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  1. package com.sothr.imagetools.ui.controller
  2. import{File, IOException}
  3. import java.util.Scanner
  4. import javafx.application.Platform
  5. import javafx.event.ActionEvent
  6. import javafx.fxml.FXML
  7. import javafx.scene.control._
  8. import javafx.scene.layout.{AnchorPane, TilePane, VBox}
  9. import javafx.scene.text.{Text, TextAlignment}
  10. import javafx.scene.web.WebView
  11. import javafx.scene.{Group, Node, Scene}
  12. import javafx.stage.{DirectoryChooser, Stage, StageStyle}
  13. import javafx.util.Callback
  14. import
  15. import com.sothr.imagetools.engine._
  16. import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.image.{Image, SimilarImages}
  17. import com.sothr.imagetools.engine.util.{PropertiesService, ResourceLoader}
  18. import com.sothr.imagetools.ui.component.{ImageTilePane, ImageTileFactory}
  19. import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
  20. import org.markdown4j.Markdown4jProcessor
  21. import scala.collection.mutable
  22. import
  23. import scala.concurrent._
  24. import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
  25. /**
  26. * Main Application controller
  27. *
  28. * Created by drew on 12/31/13.
  29. */
  30. class AppController extends Logging {
  31. //Define controls
  32. @FXML var rootPane: AnchorPane = null
  33. @FXML var rootMenuBar: MenuBar = null
  34. @FXML var scrollPane: ScrollPane = null
  35. @FXML var imageTilePane: TilePane = null
  36. @FXML var tagListView: ListView[String] = null
  37. // Labels
  38. @FXML var selectedDirectoryLabel: Label = null
  39. @FXML var currentDirectoryLabel: Label = null
  40. @FXML var progressLabel: Label = null
  41. // Others
  42. @FXML var progressBar: ProgressBar = null
  43. @FXML var paginator: Pagination = null
  44. @FXML var doRecursiveProcessing: CheckBox = null
  45. // Engine
  46. val engine: Engine = new ConcurrentEngine()
  47. // Current State
  48. var currentDirectory: String = "."
  49. var currentImages: List[Image] = List[Image]()
  50. @FXML def initialize() = {
  51. if (PropertiesService.has("app.ui.lastPath")) {
  52. currentDirectory = PropertiesService.get("app.ui.lastPath", ".")
  53. selectedDirectoryLabel.setText(PropertiesService.get("app.ui.lastPath", ""))
  54. }
  55. //setup the engine listener
  56. val system: ActorSystem = AppConfig.getAppActorSystem
  57. val guiListenerProps: Props = Props.create(classOf[GUIEngineListener])
  58. val guiListener: ActorRef = system.actorOf(guiListenerProps)
  59. // configure the listener
  60. guiListener ! SetupListener(progressBar, progressLabel)
  61. // tell the engine to use our listener
  62. this.engine.setProcessedListener(guiListener)
  63. this.engine.setSimilarityListener(guiListener)
  64. // Initialize the progress label
  65. guiListener ! SubmitMessage("Initialized System... Ready!")
  66. // set the default images per page if it doesn't exist yet
  67. if (!PropertiesService.has("app.ui.thumbsPerPage")) {
  68. PropertiesService.set("app.ui.thumbsPerPage", "100")
  69. }
  70. // configure the page factory
  71. paginator.setPageFactory(new Callback[Integer, Node]() {
  72. override def call(pageIndex: Integer): Node = {
  73. // do all of our display logic
  74. showPage(pageIndex)
  75. // override behavior to display anything
  76. new VBox()
  77. }
  78. })
  79. //override the imageTilePane
  80. val newImageTilePane = new ImageTilePane()
  81. newImageTilePane.setHgap(this.imageTilePane.getHgap)
  82. newImageTilePane.setVgap(this.imageTilePane.getVgap)
  83. newImageTilePane.setMinHeight(this.imageTilePane.getMinHeight)
  84. newImageTilePane.setMinWidth(this.imageTilePane.getMinWidth)
  85. newImageTilePane.setMaxHeight(this.imageTilePane.getMaxHeight)
  86. newImageTilePane.setMaxWidth(this.imageTilePane.getMaxWidth)
  87. newImageTilePane.setPrefColumns(this.imageTilePane.getPrefColumns)
  88. newImageTilePane.setPrefRows(this.imageTilePane.getPrefRows)
  89. newImageTilePane.setPrefTileHeight(this.imageTilePane.getPrefTileHeight)
  90. newImageTilePane.setPrefTileWidth(this.imageTilePane.getPrefTileWidth)
  91. newImageTilePane.setTileAlignment(this.imageTilePane.getTileAlignment)
  92. this.scrollPane.setContent(newImageTilePane)
  93. this.imageTilePane = newImageTilePane
  94. //test
  95. //val testImage = new Image()
  96. //testImage.setThumbnailPath("test.jpg")
  97. //testImage.setImagePath("test.jpg")
  98. //for (i <- 1 to 100) {
  99. // imageTilePane.getChildren.add(ImageTileFactory.get(testImage))
  100. //}
  101. //val list = FXCollections.observableArrayList[String]()
  102. //for (i <- 1 to 100) {
  103. // list.add(s"test-item ${i}")
  104. //}
  105. //tagListView.setItems(list)
  106. }
  107. //region MenuItem Actions
  108. @FXML
  109. def helpAction(event: ActionEvent) = {
  110. showExternalHTMLUtilityDialog("")
  111. }
  112. @FXML
  113. def aboutAction(event: ActionEvent) = {
  114. debug("Displaying about screen")
  115. var aboutMessage = "Simple About Message"
  116. try {
  117. val scanner = new Scanner(ResourceLoader.get().getResourceStream("documents/"))
  118. aboutMessage = ""
  119. while (scanner.hasNextLine) {
  120. aboutMessage += scanner.nextLine().trim() + "\n"
  121. }
  122. debug(s"Parsed About Message: '$aboutMessage'")
  123. } catch {
  124. case ioe: IOException =>
  125. error("Unable to read about file")
  126. }
  127. showMarkdownUtilityDialog("About", aboutMessage, 400.0, 300.0)
  128. debug("Showing About Dialog")
  129. }
  130. @FXML
  131. def closeAction(event: ActionEvent) = {
  132. debug("Closing application from the menu bar")
  133. val stage: Stage = this.rootMenuBar.getScene.getWindow.asInstanceOf[Stage]
  134. stage.close()
  135. }
  136. //endregion
  137. //region buttons
  138. @FXML
  139. def browseFolders(event: ActionEvent) = {
  140. val chooser = new DirectoryChooser()
  141. chooser.setTitle("ImageTools Browser")
  142. val defaultDirectory = new File(currentDirectory)
  143. chooser.setInitialDirectory(defaultDirectory)
  144. val window = this.rootPane.getScene.getWindow
  145. val selectedDirectory = chooser.showDialog(window)
  146. info(s"Selected Directory: ${selectedDirectory.getAbsolutePath}")
  147. selectedDirectoryLabel.setText(selectedDirectory.getAbsolutePath)
  148. currentDirectory = selectedDirectory.getAbsolutePath
  149. PropertiesService.set("app.ui.lastPath", selectedDirectory.getAbsolutePath)
  150. this.currentDirectoryLabel.setText(selectedDirectory.getAbsolutePath)
  151. }
  152. @FXML
  153. def showAllImages(event: ActionEvent) = {
  154. resetPaginator()
  155. imageTilePane.getChildren.setAll(new java.util.ArrayList[Node]())
  156. val f: Future[List[Image]] = Future {
  157. engine.getImagesForDirectory(currentDirectory, recursive = doRecursiveProcessing.isSelected)
  158. }
  159. f onComplete {
  160. case Success(images) =>
  161. info(s"Displaying ${images.length} images")
  162. // This is used so that JavaFX updates on the proper thread
  163. // This is important since UI updates can only happen on that thread
  164. Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
  165. override def run() {
  166. setPagesContent(images)
  167. }
  168. })
  169. case Failure(t) =>
  170. error("An Error Occurred", t)
  171. }
  172. }
  173. @FXML
  174. def showSimilarImages(event: ActionEvent) = {
  175. resetPaginator()
  176. imageTilePane.getChildren.setAll(new java.util.ArrayList[Node]())
  177. val f: Future[List[SimilarImages]] = Future {
  178. engine.getSimilarImagesForDirectory(currentDirectory, recursive = doRecursiveProcessing.isSelected)
  179. }
  180. f onComplete {
  181. case Success(similarImages) =>
  182. info(s"Displaying ${similarImages.length} similar images")
  183. Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
  184. override def run() {
  185. val tempImages = new mutable.MutableList[Image]()
  186. for (similarImage <- similarImages) {
  187. debug(s"Adding similar images ${similarImage.rootImage.toString} to app")
  188. tempImages += similarImage.rootImage
  189. imageTilePane.getChildren.add(ImageTileFactory.get(similarImage.rootImage))
  190. similarImage.similarImages.foreach(image => tempImages += image)
  191. }
  192. setPagesContent(tempImages.toList)
  193. }
  194. })
  195. case Failure(t) =>
  196. error("An Error Occurred", t)
  197. }
  198. }
  199. //endregion
  200. //region pagination
  201. def resetPaginator() = {
  202. this.paginator.setDisable(true)
  203. this.paginator.setPageCount(1)
  204. }
  205. def setPagesContent(images: List[Image]) = {
  206. this.currentImages = images
  207. //set the appropriate size for the pagination
  208. val itemsPerPage = PropertiesService.get("app.ui.thumbsPerPage", "100").toInt
  209. val pageNum = Math.ceil(this.currentImages.size.toFloat / itemsPerPage).toInt
  210. this.paginator.setPageCount(pageNum)
  211. this.paginator.setDisable(false)
  212. }
  213. def showPage(pageIndex: Integer) = {
  214. val itemsPerPage = PropertiesService.get("app.ui.thumbsPerPage", "100").toInt
  215. val startIndex = pageIndex * itemsPerPage
  216. val endIndex = if ((startIndex + itemsPerPage) > this.currentImages.size) this.currentImages.length else startIndex + itemsPerPage
  217. //clear and populate the scrollpane
  218. imageTilePane.getChildren.setAll(new java.util.ArrayList[Node]())
  219. val images = this.currentImages.slice(startIndex, endIndex)
  220. Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
  221. override def run() {
  222. for (image <- images) {
  223. debug(s"Adding image ${image.toString} to app")
  224. imageTilePane.getChildren.add(ImageTileFactory.get(image))
  225. }
  226. }
  227. })
  228. }
  229. //endregion
  230. //todo: include a templating engine for rendering information
  231. //todo: show a dialog that is rendered from markdown content
  232. def showMarkdownUtilityDialog(title: String, markdown: String, width: Double = 800.0, height: Double = 600.0) = {
  233. val htmlBody = new Markdown4jProcessor().process(markdown)
  234. showHTMLUtilityDialog(title, htmlBody, width, height)
  235. }
  236. /**
  237. * Render HTML content to a utility dialog. No input or output, just raw rendered content through a webkit engine.
  238. *
  239. * @param title Title of the dialog
  240. * @param htmlBody Body to render
  241. * @param width Desired width of the dialog
  242. * @param height Desired height of the dialog
  243. */
  244. def showHTMLUtilityDialog(title: String, htmlBody: String, width: Double = 800.0, height: Double = 600.0) = {
  245. val dialog: Stage = new Stage()
  246. dialog.initStyle(StageStyle.UTILITY)
  247. val parent: Group = new Group()
  248. //setup the HTML view
  249. val htmlView = new WebView
  250. htmlView.getEngine.loadContent(htmlBody)
  251. htmlView.setMinWidth(width)
  252. htmlView.setMinHeight(height)
  253. htmlView.setPrefWidth(width)
  254. htmlView.setPrefHeight(height)
  255. parent.getChildren.add(htmlView)
  256. val scene: Scene = new Scene(parent)
  257. dialog.setScene(scene)
  258. dialog.setResizable(false)
  259. dialog.setTitle(title)
  261. }
  262. def showExternalHTMLUtilityDialog(url: String) = {
  263. val dialog: Stage = new Stage()
  264. dialog.initStyle(StageStyle.UTILITY)
  265. val parent: Group = new Group()
  266. //setup the HTML view
  267. val htmlView = new WebView
  268. htmlView.getEngine.load(url)
  269. //htmlView.setMinWidth(width)
  270. //htmlView.setMinHeight(height)
  271. //htmlView.setPrefWidth(width)
  272. //htmlView.setPrefHeight(height)
  273. parent.getChildren.add(htmlView)
  274. val scene: Scene = new Scene(parent)
  275. dialog.setScene(scene)
  276. dialog.setResizable(false)
  277. dialog.setTitle(htmlView.getEngine.getTitle)
  279. }
  280. /**
  281. * Show a plain text utility dialog
  282. *
  283. * @param message Message to display
  284. * @param wrapWidth When to wrap
  285. * @param alignment How it should be aligned
  286. */
  287. def showUtilityDialog(title: String,
  288. message: String,
  289. wrapWidth: Double = 300.0,
  290. xOffset: Double = 25.0,
  291. yOffset: Double = 25.0,
  292. alignment: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.JUSTIFY) = {
  293. val dialog: Stage = new Stage()
  294. dialog.initStyle(StageStyle.UTILITY)
  295. val parent: Group = new Group()
  296. // fill the text box
  297. val messageText = new Text()
  298. messageText.setText(message)
  299. messageText.setWrappingWidth(wrapWidth)
  300. messageText.setX(xOffset)
  301. messageText.setY(yOffset)
  302. messageText.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.JUSTIFY)
  303. parent.getChildren.add(messageText)
  304. val scene: Scene = new Scene(parent)
  305. dialog.setScene(scene)
  306. dialog.setResizable(false)
  307. dialog.setMinWidth(wrapWidth + xOffset * 2)
  308. dialog.setTitle(title)
  310. }
  311. def print(): String = {
  312. "This method works"
  313. }
  314. }
  315. //region EngineListener
  316. case class SetupListener(progressBar: ProgressBar, progressLabel: Label)
  317. /**
  318. * Actor for logging output information
  319. */
  320. class GUIEngineListener extends EngineListener with ActorLogging {
  321. var progressBar: javafx.scene.control.ProgressBar = null
  322. var progressLabel: javafx.scene.control.Label = null
  323. var isStarted = false
  324. var isFinished = false
  325. override def receive: Actor.Receive = {
  326. case command: SetupListener => setupListener(command)
  327. case command: SubmitMessage => handleMessage(command)
  328. case command: ScannedFileCount => handleScannedFileCount(command)
  329. case command: ComparedFileCount => handleComparedFileCount(command)
  330. case _ =>"received unknown message")
  331. }
  332. def setupListener(command: SetupListener) = {
  333. this.progressBar = command.progressBar
  334. this.progressLabel = command.progressLabel
  335. }
  336. override def handleComparedFileCount(command: ComparedFileCount): Unit = {
  337. Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
  338. override def run(): Unit = {
  339. if (command.message != null) {
  340. log.debug(command.message)
  341. progressLabel.setText(command.message)
  342. } else {
  343. progressLabel.setText(s"Processed ${command.count}/${}")
  344. }
  345. log.debug("Processed {}/{}", command.count,
  346. progressBar.setProgress(command.count.toFloat/
  347. }
  348. })
  349. }
  350. override def handleScannedFileCount(command: ScannedFileCount): Unit = {
  351. Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
  352. override def run(): Unit = {
  353. if (command.message != null) {
  354. log.debug(command.message)
  355. progressLabel.setText(command.message)
  356. } else {
  357. progressLabel.setText(s"Scanned ${command.count}/${} For Similarities")
  358. }
  359. log.debug("Scanned {}/{} For Similarities", command.count,
  360. progressBar.setProgress(command.count.toFloat/
  361. }
  362. })
  363. }
  364. override def handleMessage(command: SubmitMessage): Unit = {
  365. Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
  366. override def run(): Unit = {
  367. log.debug(command.message)
  368. progressLabel.setText(command.message)
  369. }
  370. })
  371. }
  372. }
  373. //endregion