"""Patching support for db.Model objects.""" from typing import Type, Set, Optional, Any, Dict
from atheneum import db from atheneum import errors from atheneum.model import User from atheneum.service import transformation_service from atheneum.service import validation_service
def get_patch_fields(patch_json: Dict[str, Any]) -> Set[str]: """Convert json fields to python fields.""" return { transformation_service.convert_key_from_json(key) for key in patch_json.keys()}
def perform_patch(request_user: User, original_model: Type[db.Model], patch_model: Type[db.Model], model_attributes: Set[str], patched_fields: Optional[Set[str]]) \ -> Type[db.Model]: """
Patch changed attributes onto original model.
:param request_user: :param original_model: The model to apply the patches to :param patch_model: The model to pull the patch information from :param model_attributes: The attributes that are valid for patching :param patched_fields: The explicitly passed fields for patching :return: Thd patched original_model """
change_set = validation_service.determine_change_set( original_model, patch_model, model_attributes, patched_fields) model_validation = validation_service.validate_model( request_user, original_model, change_set) if model_validation.success: for attribute, value in change_set.items(): setattr(original_model, attribute, value) db.session.commit() else: raise errors.ValidationError( 'Restricted attributes modified. Invalid Patch Set.') return original_model
def versioning_aware_patch(request_user: User, original_model: Type[db.Model], patch_model: Type[db.Model], model_attributes: Set[str], patched_fields: Optional[Set[str]]) \ -> Type[db.Model]: """
Account for version numbers in the model.
Versions must match to perform the patching. Otherwise a simultaneous edit error has occurred. If the versions match and the patch moves forward, bump the version on the model by 1 to prevent other reads from performing a simultaneous edit.
:param patched_fields: :param request_user: :param original_model: The model to apply the patches to :param patch_model: The model to pull the patch information from :param model_attributes: The attributes that are valid for patching :return: Thd patched original_model """
if original_model.version == patch_model.version: patch_model.version = patch_model.version + 1 return perform_patch( request_user, original_model, patch_model, model_attributes, patched_fields) raise errors.ValidationError( 'Versions do not match. Concurrent edit in progress.')
def patch( request_user: User, original_model: Type[db.Model], patch_model: Type[db.Model], patched_fields: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> Type[db.Model]: """
Patch the original model with the patch model data.
:param request_user: :param original_model: The model to apply the patches to :param patch_model: The model to pull the patch information from :param patched_fields: :return: The patched original_model """
if type(original_model) is type(patch_model): model_attributes = validation_service.get_changable_attribute_names( original_model) if patch_model.id is not None and original_model.id != patch_model.id: raise errors.ValidationError('Cannot change ids through patching') if 'version' in model_attributes: return versioning_aware_patch( request_user, original_model, patch_model, model_attributes, patched_fields) return perform_patch( request_user, original_model, patch_model, model_attributes, patched_fields) raise errors.ValidationError( 'Model types "{}" and "{}" do not match'.format( original_model.__class__.__name__, patch_model.__class__.__name__ ))