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  1. package com.sothr.imagetools.engine.util
  2. import{File, FileOutputStream, PrintStream}
  3. import java.util.Properties
  4. import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory, ConfigRenderOptions}
  5. import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
  6. /*
  7. * Service for loading and interacting with the properties file
  8. */
  9. object PropertiesService extends Logging {
  10. //OS information
  11. val OS = System.getProperty("", "UNKNOWN")
  12. val OS_VERSION = System.getProperty("os.version", "UNKNOWN")
  13. val OS_ARCH = System.getProperty("os.arch", "UNKNOWN")
  14. private val newUserConf: Properties = new Properties()
  15. private val configRenderOptions = ConfigRenderOptions.concise().setFormatted(true)
  16. //specific highly used properties
  17. var TimingEnabled: Boolean = false
  18. //ahash
  19. var aHashPrecision = 0
  20. var aHashTolerance = 0
  21. var aHashWeight = 0.0f
  22. var useAhash = false
  23. //dhash
  24. var dHashPrecision = 0
  25. var dHashTolerance = 0
  26. var dHashWeight = 0.0f
  27. var useDhash = false
  28. //phash
  29. var pHashPrecision = 0
  30. var pHashTolerance = 0
  31. var pHashWeight = 0.0f
  32. var usePhash = false
  33. private var defaultConf: Config = null
  34. private var userConf: Config = null
  35. private var version: Version = null
  36. def getVersion: Version = this.version
  37. /*
  38. * Load the properties file from the specified location
  39. */
  40. def loadProperties(defaultLocation: String, userLocation: String = null) = {
  41. info(s"Attempting to load properties from: $defaultLocation")
  42. defaultConf = ConfigFactory.load(defaultLocation)
  43. if (userLocation != null) {
  44. userConf = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(userLocation))
  45. } else {
  46. userConf = ConfigFactory.empty
  47. info("No user properties file exists to load from")
  48. }
  49. version = new Version(get(PropertyEnum.Version.toString))
  50. info(s"Detected Version: $version")
  51. //load special properties
  52. TimingEnabled = get(PropertyEnum.Timed.toString).toBoolean
  53. //ahash
  54. aHashPrecision = get(PropertyEnum.AhashPrecision.toString).toInt
  55. aHashTolerance = get(PropertyEnum.AhashTolerance.toString).toInt
  56. aHashWeight = get(PropertyEnum.AhashWeight.toString).toFloat
  57. useAhash = get(PropertyEnum.UseAhash.toString).toBoolean
  58. //dhash
  59. dHashPrecision = get(PropertyEnum.DhashPrecision.toString).toInt
  60. dHashTolerance = get(PropertyEnum.DhashTolerance.toString).toInt
  61. dHashWeight = get(PropertyEnum.DhashWeight.toString).toFloat
  62. useDhash = get(PropertyEnum.UseDhash.toString).toBoolean
  63. //phash
  64. pHashPrecision = get(PropertyEnum.PhashPrecision.toString).toInt
  65. pHashTolerance = get(PropertyEnum.PhashTolerance.toString).toInt
  66. pHashWeight = get(PropertyEnum.PhashWeight.toString).toFloat
  67. usePhash = get(PropertyEnum.UsePhash.toString).toBoolean
  68. info("Loaded Special Properties")
  69. }
  70. def get(key: String, defaultValue: String = null): String = {
  71. var result: String = defaultValue
  72. //check the latest properties
  73. if (newUserConf.containsKey(key)) {
  74. result = newUserConf.getProperty(key)
  75. }
  76. //check the loaded user properties
  77. else if (userConf.hasPath(key)) {
  78. result = userConf.getString(key)
  79. }
  80. //check the default properties
  81. else if (defaultConf.hasPath(key)) {
  82. result = defaultConf.getString(key)
  83. }
  84. result
  85. }
  86. def saveConf(location: String) = {
  87. info(s"Saving user properties to $location")
  88. val out: PrintStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(location, false))
  89. val userConfToSave = getCleanedMergedUserConf
  90. //print to the output stream
  91. out.print(userConfToSave.root().render(configRenderOptions))
  92. out.flush()
  93. out.close()
  94. }
  95. private def getCleanedMergedUserConf: Config = {
  96. ConfigFactory.parseProperties(cleanAndPrepareNewUserProperties()) withFallback userConf
  97. }
  98. private def cleanAndPrepareNewUserProperties(): Properties = {
  99. //insert special keys here
  100. newUserConf.setProperty(PropertyEnum.PreviousVersion.toString, version.parsableToString())
  101. //remove special keys here
  102. newUserConf.remove(PropertyEnum.Version.toString)
  103. newUserConf
  104. }
  105. def has(key: String): Boolean = {
  106. var result = false
  107. if (newUserConf.containsKey(key)
  108. || userConf.hasPath(key)
  109. || defaultConf.hasPath(key)) {
  110. result = true
  111. }
  112. result
  113. }
  114. def set(key: String, value: String) = {
  115. newUserConf.setProperty(key, value)
  116. }
  117. }