33 changed files with 709 additions and 499 deletions
@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.engine.hash |
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage |
import java.io.{File, FileInputStream} |
import javax.imageio.ImageIO |
import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.dto.ImageHashDTO |
import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.image.ImageService |
import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.util.{Hamming, PropertiesService} |
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging |
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils |
import resource._ |
/** |
* A service that exposes the ability to construct perceptive hashes from an |
* image which can be used to find a perceptual difference between two or more |
* images |
*/ |
object HashService extends Logging { |
def getImageHashes(imagePath: String): ImageHashDTO = { |
//debug(s"Creating hashes for $imagePath") |
getImageHashes(ImageIO.read(new File(imagePath)), imagePath) |
} |
def getImageHashes(image: BufferedImage, imagePath: String): ImageHashDTO = { |
//debug("Creating hashes for an image") |
var ahash: Long = 0L |
var dhash: Long = 0L |
var phash: Long = 0L |
val sha1: String = getSHA1(imagePath) |
//Get Image Data |
val grayImage = ImageService.convertToGray(image) |
if (PropertiesService.useAhash) { |
ahash = getAhash(grayImage, alreadyGray = true) |
} |
if (PropertiesService.useDhash) { |
dhash = getDhash(grayImage, alreadyGray = true) |
} |
if (PropertiesService.usePhash) { |
phash = getPhash(grayImage, alreadyGray = true) |
} |
val hashes = new ImageHashDTO(ahash, dhash, phash, sha1) |
debug(s"Generated hashes: $hashes") |
hashes |
} |
def getAhash(image: BufferedImage, alreadyGray: Boolean = false): Long = { |
//debug("Started generating an AHash") |
var grayImage: BufferedImage = null |
if (alreadyGray) { |
grayImage = image |
} else { |
grayImage = ImageService.convertToGray(image) |
} |
val resizedImage = ImageService.resize(grayImage, PropertiesService.aHashPrecision, forced = true) |
val imageData = ImageService.getImageData(resizedImage) |
AHash.getHash(imageData) |
} |
def getDhash(image: BufferedImage, alreadyGray: Boolean = false): Long = { |
//debug("Started generating an DHash") |
var grayImage: BufferedImage = null |
if (alreadyGray) { |
grayImage = image |
} else { |
grayImage = ImageService.convertToGray(image) |
} |
val resizedImage = ImageService.resize(grayImage, PropertiesService.dHashPrecision, forced = true) |
val imageData = ImageService.getImageData(resizedImage) |
DHash.getHash(imageData) |
} |
def getPhash(image: BufferedImage, alreadyGray: Boolean = false): Long = { |
//debug("Started generating an PHash") |
var grayImage: BufferedImage = null |
if (alreadyGray) { |
grayImage = image |
} else { |
grayImage = ImageService.convertToGray(image) |
} |
val resizedImage = ImageService.resize(grayImage, PropertiesService.pHashPrecision, forced = true) |
val imageData = ImageService.getImageData(resizedImage) |
PHash.getHash(imageData) |
} |
def getMD5(filePath: String): String = { |
managed(new FileInputStream(filePath)) acquireAndGet { |
input => DigestUtils.md5Hex(input) |
} |
} |
def getSHA1(filePath: String): String = { |
managed(new FileInputStream(filePath)) acquireAndGet { |
input => DigestUtils.sha1Hex(input) |
} |
} |
def areAhashSimilar(ahash1: Long, ahash2: Long): Boolean = { |
val tolerence = PropertiesService.aHashTolerance |
val distance = Hamming.getDistance(ahash1, ahash2) |
//debug(s"hash1: $ahash1 hash2: $ahash2 tolerence: $tolerence hamming distance: $distance") |
if (distance <= tolerence) true else false |
} |
def areDhashSimilar(dhash1: Long, dhash2: Long): Boolean = { |
val tolerence = PropertiesService.dHashTolerance |
val distance = Hamming.getDistance(dhash1, dhash2) |
//debug(s"hash1: $dhash1 hash2: $dhash2 tolerence: $tolerence hamming distance: $distance") |
if (distance <= tolerence) true else false |
} |
def arePhashSimilar(phash1: Long, phash2: Long): Boolean = { |
val tolerence = PropertiesService.pHashTolerance |
val distance = Hamming.getDistance(phash1, phash2) |
//debug(s"hash1: $phash1 hash2: $phash2 tolerence: $tolerence hamming distance: $distance") |
if (distance <= tolerence) true else false |
} |
def areImageHashesSimilar(imageHash1: ImageHashDTO, imageHash2: ImageHashDTO): Boolean = { |
val weightedHammingMean = getWeightedHashSimilarity(imageHash1, imageHash2) |
val weightedToleranceMean = getWeightedHashTolerence |
if (weightedHammingMean <= weightedToleranceMean) true else false |
} |
def getWeightedHashSimilarity(imageHash1: ImageHashDTO, imageHash2: ImageHashDTO): Float = { |
//ahash |
val aHashTolerance = PropertiesService.aHashTolerance |
val aHashWeight = PropertiesService.aHashWeight |
val useAhash = PropertiesService.useAhash |
//dhash |
val dHashTolerance = PropertiesService.dHashTolerance |
val dHashWeight = PropertiesService.dHashWeight |
val useDhash = PropertiesService.useAhash |
//phash |
val pHashTolerance = PropertiesService.pHashTolerance |
val pHashWeight = PropertiesService.pHashWeight |
val usePhash = PropertiesService.useAhash |
//calculate weighted values |
var weightedHammingTotal: Float = 0 |
var methodsTotal = 0 |
if (useAhash) { |
val hamming = Hamming.getDistance(imageHash1.ahash, imageHash2.ahash) |
weightedHammingTotal += hamming * aHashWeight |
//debug(s"hash1: ${imageHash1.ahash} hash2: ${imageHash1.ahash} tolerence: $aHashTolerance hamming distance: $hamming weight: $aHashWeight") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
if (useDhash) { |
val hamming = Hamming.getDistance(imageHash1.dhash, imageHash2.dhash) |
weightedHammingTotal += hamming * dHashWeight |
//debug(s"hash1: ${imageHash1.dhash} hash2: ${imageHash1.dhash} tolerence: $dHashTolerance hamming distance: $hamming weight: $dHashWeight") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
if (usePhash) { |
val hamming = Hamming.getDistance(imageHash1.phash, imageHash2.phash) |
weightedHammingTotal += hamming * pHashWeight |
//debug(s"hash1: ${imageHash1.phash} hash2: ${imageHash1.phash} tolerence: $pHashTolerance hamming distance: $hamming weight: $pHashWeight") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
val weightedHammingMean = weightedHammingTotal / methodsTotal |
//debug(s"Calculated Weighted Hamming Mean: $weightedHammingMean") |
weightedHammingMean |
} |
def getWeightedHashTolerence: Float = { |
//ahash |
val aHashTolerance = PropertiesService.aHashTolerance |
val aHashWeight = PropertiesService.aHashWeight |
val useAhash = PropertiesService.useAhash |
//dhash |
val dHashTolerance = PropertiesService.dHashTolerance |
val dHashWeight = PropertiesService.dHashWeight |
val useDhash = PropertiesService.useAhash |
//phash |
val pHashTolerance = PropertiesService.pHashTolerance |
val pHashWeight = PropertiesService.pHashWeight |
val usePhash = PropertiesService.useAhash |
//calculate weighted values |
var weightedToleranceTotal: Float = 0 |
var methodsTotal = 0 |
if (useAhash) { |
weightedToleranceTotal += aHashTolerance * aHashWeight |
//debug(s"Ahash Tolerance: $aHashTolerance Current Weighted Tolerance: $weightedToleranceTotal") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
if (useDhash) { |
weightedToleranceTotal += dHashTolerance * dHashWeight |
//debug(s"Dhash Tolerance: $dHashTolerance Current Weighted Tolerance: $weightedToleranceTotal") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
if (usePhash) { |
weightedToleranceTotal += pHashTolerance * pHashWeight |
//debug(s"Phash Tolerance: $pHashTolerance Current Weighted Tolerance: $weightedToleranceTotal") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
val weightedTolerance = weightedToleranceTotal / methodsTotal |
//debug(s"Calculated Weighted Tolerance: $weightedTolerance") |
weightedTolerance |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
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<description>An image collection management utility</description> |
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After Width: 3648 | Height: 2736 | Size: 5.0 MiB |
After Width: 1824 | Height: 1368 | Size: 1.5 MiB |
After Width: 912 | Height: 684 | Size: 519 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.hash |
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage |
import java.io.{File, FileInputStream} |
import javax.imageio.ImageIO |
import com.sothr.imagetools.hash.`type`.{AHash, DHash, PHash} |
import com.sothr.imagetools.hash.dto.{HashSettingDTO, ImageHashDTO} |
import com.sothr.imagetools.hash.util.{HammingUtil, ImageUtil} |
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging |
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils |
import resource.managed |
/** |
* A service that exposes the ability to construct perceptive hashes from an |
* image which can be used to find a perceptual difference between two or more |
* images |
*/ |
object HashService extends Logging { |
def getImageHashes(ahashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
dhashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
phashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
imagePath: String): ImageHashDTO = { |
getImageHashes(ahashSettings, dhashSettings, phashSettings, ImageIO.read(new File(imagePath)), imagePath) |
} |
def getImageHashes(ahashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
dhashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
phashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
image: BufferedImage, |
imagePath: String): ImageHashDTO = { |
debug(s"Creating hashes for $imagePath") |
var ahash: Long = 0L |
var dhash: Long = 0L |
var phash: Long = 0L |
val sha1: String = getSHA1(imagePath) |
//Get Image Data |
val grayImage = ImageUtil.convertToGray(image) |
if (ahashSettings.use) { |
ahash = getAhash(ahashSettings, grayImage, alreadyGray = true) |
} |
if (dhashSettings.use) { |
dhash = getDhash(dhashSettings, grayImage, alreadyGray = true) |
} |
if (phashSettings.use) { |
phash = getPhash(phashSettings, grayImage, alreadyGray = true) |
} |
val hashes = new ImageHashDTO(ahash, dhash, phash, sha1) |
debug(s"Generated hashes: $hashes") |
hashes |
} |
def getAhash(hashSettings: HashSettingDTO, image: BufferedImage, alreadyGray: Boolean = false): Long = { |
//debug("Started generating an AHash") |
var grayImage: BufferedImage = null |
if (alreadyGray) { |
grayImage = image |
} else { |
grayImage = ImageUtil.convertToGray(image) |
} |
val resizedImage = ImageUtil.resize(grayImage, hashSettings.precision, forced = true) |
val imageData = ImageUtil.getImageData(resizedImage) |
AHash.getHash(imageData) |
} |
def getDhash(hashSettings: HashSettingDTO, image: BufferedImage, alreadyGray: Boolean = false): Long = { |
//debug("Started generating an DHash") |
var grayImage: BufferedImage = null |
if (alreadyGray) { |
grayImage = image |
} else { |
grayImage = ImageUtil.convertToGray(image) |
} |
val resizedImage = ImageUtil.resize(grayImage, hashSettings.precision, forced = true) |
val imageData = ImageUtil.getImageData(resizedImage) |
DHash.getHash(imageData) |
} |
def getPhash(hashSettings: HashSettingDTO, image: BufferedImage, alreadyGray: Boolean = false): Long = { |
//debug("Started generating an PHash") |
var grayImage: BufferedImage = null |
if (alreadyGray) { |
grayImage = image |
} else { |
grayImage = ImageUtil.convertToGray(image) |
} |
val resizedImage = ImageUtil.resize(grayImage, hashSettings.precision, forced = true) |
val imageData = ImageUtil.getImageData(resizedImage) |
PHash.getHash(imageData) |
} |
def getSHA1(filePath: String): String = { |
managed(new FileInputStream(filePath)) acquireAndGet { |
input => DigestUtils.sha1Hex(input) |
} |
} |
def getMD5(filePath: String): String = { |
managed(new FileInputStream(filePath)) acquireAndGet { |
input => DigestUtils.md5Hex(input) |
} |
} |
def areHashSimilar(hashSettings: HashSettingDTO, hash1: Long, hash2: Long): Boolean = { |
val tolerence = hashSettings.tolerance |
val distance = HammingUtil.getDistance(hash1, hash2) |
if (distance <= tolerence) true else false |
} |
def areImageHashesSimilar(ahashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
dhashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
phashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
imageHash1: ImageHashDTO, |
imageHash2: ImageHashDTO): Boolean = { |
val weightedHammingMean = getWeightedHashSimilarity(ahashSettings, dhashSettings, phashSettings, imageHash1, imageHash2) |
val weightedToleranceMean = getWeightedHashTolerence(ahashSettings, dhashSettings, phashSettings) |
if (weightedHammingMean <= weightedToleranceMean) true else false |
} |
def getWeightedHashSimilarity(ahashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
dhashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
phashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
imageHash1: ImageHashDTO, |
imageHash2: ImageHashDTO): Float = { |
//calculate weighted values |
var weightedHammingTotal: Float = 0 |
var methodsTotal = 0 |
if (ahashSettings.use) { |
val hamming = HammingUtil.getDistance(imageHash1.ahash, imageHash2.ahash) |
weightedHammingTotal += hamming * ahashSettings.weight |
trace(s"hash1: ${imageHash1.ahash} hash2: ${imageHash1.ahash} tolerance: ${ahashSettings.tolerance} hamming distance: $hamming weight: ${ahashSettings.weight}") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
if (dhashSettings.use) { |
val hamming = HammingUtil.getDistance(imageHash1.dhash, imageHash2.dhash) |
weightedHammingTotal += hamming * dhashSettings.weight |
trace(s"hash1: ${imageHash1.dhash} hash2: ${imageHash1.dhash} tolerance: ${dhashSettings.tolerance} hamming distance: $hamming weight: ${dhashSettings.weight}") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
if (phashSettings.use) { |
val hamming = HammingUtil.getDistance(imageHash1.phash, imageHash2.phash) |
weightedHammingTotal += hamming * phashSettings.weight |
trace(s"hash1: ${imageHash1.phash} hash2: ${imageHash1.phash} tolerance: ${phashSettings.tolerance} hamming distance: $hamming weight: ${phashSettings.weight}") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
val weightedHammingMean = weightedHammingTotal / methodsTotal |
debug(s"Calculated Weighted HammingUtil Mean: $weightedHammingMean") |
weightedHammingMean |
} |
def getWeightedHashTolerence(ahashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
dhashSettings: HashSettingDTO, |
phashSettings: HashSettingDTO): Float = { |
//calculate weighted values |
var weightedToleranceTotal: Float = 0 |
var methodsTotal = 0 |
if (ahashSettings.use) { |
weightedToleranceTotal += ahashSettings.tolerance * ahashSettings.weight |
trace(s"Ahash Tolerance: ${ahashSettings.tolerance} Current Weighted Tolerance: $weightedToleranceTotal") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
if (dhashSettings.use) { |
weightedToleranceTotal += dhashSettings.tolerance * dhashSettings.weight |
trace(s"Dhash Tolerance: ${dhashSettings.tolerance} Current Weighted Tolerance: $weightedToleranceTotal") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
if (phashSettings.use) { |
weightedToleranceTotal += phashSettings.tolerance * phashSettings.weight |
trace(s"Phash Tolerance: ${phashSettings.tolerance} Current Weighted Tolerance: $weightedToleranceTotal") |
methodsTotal += 1 |
} |
val weightedTolerance = weightedToleranceTotal / methodsTotal |
debug(s"Calculated Weighted Tolerance: $weightedTolerance") |
weightedTolerance |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.hash.dto |
class HashSettingDTO( |
val use: Boolean, |
val precision: Int, |
val tolerance: Int, |
val weight: Float) { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.hash.dto |
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging |
class ImageHashDTO(var ahash: Long, var dhash: Long, var phash: Long, var fileHash: String) extends Serializable with Logging { |
def getAhash: Long = ahash |
def setAhash(hash: Long) = { |
ahash = hash |
} |
def getDhash: Long = dhash |
def setDhash(hash: Long) = { |
dhash = hash |
} |
def getPhash: Long = phash |
def setPhash(hash: Long) = { |
phash = hash |
} |
def getFileHash: String = fileHash |
def setFileHash(hash: String) = { |
fileHash = hash |
} |
def cloneHashes: ImageHashDTO = { |
new ImageHashDTO(ahash, dhash, phash, fileHash) |
} |
override def hashCode(): Int = { |
var result = 365 |
result = 41 * result + (this.ahash ^ (this.ahash >>> 32)).toInt |
result = 37 * result + (this.dhash ^ (this.dhash >>> 32)).toInt |
result = 2 * result + (this.phash ^ (this.phash >>> 32)).toInt |
result |
} |
override def toString: String = { |
s"fileHash: $fileHash ahash: $ahash dhash: $dhash phash: $phash" |
} |
} |
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.engine.hash |
package com.sothr.imagetools.hash.`type` |
/** |
* Interface for perceptual hashing |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.hash.util |
object HammingUtil { |
/** |
* Calculate the hamming distance between two longs |
* |
* @param hash1 The first hash to compare |
* @param hash2 The second hash to compare |
* @return |
*/ |
def getDistance(hash1: Long, hash2: Long): Int = { |
//The XOR of hash1 and hash2 is converted to a binary string |
//then the number of '1's is counted. This is the hamming distance |
(hash1 ^ hash2).toBinaryString.count(_ == '1') |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.hash.util |
import java.awt.image.{BufferedImage, ColorConvertOp, DataBufferByte} |
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging |
import net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails |
object ImageUtil extends Logging { |
/** |
* Quickly convert an image to grayscale |
* |
* @param image image to convert to greyscale |
* @return |
*/ |
def convertToGray(image: BufferedImage): BufferedImage = { |
val grayImage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth, image.getHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY) |
val op = new ColorConvertOp( |
image.getColorModel.getColorSpace, |
grayImage.getColorModel.getColorSpace, |
null |
) |
op.filter(image, grayImage) |
} |
def resize(image: BufferedImage, size: Int, forced: Boolean = false): BufferedImage = { |
//debug(s"Resizing an image to size: ${size}x${size} forced: $forced") |
if (forced) { |
Thumbnails.of(image).forceSize(size, size).asBufferedImage |
} else { |
Thumbnails.of(image).size(size, size).asBufferedImage |
} |
} |
/** |
* Get the raw data for an image |
* Convert a buffered image into a 2d pixel data array |
* |
* @param image image to convert without using RGB |
* @return |
*/ |
def getImageData(image: BufferedImage): Array[Array[Int]] = { |
val pixels = image.getRaster.getDataBuffer.asInstanceOf[DataBufferByte].getData |
val numPixels = pixels.length |
val width = image.getWidth |
val height = image.getHeight |
val isSingleChannel = if (numPixels == (width * height)) true else false |
val hasAlphaChannel = image.getAlphaRaster != null |
//debug(s"Converting image to 2d. width:$width height:$height") |
val result = Array.ofDim[Int](height, width) |
if (isSingleChannel) { |
//debug(s"Processing Single Channel Image") |
val pixelLength = 1 |
var row = 0 |
var col = 0 |
//debug(s"Processing pixels 0 until $numPixels by $pixelLength") |
for (pixel <- 0 until numPixels by pixelLength) { |
//debug(s"Processing pixel: $pixel/${numPixels - 1}") |
val argb: Int = pixels(pixel).toInt //singleChannel |
//debug(s"Pixel data: $argb") |
result(row)(col) = argb |
col += 1 |
if (col == width) { |
col = 0 |
row += 1 |
} |
} |
} |
else if (hasAlphaChannel) { |
//debug(s"Processing Four Channel Image") |
val pixelLength = 4 |
var row = 0 |
var col = 0 |
//debug(s"Processing pixels 0 until $numPixels by $pixelLength") |
for (pixel <- 0 until numPixels by pixelLength) { |
//debug(s"Processing pixel: $pixel/${numPixels - 1}") |
var argb: Int = 0 |
argb += pixels(pixel).toInt << 24 //alpha |
argb += pixels(pixel + 1).toInt //blue |
argb += pixels(pixel + 2).toInt << 8 //green |
argb += pixels(pixel + 3).toInt << 16 //red |
result(row)(col) = argb |
col += 1 |
if (col == width) { |
col = 0 |
row += 1 |
} |
} |
} else { |
//debug(s"Processing Three Channel Image") |
val pixelLength = 3 |
var row = 0 |
var col = 0 |
//debug(s"Processing pixels 0 until $numPixels by $pixelLength") |
for (pixel <- 0 until numPixels by pixelLength) { |
//debug(s"Processing pixel: $pixel/${numPixels - 1}") |
var argb: Int = 0 |
argb += -16777216; // 255 alpha |
argb += pixels(pixel).toInt //blue |
argb += pixels(pixel + 1).toInt << 8 //green |
argb += pixels(pixel + 2).toInt << 16 //red |
result(row)(col) = argb |
col += 1 |
if (col == width) { |
col = 0 |
row += 1 |
} |
} |
} |
result |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.hash.util |
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging |
trait TimingUtil extends Logging { |
def time[R](block: => R): R = { |
val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis |
val result = block // call-by-name |
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis |
debug("Elapsed time: " + (t1 - t0) + "ms") |
result |
} |
def getTime[R](block: => R): Long = { |
val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis |
val result = block // call-by-name |
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis |
debug("Elapsed time: " + (t1 - t0) + "ms") |
t1 - t0 |
} |
def getMean(times: Long*): Long = { |
getMean(times.toArray[Long]) |
} |
def getMean(times: Array[Long]): Long = { |
var ag = 0L |
for (i <- times.indices) { |
ag += times(i) |
} |
ag / times.length |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.hash |
import com.sothr.imagetools.hash.util.TimingUtil |
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging |
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSuite, Inside, Inspectors, Matchers, OptionValues} |
abstract class BaseTest extends FunSuite with Matchers with OptionValues with Inside with Inspectors with BeforeAndAfter with Logging with TimingUtil { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
package com.sothr.imagetools.hash |
object TestParams { |
val LargeSampleImage1 = "sample/sample_01_large.jpg" |
val MediumSampleImage1 = "sample/sample_01_medium.jpg" |
val SmallSampleImage1 = "sample/sample_01_small.jpg" |
} |
Reference in new issue