170 lines
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170 lines
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"""Validation service for Atheneum models."""
from typing import Type, Dict, Callable, Any, Set, Optional, Tuple
from sqlalchemy import orm
from atheneum import db, errors
from atheneum.model import User
_changable_attribute_names: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {}
def get_changable_attribute_names(model: Type[db.Model]) -> Set[str]:
Retrieve columns from a SQLAlchemy model.
Caches already seen models to improve performance.
:param model:
:return: A list of changeable model attribute names
class_name = model.__class__.__name__
if class_name in _changable_attribute_names:
return _changable_attribute_names[class_name]
model_attributes = {prop.key for prop in
if isinstance(prop, orm.ColumnProperty)}
_changable_attribute_names[class_name] = model_attributes
return model_attributes
def determine_change_set(original_model: Type[db.Model],
update_model: Type[db.Model],
model_attributes: Set[str],
options: Optional[Set[str]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Determine the change set for two models.
:param options:
:param original_model:
:param update_model:
:param model_attributes:
if options is None:
options = model_attributes
options = model_attributes.intersection(options)
change_set = {}
for attribute in options:
original_attribute = getattr(original_model, attribute)
changed_attribute = getattr(update_model, attribute)
if original_attribute != changed_attribute:
change_set[attribute] = changed_attribute
return change_set
class ModelValidationResult: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Result from model validation."""
field_results: Dict[str, Tuple[bool, str]]
success: bool
failed: Dict[str, str] = {}
def __init__(self, field_results: Dict[str, Tuple[bool, str]]) -> None:
"""Initialize the validation results."""
self.field_results = field_results
self.success = len(
[result for (result, _) in self.field_results.values() if
result is False]) == 0
if not self.success:
failed = [(field, rslt[1]) for (field, rslt) in
self.field_results.items() if rslt[0] is False]
self.failed = {}
for field, reason in failed:
self.failed[field] = reason
def get_change_set_value(
change_set: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], field: str) -> Any:
"""Read a value or default from changeset."""
if change_set is not None and field in change_set.keys():
return change_set[field]
return None
class BaseValidator:
"""Base Model validator."""
type: Type[db.Model]
def __init__(self, request_user: User, model: Type[db.Model]) -> None:
"""Initialize the base validator."""
self.request_user = request_user
self._fields: Set[str] = get_changable_attribute_names(model)
self.model = model
def validate(self,
change_set: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) \
-> ModelValidationResult:
"""Validate Model fields."""
field_validators = self._validators()
fields_to_validate = self._fields
if change_set:
fields_to_validate = set(change_set.keys())
validation_results: Dict[str, Tuple[bool, str]] = {}
for field in fields_to_validate:
if field not in field_validators:
raise errors.ValidationError(
'Invalid key: %r. Valid keys: %r.' % (
field, list(sorted(field_validators.keys()))))
field_validator = field_validators[field]
field_result = field_validator(
get_change_set_value(change_set, field))
validation_results[field] = field_result
return ModelValidationResult(validation_results)
def _validators(
self) -> Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Tuple[bool, str]]]:
"""Field definitions."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def no_validation(_new_value: Any) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
"""Perform no validation."""
return True, ''
def validate_version(self, new_version: Any) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
"""Perform a standard version validation."""
if new_version is not None:
version_increasing = self.model.version <= new_version
if version_increasing:
return version_increasing, ''
return version_increasing, 'Unacceptable version change'
return True, ''
_model_validators: Dict[str, Type[BaseValidator]] = {}
def register_validator(
model_validator: Type[BaseValidator]) -> Type[BaseValidator]:
"""Add a model to the serializer mapping."""
model_name = model_validator.type.__name__
if model_name not in _model_validators:
_model_validators[model_name] = model_validator
raise KeyError(
' '.join([
'A validator for type "{}" already exists with class "{}".',
'Cannot register a new validator with class "{}"'
return model_validator
def validate_model(request_user: User,
model_obj: db.Model,
change_set: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) \
-> ModelValidationResult:
"""Lookup a Model and hand off to the validator."""
return _model_validators[type(model_obj).__name__](
request_user, model_obj).validate(change_set)
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError(
'{} has no registered validator'.format(model_obj.__name__))