An ebook/comic library service and web client
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  1. """Authentication API blueprint and endpoint definitions."""
  2. from flask import Blueprint, g, request
  3. from atheneum.api.decorators import return_json
  4. from atheneum.api.model import APIMessage, APIResponse
  5. from atheneum.middleware import authentication_middleware
  6. from atheneum.model import UserToken
  7. from atheneum.service import (
  8. authentication_service,
  9. transformation_service,
  10. user_service,
  11. user_token_service,
  12. )
  13. AUTH_BLUEPRINT = Blueprint(
  14. name='auth', import_name=__name__, url_prefix='/auth')
  15. @AUTH_BLUEPRINT.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
  16. @return_json
  17. @authentication_middleware.require_basic_auth
  18. def login() -> APIResponse:
  19. """
  20. Get a token for continued authentication.
  21. :return: A login token for continued authentication
  22. """
  23. new_token_options: UserToken = transformation_service.deserialize_model(
  24. UserToken, request.json, ['note', 'expirationTime'])
  25. user_token = user_token_service.create(
  26. g.user,
  27. note=new_token_options.note,
  28. expiration_time=new_token_options.expiration_time)
  29. return APIResponse(user_token, 200)
  30. @AUTH_BLUEPRINT.route('/bump', methods=['POST'])
  31. @return_json
  32. @authentication_middleware.require_token_auth
  33. def login_bump() -> APIResponse:
  34. """
  35. Update the user last seen timestamp.
  36. :return: A time stamp for the bumped login
  37. """
  38. user_service.update_last_login_time(g.user)
  39. return APIResponse(g.user, 200, ['lastLoginTime'])
  40. @AUTH_BLUEPRINT.route('/logout', methods=['POST'])
  41. @return_json
  42. @authentication_middleware.require_token_auth
  43. def logout() -> APIResponse:
  44. """
  45. Logout and delete a token.
  46. :return:
  47. """
  48. authentication_service.logout(g.user_token)
  49. return APIResponse(APIMessage(True, None), 200)