A simple web application that allows invitation based registration to a matrix instance
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

469 lines
16 KiB

  1. Pure Change History
  2. ===================
  3. 1.0.0 (2017-06-05)
  4. ------------------
  5. The community has battle-tested Pure and provided valuable feedback. We are now at a place where we can guarantee backwards compatibility through all subsequent 1.x releases.
  6. We hope you have found Pure to be useful and unobtrusive.. To provide feedback, please comment on this GitHub issue, or file a new issue to have it tracked as a separate thread.
  7. 0.6.2 (2017-01-05)
  8. ------------------
  9. * Added proper module API for node users [#619]
  10. ### Buttons
  11. * Added Button Groups to Pure [#621]
  12. ### Menus
  13. * Reset style for horizontal dropdown separator [#620]
  14. 0.6.1 (2016-10-12)
  15. ------------------
  16. * Migrate to PostCSS for browser prefixes [#617]
  17. * Remove duplicate Firefox inner focus border [#457]
  18. * Fix grid inside table in IE 10/11 [#504]
  19. * Fix CSSLint issues [#609]
  20. * Upgraded grunt dependencies to 1.x [#609]
  21. 0.6.0 (2015-02-07)
  22. ------------------
  23. * Upgraded Normalize.css to 3.0.2.
  24. * Dropped IE7 support.
  25. * Refactored Menus.
  26. * Numerous minor bug fixes.
  27. ### Menus
  28. * Implemented flatter, low-specificity selectors, not attached to HTML elements,
  29. for easier customization.
  30. * Removed pure-menu-open class.
  31. * Added pure-menu-scrollable capability, to allow for scrollable menus when
  32. restricted by width or height.
  33. * Added pure-menu-allow-hover to reveal dropdowns on hover.
  34. * Removed various default styling properties, making menus a bit more bare-bones,
  35. a bit less opinionated, a bit easier to customize on top.
  36. * Broke Menu up into files for core, horizontal, dropdowns, scrollable, and skin,
  37. again for improved optimization and ease of customization: take only what you
  38. need.
  39. * Removed Paginator.
  40. * While not part of the Pure repo itself, the accompanying Pure website now
  41. features additional menu examples and an example script for enabling dropdowns
  42. and improved accessiblity.
  43. 0.5.0 (2014-05-27)
  44. ------------------
  45. ### Base
  46. * Added the `.pure-img` class name for make images scale with the viewport in
  47. fluid layouts.
  48. ### Grids
  49. * __[!]__ Removed `.pure-g-r` from core, in favor of a mobile-first responsive
  50. grid system. ([#24][], [#267][])
  51. To use the mobile-first grid system, you need to pull in `pure.css`, along
  52. with `grids-responsive.css`. We also have `grids-responsive-old-ie.css` that
  53. you can serve to IE < 9 users so that they can view a desktop-version of your
  54. website:
  55. ```html
  56. <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/pure/0.5.0-rc-1/pure-min.css">
  57. <!--[if lt IE 9]>
  58. <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/pure/0.5.0-rc-1/grids-responsive-old-ie-min.css">
  59. <![endif]-->
  60. <!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
  61. <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/pure/0.5.0-rc-1/grids-responsive-min.css">
  62. <!--<![endif]-->
  63. ```
  64. Find out more about the new grid system at <http://purecss.io/grids/>.
  65. ### Tables
  66. * Switched cell padding in Tables from `px` to `em` units, and also increased
  67. the amount of padding to `padding: 0.5em 1em`.
  68. [#24]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/24
  69. [#267]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/pull/267
  70. 0.4.2 (2014-02-13)
  71. ------------------
  72. * Added `main` to Pure's `bower.json` file to allow easier integration with
  73. build processes and tooling. ([#286][] @stevenvachon)
  74. ### Forms
  75. * Improved how `<input type="color">` elements look in Chrome by fixing
  76. paddings. ([#283][] @jpetto)
  77. * Removed `font-size` rules from `<input>`, `<legend>`, and `<fieldset>`
  78. elements within `.pure-form`. Font sizes are now inherited from the
  79. application's CSS file. ([#265][])
  80. * Invalid `<input>` elements within a Pure Form no longer explicitly set a
  81. `border-width`. ([#295][] @kwando)
  82. [#265]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/265
  83. [#283]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/283
  84. [#286]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/286
  85. [#295]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/295
  86. 0.4.1 (2014-02-06)
  87. ------------------
  88. ### Base
  89. * Elements that have Pure classnames which set a `display` declaration _and_ use
  90. the `hidden` HTML attribute will now properly be hidden. With these changes,
  91. the following button will be hidden from view:
  92. ```html
  93. <button class="pure-button" hidden>No showy</button>
  94. ```
  95. A new rule for the `[hidden]` selector has been added with the declaration:
  96. `display: none !important;`. This is a time where it's appropriate for a
  97. project like Pure to use `!important`. ([#177][])
  98. ### Buttons
  99. * Removed all the occurrences of `-ms-linear-gradient()` from Buttons since it
  100. has never been in the final version of IE 10. ([#200][]: @AurelioDeRosa)
  101. * `<input>` Buttons now have the same height as non-input buttons.
  102. `font-family: inherit;` has been added to the `.pure-button` selector to
  103. normalize the difference in height. ([#221][] @narcis-radu)
  104. * Buttons now have visually uniform default `padding` on all four sides. The
  105. left/right padding is 2x the top/bottom padding. ([#191][] @achalv)
  106. ### Forms
  107. * Added `vertical-align: top;` to `<textarea>`s within `.pure-form-aligned`
  108. Forms to fix an alignment issue where its label was aligned to the middle.
  109. ([#174][] @rictorres, @ItsAsbreuk)
  110. * Added styling for `<input>` elements that don't have a `type` attribute.
  111. ([#261][] @dougdavies)
  112. ### Grids
  113. * Added all non-reduced fractions to Grids default 5ths- and 24ths-based units.
  114. There are now styles specified for `.pure-u-1-24``.pure-u-24-24`. All 5ths-
  115. based units and reduced factions still remain; e.g., both `.pure-u-12-24` and
  116. `.pure-u-1-2` exist. ([#144][] @mike-engel)
  117. * Removed `grids-units.css` from `src/`, this file is now generated via a Grunt
  118. task. The units generation is done via the new
  119. [`rework-pure-grids`][rework-pure-grids] [Rework][] plugin, and it can be used
  120. to create any custom nth-based units for Pure's Grids system.
  121. ### Menus
  122. * Removed hard-coded height for horizontal menus. ([#164][])
  123. [#144]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/144
  124. [#164]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/164
  125. [#174]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/174
  126. [#177]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/177
  127. [#191]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/191
  128. [#200]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/200
  129. [#221]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/221
  130. [#261]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/261
  131. [rework-pure-grids]: https://github.com/ericf/rework-pure-grids
  132. [Rework]: https://github.com/visionmedia/rework
  133. 0.4.0 (2014-02-06)
  134. ------------------
  135. * __[!]__ Corrupted release build, use `0.4.1`.
  136. 0.3.0 (2013-09-09)
  137. ------------------
  138. * __[!]__ Pure now requires the Base module (which is Normalize.css) to be on
  139. the page. Pure has essentially always required the styles provided by
  140. Normalize.css via the Base module, and this now makes it a firm requirement.
  141. The `pure-min.css` and `pure-nr-min.css` rollup files already include the Base
  142. module.
  143. **Note:** When using a [custom subset][Customize] of Pure, be sure to include
  144. the Base module.
  145. * Added non-minified rollup files: `pure.css` and `pure-nr.css`. These files are
  146. created in addition to the minified rollups: `pure-min.css` and
  147. `pure-nr-min.css`. The minified rollups _should_ be used in production.
  148. ([#171][] @omeid)
  149. ### Base
  150. * __[!]__ Removed Normalize.css from checked-in `src/`. Bower is now used to
  151. programmatically import Normalize.css into `bower_components/` if it's not
  152. already installed. Normalize.css is still bundled with Pure, this change is a
  153. development-time change only. ([#160][])
  154. ### Buttons
  155. * Removed `-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased` rule from Buttons. Pure should
  156. not dictate sub-pixel font rendering, that should be left to the person's
  157. browser settings and/or the developer. ([#170][] @dchest)
  158. ### Forms
  159. * __[!]__ Removed `forms-core.css`. This was a copy of Normalize.css' form
  160. related styles. Now that Pure requires the Base module (Normalize.css) to be
  161. on the page, the Forms Core submodule is no longer needed. ([#160][])
  162. * Added `:focus` styles to `[readonly]` `<input>` elements. ([#143][])
  163. * Removed `-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased` rule from Forms input styles.
  164. Pure should not dictate sub-pixel font rendering, that should be left to the
  165. person's browser settings and/or the developer. ([#185][] @dchest)
  166. ### Grids
  167. * __[!]__ Improved support for Grids across OS/browser combinations, and its
  168. ability to withstand the use of non-default fonts when set by either the
  169. person in their browser settings or by the developer using custom fonts.
  170. Grids now uses CSS3 Flexbox when possible to avoid the side-effects of setting
  171. a negative `letter-spacing` — the fallback for older browsers. Grids also now
  172. uses a specific font stack on `.pure-g` and `.pure-g-r` classes to ensure the
  173. greatest OS/browser compatibility when non-default fonts are being used. By
  174. default grid units will now have `font-family: sans-serif;` applied — this is
  175. the default font stack Pure's Base module (Normalize.css) applies to the
  176. `<body>`.
  177. This is a **breaking change** if you are using any non-default fonts in your
  178. web project. Fortunately, it's quite easy to make sure your custom font stacks
  179. apply to content within Pure Girds. Instead of applying your custom font to
  180. only the `<body>` element, apply it to the grid units as well:
  181. ```css
  182. body,
  183. .pure-g [class *= "pure-u"],
  184. .pure-g-r [class *= "pure-u"] {
  185. /* Set you're content font stack here: */
  186. font-family: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif;
  187. }
  188. ```
  189. Refer to the [Grids Documentation][Grids-fonts] for more details on using
  190. non-default fonts with Pure Grids.
  191. ([#41][], [#162][], [#166][], [#189][]: @adapterik @dannyfritz, @pandeiro)
  192. * Fixed grid units from falling to a new line on IE 6 and IE 7. Grid units now
  193. have a separate `*width` value for these older versions of IE. This value is
  194. `0.005%` less than the standard `width` value. This fix does not affect modern
  195. browsers because it uses the star hack. ([#154][])
  196. * Added a `height: auto` rule to images within a `.pure-g-r` so that their
  197. aspect ratios are maintained when the page is resized. ([#172][]: @dchest)
  198. [#41]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/41
  199. [#143]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/143
  200. [#154]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/154
  201. [#160]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/160
  202. [#162]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/162
  203. [#166]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/166
  204. [#170]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/170
  205. [#171]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/171
  206. [#172]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/172
  207. [#185]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/185
  208. [#189]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/189
  209. [Customize]: http://purecss.io/customize/
  210. [Grids-fonts]: http://purecss.io/grids/#using-grids-with-custom-fonts
  211. 0.2.1 (2013-07-17)
  212. ------------------
  213. ### Forms
  214. * __[!]__ Made `[readonly]` `<input>`s look visually different to `[disabled]`
  215. and regular `<input>`s. ([#102][]: @jaseg)
  216. * Fixed copy/paste bug that mapped text inputs to `.pure-form` instead of
  217. `.pure-group`. The `.pure-form-group input` styles are now applied to all
  218. text-ish `<input>` elements. ([#96][])
  219. * Fixed `.pure-input-rounded` styles to now apply correctly. The change to use
  220. more specific selectors for text-ish inputs in v0.2.0 caused the
  221. `.pure-input-rounded` selector to not apply because it was less specific. This
  222. selector now has right specificity. ([#109][]: @AurelioDeRosa)
  223. * Added `display: block` to `<textarea>`s in `.pure-form-stacked` `<form>`s to
  224. fix an alignment issue for subsequent elements. ([#90][]: @AurelioDeRosa)
  225. * Removed the gray `color` from `.pure-form label`. This allows `<label>`s to
  226. inherit their foreground color. ([#89][]: @AurelioDeRosa)
  227. ### Grids
  228. * __[!]__ Changed `.pure-u-1` grid unit to now use `width: 100%` instead of
  229. `display: block` to achieve taking up the full width of its container. This
  230. makes it easier to override and align since it's using `display: inline-block`
  231. like the other grid units. ([#94][])
  232. * Fixed `width` value typo in `.pure-u-1-6`, changed it from `16.656%` to
  233. `16.666%`. ([#115][]: @chilts)
  234. ### Menus
  235. * __[!]__ Fixed broken styling of active paginator items by using Grids CSS
  236. rules to layout items horizontally; this makes sure the active item isn't
  237. overlapped. ([#127][])
  238. ### Tables
  239. * Removed `white-space: nowrap` from `.pure-table thead`. This fixes issues
  240. where tables inside of grids would break the grid. ([#95][]: @AurelioDeRosa)
  241. [#89]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/89
  242. [#90]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/90
  243. [#94]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/94
  244. [#95]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/95
  245. [#96]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/96
  246. [#102]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/102
  247. [#109]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/109
  248. [#115]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/115
  249. [#127]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/127
  250. [#172]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/pull/172
  251. 0.2.0 (2013-06-11)
  252. ------------------
  253. * __[!]__ Fixed accessibility mistake by removing `a:focus {outline: none;}`
  254. rule from `buttons-core.css`.
  255. * __[!]__ Improved `:focus` styles by applying the same rules that are used by
  256. `:hover` styles. When overriding Pure's `:hover` styles, be sure to include
  257. `:focus` selectors as well.
  258. * Added improvements to developer workflow:
  259. * Added basic Tests using CSSLint via `grunt test` ([#25][])
  260. * Integrated Travis CI which runs `grunt test` on pushes to `master` and for
  261. pull requests.
  262. * Added `grunt watch` task which runs tests and build.
  263. * Added support to `pure-site` for serving `pure` locally during
  264. development. ([#46][], [yahoo/pure-site#111][])
  265. * Removed vendor prefixes for `box-shadow`, `text-shadow`, `border-radius`. All
  266. modern browsers support the non-prefixed versions of these properties.
  267. ([#23][])
  268. ### Forms
  269. * __[!]__ Replaced `.pure-help-inline` with `.pure-form-message-inline`. We
  270. still support the older classname but it is deprecated and will be going away
  271. in a future release. ([#32][]: @dannytatom)
  272. * Added a new class called `.pure-form-message`. It works the same way as
  273. `.pure-form-message-inline` but is meant for block elements.
  274. ([#32][]: @dannytatom)
  275. * Added focus styles for file, radio, and checkbox `<input>`s to improve
  276. accessibility. ([#42][]: @codepb)
  277. * `<textarea>`s now have the same styling as `<input>`s. ([#49][]: @rcbdev)
  278. * `.pure-form input` rules are now more specific by targetting only "texty"
  279. `<inputs>`. This prevents these styles from affecting "buttony" `<input>`s.
  280. ([#54][])
  281. ### Grids
  282. * Elements with classnames before the responsive grid's unit classnames now
  283. works correctly. Before units were targeted using the `^=` ("starts with")
  284. selector, which meant that if another classname preceded the unit classname,
  285. then the rule would not apply. ([#44][])
  286. ### Menus
  287. * Added `.pure-menu-separator` classname that can be used to visually
  288. separate horizontal menu items. ([#53][]: @codepb, @mseri)
  289. * Focused menus have an `outline: none` by default. Instead, menu-items that
  290. have been opened to display children (in a drop-down menu) get a slight
  291. background (`#dedede`) for accessibility. ([#22][])
  292. [#22]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/22
  293. [#23]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/23
  294. [#25]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/25
  295. [#32]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/32
  296. [#42]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/42
  297. [#44]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/44
  298. [#46]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/46
  299. [#49]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/49
  300. [#53]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/53
  301. [#54]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/issues/54
  302. [yahoo/pure-site#111]: https://github.com/yahoo/pure-site/issues/111
  303. 0.1.0 (2013-05-24)
  304. ------------------
  305. * __[!]__ Initial public release.
  306. * Upgraded Normalize.css to 1.1.2.
  307. * Integrated Bower into `grunt import` process.
  308. * Cleaned up manual test files, removing unnecessary CSS files and cruft.
  309. ### Buttons
  310. * Added `border-radius: 2px` to enhance the appearance the they are click-able.
  311. ### Menus
  312. * Removed `border-radius` from vertical menus.
  313. * Replaced blue hover for menus with light grey (`#eee`)
  314. * Removed `font-weight: bold` from selected menu items.
  315. 0.0.2 (2013-05-16)
  316. ------------------
  317. * __[!]__ Renamed to Pure.
  318. * __[!]__ Renamed CSS classname prefix to `pure`.
  319. * Preview release (2).
  320. 0.0.1 (2013-05-14)
  321. ------------------
  322. * Preview release.