A multipurpose python flask API server and administration SPA
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"""Error definitions for Corvus."""
from typing import Dict
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
from corvus.api.decorators import return_json
from corvus.api.model import APIResponse, APIMessage
class BaseError(Exception):
"""Corvus Base Error Class (5xx errors)."""
def __init__(
message: str = 'Unknown error',
status_code: int = 500,
extra_fields: Dict[str, str] = None) -> None:
"""Populate The Error Definition."""
self.message = message
self.status_code = status_code
self.extra_fields = extra_fields
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
"""Serialize an error message to return."""
return {
'message': self.message,
'status_code': self.status_code
class ClientError(BaseError):
"""Corvus errors where the client is wrong (4xx errors)."""
def __init__(self,
message: str = 'Unknown client error',
status_code: int = 400,
extra_fields: Dict[str, str] = None) -> None:
"""Init for client originated errors."""
super().__init__(message, status_code, extra_fields)
class ValidationError(ClientError):
"""Corvus Validation Error."""
def handle_corvus_404_error(exception: HTTPException) -> APIResponse:
"""Error handler for 404 Corvus errors."""
return APIResponse(
payload=APIMessage(False, 'Not Found'), status=exception.code)
def handle_corvus_base_error(error: BaseError) -> APIResponse:
"""Error handler for basic Corvus raised errors."""
return APIResponse(payload=error, status=error.status_code)