitMessage(s"Cleaning similar images. $count/${similarList.length}") |
} |
var foundSimilarity = false |
var similarity:SimilarImages = null |
breakable { for (similarImage <- similarImages.similarImages) { |
if (similarImageMap.contains(similarImage)) { |
similarity = similarImageMap(similarImage) |
foundSimilarity = true |
break() |
} |
} } |
//if no similarity was found, one should be created |
if (!foundSimilarity) { |
similarity = new SimilarImages(new HashSet[Image]) |
// the created similarity is added to the cleaned list |
cleanedSimilarImages += similarity |
} |
//rewrite todo: |
/* |
Go through all the images. If a similar image for the image doesn't exist, create it. if it does, |
add it to that similar image. The end result is that all images should be grouped according to |
their similar images and images that are similar to them. |
*/ |
// all images should be added to this new similarity |
similarity.similarImages = similarity.similarImages ++ similarImages.similarImages |
similarImages.similarImages.foreach(img => similarImageMap.put(img, similarity)) |
} |
//return a non mutable cleaned list |
cleanedSimilarImages.toList |
//get a count of similar images found |
var totalCount = 0 |
cleanedSimilarImages.foreach(img => totalCount += img.similarImages.size) |
debug(s"Found $totalCount images with similarities") |
this.searchedListener ! SubmitMessage(s"Found $totalCount images with similarities") |
// Sort the similarImages by ?!?!?!? and return |
cleanedSimilarImages.toList.sorted(SimilarImagesOrdering) |
} |
} |