Tooling for managing asset compression, storage, and retrieval
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  1. import json
  2. import logging
  3. import typing
  4. from pydantic import BaseModel, BaseSettings, validator
  5. from acm.utility import get_string_sha256sum, get_string_xor
  6. LOG = logging.getLogger("acm.config")
  7. # Application Version
  8. VERSION = "2.0.0"
  9. class ACMProfileProcessorOptions(BaseModel):
  10. force_preserve_smaller_input: bool = False
  11. class ACMProfileProcessor(BaseModel):
  12. name: str
  13. version: typing.Optional[str]
  14. processors: typing.List[str]
  15. extensions: typing.List[str]
  16. output_extension: str
  17. options: ACMProfileProcessorOptions
  18. command: str
  19. signature: typing.Optional[str]
  20. @validator('version', always=True)
  21. def version_validator(cls, v, values) -> str:
  22. # TODO Set the version to the app version if not provided
  23. if v is None:
  24. return VERSION
  25. @validator('signature', always=True)
  26. def signature_validator(cls, v, values) -> str:
  27. signature_keys = ["name", "version", "processors", "extensions", "output_extension", "command"]
  28. signature_values = [value for key, value in values.items() if key in signature_keys]
  29. return get_string_sha256sum(json.dumps(signature_values))
  30. class ACMProfile(BaseModel):
  31. name: str
  32. version: typing.Optional[str]
  33. processors: typing.List[ACMProfileProcessor]
  34. signature: typing.Optional[str]
  35. @validator('version', always=True)
  36. def version_validator(cls, v, values) -> str:
  37. if v is None:
  38. return VERSION
  39. # @validator('processors', always=True)
  40. # def processors_validator(cls, v, values) -> str:
  41. # # Collapse the same named processors into a single processor at the correct index
  42. @validator('signature', always=True)
  43. def hash_signature_validator(cls, v, values) -> str:
  44. signature_keys = ["name", "version"]
  45. signature_values = [value for key, value in values.items() if key in signature_keys]
  46. signature = get_string_sha256sum(json.dumps(signature_values))
  47. processor_signatures = [processor.signature for processor in values["processors"]]
  48. if len(processor_signatures) > 1:
  49. combined_processor_signature = get_string_xor(*processor_signatures)
  50. else:
  51. combined_processor_signature = processor_signatures[0]
  52. return get_string_sha256sum(signature + combined_processor_signature)
  53. class ACMS3(BaseModel):
  54. secure: bool = False,
  55. host: str = ""
  56. access_key: typing.Optional[str]
  57. secret_key: typing.Optional[str]
  58. class ACMConfig(BaseSettings):
  59. concurrency: int = 0
  60. debug: bool = False
  61. s3: typing.Optional[ACMS3]
  62. version: typing.Optional[str]
  63. profiles: typing.List[ACMProfile]
  64. signature: typing.Optional[str]
  65. @validator('version', always=True)
  66. def version_validator(cls, v, values) -> str:
  67. if v is None:
  68. return VERSION
  69. @validator('signature', always=True)
  70. def signature_validator(cls, v, values) -> str:
  71. signature_keys = ["version"]
  72. signature_values = [value for key, value in values.items() if key in signature_keys]
  73. signature = get_string_sha256sum(json.dumps(signature_values))
  74. profiles_signatures = [profiles.signature for profiles in values["profiles"]]
  75. if len(profiles_signatures) > 1:
  76. combined_profiles_signature = get_string_xor(*profiles_signatures)
  77. else:
  78. combined_profiles_signature = profiles_signatures[0]
  79. return get_string_sha256sum(signature + combined_profiles_signature)
  80. class Config:
  81. env_prefix = 'ACM_'
  82. env_nested_delimiter = '__'
  83. def default_config():
  84. """
  85. Returns the default ACM config
  86. """
  87. acm_profiles = []
  88. # default #
  89. acm_default_processors = []
  90. acm_default_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  91. name = "jpeg",
  92. processors = ["cjpeg"],
  93. extensions = ["jpg", "jpeg"],
  94. output_extension = "jpg",
  95. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(force_preserve_smaller_input=True),
  96. command = "cjpeg -optimize -quality 90 -progressive -outfile {output_file} {input_file}"
  97. ))
  98. acm_default_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  99. name = "png",
  100. processors = ["optipng"],
  101. extensions = ["png"],
  102. output_extension = "png",
  103. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(force_preserve_smaller_input=True),
  104. command = "optipng -o2 -strip all -out {output_file} {input_file}"
  105. ))
  106. acm_default_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  107. name = "video",
  108. processors = ["ffmpeg"],
  109. extensions = ["mp4","webm"],
  110. output_extension = "webm",
  111. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  112. command = "optipng -o2 -strip all -out {output_file} {input_file}"
  113. ))
  114. acm_default_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  115. name = "audio",
  116. processors = ["ffmpeg","opusenc"],
  117. extensions = ["wav","mp3"],
  118. output_extension = "ogg",
  119. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  120. command = "optipng -o2 -strip all -out {output_file} {input_file}"
  121. ))
  122. acm_profiles.append(ACMProfile(
  123. name = "default",
  124. processors = acm_default_processors
  125. ))
  126. # placebo #
  127. acm_placebo_processors = []
  128. acm_placebo_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  129. name = "jpeg",
  130. processors = ["cjpeg"],
  131. extensions = ["jpg", "jpeg"],
  132. output_extension = "jpg",
  133. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  134. command = "cp {input_file} {output_file}"
  135. ))
  136. acm_placebo_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  137. name = "png",
  138. processors = ["optipng"],
  139. extensions = ["png"],
  140. output_extension = "png",
  141. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  142. command = "cp {input_file} {output_file}"
  143. ))
  144. acm_placebo_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  145. name = "video",
  146. processors = ["ffmpeg"],
  147. extensions = ["mp4","webm"],
  148. output_extension = "webm",
  149. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  150. command = "cp {input_file} {output_file}"
  151. ))
  152. acm_placebo_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  153. name = "audio",
  154. processors = ["ffmpeg","opusenc"],
  155. extensions = ["wav","mp3"],
  156. output_extension = "ogg",
  157. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  158. command = "cp {input_file} {output_file}"
  159. ))
  160. acm_profiles.append(ACMProfile(
  161. name = "placebo",
  162. processors = acm_placebo_processors
  163. ))
  164. # webp #
  165. acm_webp_processors = []
  166. acm_webp_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  167. name = "jpeg",
  168. processors = ["cwebp"],
  169. extensions = ["jpg", "jpeg"],
  170. output_extension = "jpg",
  171. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  172. command = "cwebp -jpeg_like -q 90 -o {output_file} {input_file}"
  173. ))
  174. acm_webp_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  175. name = "png",
  176. processors = ["cwebp"],
  177. extensions = ["png"],
  178. output_extension = "png",
  179. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  180. command = "cwebp -lossless -o {output_file} {input_file}"
  181. ))
  182. acm_profiles.append(ACMProfile(
  183. name = "webp",
  184. processors = acm_webp_processors
  185. ))
  186. # aggressive #
  187. acm_aggressive_processors = []
  188. acm_aggressive_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  189. name = "jpeg",
  190. processors = ["cjpeg"],
  191. extensions = ["jpg", "jpeg"],
  192. output_extension = "jpg",
  193. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(force_preserve_smaller_input=True),
  194. command = "export FILE={output_file} && export TEMP_FILE=${FILE}_tmp.jpg && ffmpeg -i {input_file} -vf scale=-1:720 ${TEMP_FILE} && cjpeg -optimize -quality 75 -progressive -outfile {output_file} ${TEMP_FILE} && rm ${TEMP_FILE}"
  195. ))
  196. acm_aggressive_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  197. name = "png",
  198. processors = ["optipng"],
  199. extensions = ["png"],
  200. output_extension = "png",
  201. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(force_preserve_smaller_input=True),
  202. command = "optipng -o2 -strip all -out {output_file} {input_file}"
  203. ))
  204. acm_aggressive_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  205. name = "video",
  206. processors = ["ffmpeg"],
  207. extensions = ["mp4","webm"],
  208. output_extension = "webm",
  209. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  210. command = "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -i {input_file} -vf scale=-1:720 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 38 -c:a libopus {output_file}"
  211. ))
  212. acm_aggressive_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  213. name = "audio",
  214. processors = ["ffmpeg","opusenc"],
  215. extensions = ["wav","mp3"],
  216. output_extension = "ogg",
  217. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  218. command = "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -i {input_file} -f wav -| opusenc --bitrate 64 --vbr --downmix-stereo --discard-comments --discard-pictures - {output_file}"
  219. ))
  220. acm_profiles.append(ACMProfile(
  221. name = "aggressive",
  222. processors = acm_aggressive_processors
  223. ))
  224. # aggressive-webp #
  225. acm_aggressive_webp_processors = []
  226. acm_aggressive_webp_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  227. name = "jpeg",
  228. processors = ["cwebp"],
  229. extensions = ["jpg", "jpeg"],
  230. output_extension = "jpg",
  231. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  232. command = "export FILE={output_file} && export TEMP_FILE=${FILE}_tmp.jpg && ffmpeg -i {input_file} -vf scale=-1:720 ${TEMP_FILE} && cwebp -jpeg_like -q 75 -o {output_file} ${TEMP_FILE} && rm ${TEMP_FILE}"
  233. ))
  234. acm_aggressive_webp_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  235. name = "png",
  236. processors = ["optipng"],
  237. extensions = ["png"],
  238. output_extension = "png",
  239. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  240. command = "cwebp -o {output_file} ${input_file}"
  241. ))
  242. acm_aggressive_webp_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  243. name = "video",
  244. processors = ["ffmpeg"],
  245. extensions = ["mp4","webm"],
  246. output_extension = "webm",
  247. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  248. command = "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -i {input_file} -vf scale=-1:720 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 38 -c:a libopus {output_file}"
  249. ))
  250. acm_aggressive_webp_processors.append(ACMProfileProcessor(
  251. name = "audio",
  252. processors = ["ffmpeg","opusenc"],
  253. extensions = ["wav","mp3"],
  254. output_extension = "ogg",
  255. options = ACMProfileProcessorOptions(),
  256. command = "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -i {input_file} -f wav -| opusenc --bitrate 64 --vbr --downmix-stereo --discard-comments --discard-pictures - {output_file}"
  257. ))
  258. acm_profiles.append(ACMProfile(
  259. name = "aggressive-webp",
  260. processors = acm_aggressive_webp_processors
  261. ))
  262. return ACMConfig(
  263. profiles=acm_profiles
  264. )