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strictness: none # prevents using Prospector's default strictness profiles
doc-warnings: true
max-line-length: 88
- alembic
# "multiple statements on one line" - type declarations seem to trigger sometimes
- E704
- E203 # whitespace around colons in slices
- E722 # bare "except:" - pylint checks for this, shouldn't need to double-ignore
# checks for blank lines after a function docstring, but Black will add one
# when the first code in the function is another function definition.
- D202
- D203 # blank line before class docstring
- D213 # blank line after summary line for multi-line docstring
- F401 # unused imports, triggers in and pylint can handle it otherwise
- bad-continuation # let Black handle line-wrapping
- comparison-with-callable # seems to have a lot of false positives
- cyclic-import # not sure what's triggering this, doesn't seem to work correctly
- logging-fstring-interpolation # rather use f-strings than worry about this
- no-else-return # elif after return - could refactor to enable this check
- no-self-use # schemas do this a lot, would be nice to only disable for schemas
- too-few-public-methods # plenty of classes that don't need multiple methods
- too-many-ancestors # almost never helpful
- too-many-arguments # almost never helpful
- too-many-branches # almost never helpful
- too-many-instance-attributes # models have many instance attributes
- too-many-locals # almost never helpful
- too-many-public-methods # almost never helpful
- too-many-return-statements # almost never helpful
- too-many-statements # almost never helpful
- ungrouped-imports # let isort handle this
- unnecessary-pass # I prefer using pass, even when it's not technically necessary