You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright (c) 2018 Tildes contributors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Contains the TopicQuery class."""
from __future__ import annotations
from import Sequence
from typing import Any
from pyramid.request import Request
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import and_, desc, label, text
from tildes.enums import TopicSortOption
from tildes.lib.datetime import SimpleHoursPeriod, utc_now
from import Group
from tildes.models.pagination import PaginatedQuery
from .topic import Topic
from .topic_bookmark import TopicBookmark
from .topic_ignore import TopicIgnore
from .topic_visit import TopicVisit
from .topic_vote import TopicVote
class TopicQuery(PaginatedQuery):
"""Specialized query class for Topics."""
def __init__(self, request: Request):
"""Initialize a TopicQuery for the request.
If the user is logged in, additional user-specific data will be fetched along
with the topics. For the moment, this is whether the user has voted on the
topics, and data related to their last visit - what time they last visited, and
how many new comments have been posted since.
super().__init__(Topic, request)
self._only_bookmarked = False
self._only_ignored = False
self._only_user_voted = False
self.filter_ignored = False
def _attach_extra_data(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Attach the extra user data to the query."""
if not self.request.user:
return self
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return (
def _finalize(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Finalize the query before it's executed."""
# pylint: disable=self-cls-assignment
self = super()._finalize()
if self.filter_ignored and self.request.user:
self = self.filter(TopicIgnore.topic_id == None) # noqa
return self
def _attach_vote_data(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Join the data related to whether the user has voted on the topic."""
query = self.join(
TopicVote.topic_id == Topic.topic_id,
TopicVote.user == self.request.user,
isouter=(not self._only_user_voted),
query = query.add_columns(label("voted_time", TopicVote.created_time))
return query
def _attach_bookmark_data(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Join the data related to whether the user has bookmarked the topic."""
query = self.join(
TopicBookmark.topic_id == Topic.topic_id,
TopicBookmark.user == self.request.user,
isouter=(not self._only_bookmarked),
query = query.add_columns(label("bookmarked_time", TopicBookmark.created_time))
return query
def _attach_visit_data(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Join the data related to the user's last visit to the topic(s)."""
# subquery using LATERAL to select only the newest visit for each topic
lateral_subquery = (
TopicVisit.visit_time, TopicVisit.num_comments
TopicVisit.topic_id == Topic.topic_id,
TopicVisit.user == self.request.user,
# join on "true" since the subquery already restricts to the row we want
query = self.outerjoin(lateral_subquery, text("true"))
query = query.add_columns(lateral_subquery)
return query
def _attach_ignored_data(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Join the data related to whether the user has ignored the topic."""
query = self.join(
TopicIgnore.topic_id == Topic.topic_id,
TopicIgnore.user == self.request.user,
isouter=(not self._only_ignored),
query = query.add_columns(label("ignored_time", TopicIgnore.created_time))
return query
def _process_result(result: Any) -> Topic:
"""Merge additional user-context data in result onto the topic."""
if isinstance(result, Topic):
# the result is already a Topic, no merging needed
topic = result
topic.user_voted = False
topic.bookmark_created_time = None
topic.last_visit_time = None
topic.comments_since_last_visit = None
topic.user_ignored = False
topic = result.Topic
topic.user_voted = bool(result.voted_time)
topic.user_bookmarked = bool(result.bookmarked_time)
topic.user_ignored = bool(result.ignored_time)
topic.last_visit_time = result.visit_time
topic.comments_since_last_visit = None
if result.num_comments is not None:
new_comments = topic.num_comments - result.num_comments
# prevent showing negative "new comments" due to deletions
topic.comments_since_last_visit = max(new_comments, 0)
return topic
def apply_sort_option(
self, sort: TopicSortOption, is_desc: bool = True
) -> TopicQuery:
"""Apply a TopicSortOption sorting method (generative)."""
if sort == TopicSortOption.VOTES:
self._sort_column = Topic.num_votes
elif sort == TopicSortOption.COMMENTS:
self._sort_column = Topic.num_comments
elif sort == TopicSortOption.NEW:
self._sort_column = Topic.created_time
elif sort == TopicSortOption.ACTIVITY:
self._sort_column = Topic.last_interesting_activity_time
elif sort == TopicSortOption.ALL_ACTIVITY:
self._sort_column = Topic.last_activity_time
self.sort_desc = is_desc
return self
def inside_groups(
self, groups: Sequence[Group], include_subgroups: bool = True
) -> TopicQuery:
"""Restrict the topics to inside specific groups (generative)."""
if include_subgroups:
query_paths = [group.path for group in groups]
group_ids = self.request.db_session.query(Group.group_id).filter(
group_ids = [group.group_id for group in groups]
return self.filter(Topic.group_id.in_(group_ids)) # type: ignore
def inside_time_period(self, period: SimpleHoursPeriod) -> TopicQuery:
"""Restrict the topics to inside a time period (generative)."""
# if the time period is too long, this will crash by creating a datetime outside
# the valid range - catch that and just don't filter by time period at all if
# the range is that large
start_time = utc_now() - period.timedelta
except OverflowError:
return self
return self.filter(Topic.created_time > start_time)
def has_tag(self, tag: str) -> TopicQuery:
"""Restrict the topics to ones with a specific tag (generative).
Note that this method searches for topics that have any tag that contains
the specified tag as a subpath, not only exact/full matches.
query = f"*.{tag}.*"
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return self.filter(Topic.tags.lquery(query)) # type: ignore
def search(self, query: str) -> TopicQuery:
"""Restrict the topics to ones that match a search query (generative)."""
# Replace "." with space, since tags are stored as space-separated strings
# in the search index.
# URL domains are not indexed, so removing "." is okay for now.
query = query.replace(".", " ")
return self.filter(Topic.search_tsv.op("@@")(func.websearch_to_tsquery(query)))
def only_bookmarked(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Restrict the topics to ones that the user has bookmarked (generative)."""
self._only_bookmarked = True
return self
def only_user_voted(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Restrict the topics to ones that the user has voted on (generative)."""
self._only_user_voted = True
return self
def only_ignored(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Restrict the topics to ones that the user has ignored (generative)."""
# pylint: disable=self-cls-assignment
self._only_ignored = True
return self
def exclude_ignored(self) -> TopicQuery:
"""Specify that ignored topics should be excluded (generative)."""
self.filter_ignored = True
return self