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# Copyright (c) 2018 Tildes contributors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError
from pytest import raises
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from tildes.models.user import User
from tildes.schemas.user import PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, UserSchema
def test_creation_validates_schema(mocker):
"""Ensure that model creation goes through schema validation."""
mocker.spy(UserSchema, "validate")
User("testing", "testpassword")
call_args = [call[0] for call in UserSchema.validate.call_args_list]
expected_args = {"username": "testing", "password": "testpassword"}
assert any(expected_args in call for call in call_args)
def test_too_short_password():
"""Ensure a new user can't be created with a too-short password."""
password = "x" * (PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH - 1)
with raises(ValidationError):
User("ShortPasswordGuy", password)
def test_matching_password_and_username():
"""Ensure a new user can't be created with same username and password."""
with raises(ValidationError):
User("UnimaginativePassword", "UnimaginativePassword")
def test_username_and_password_differ_in_casing():
"""Ensure a user can't be created with name/pass the same except case."""
with raises(ValidationError):
User("NobodyWillGuess", "nobodywillguess")
def test_username_contained_in_password():
"""Ensure a user can't be created with the username in the password."""
with raises(ValidationError):
User("MyUsername", "iputmyusernameinmypassword")
def test_password_contained_in_username():
"""Ensure a user can't be created with the password in the username."""
with raises(ValidationError):
User("PasswordIsVeryGood", "VeryGood")
def test_user_password_check():
"""Ensure checking the password for a new user works correctly."""
new_user = User("myusername", "mypassword")
assert new_user.is_correct_password("mypassword")
def test_duplicate_username(db):
"""Ensure two users with the same name can't be created."""
original = User("Inimitable", "securepassword")
duplicate = User("Inimitable", "adifferentpassword")
with raises(IntegrityError):
def test_duplicate_username_case_insensitive(db):
"""Ensure usernames only differing in casing can't be created."""
test_username = "test_user"
original = User(test_username.lower(), "hackproof")
duplicate = User(test_username.upper(), "sosecure")
with raises(IntegrityError):
def test_change_password():
"""Ensure changing a user password works as expected."""
new_user = User("A_New_User", "lovesexsecretgod")
new_user.change_password("lovesexsecretgod", "lovesexsecretgod1")
# the old one shouldn't work
assert not new_user.is_correct_password("lovesexsecretgod")
# the new one should
assert new_user.is_correct_password("lovesexsecretgod1")
def test_change_password_to_same(session_user):
"""Ensure users can't "change" to the same password."""
password = "session user password"
with raises(ValueError):
session_user.change_password(password, password)
def test_change_password_wrong_old_one(session_user):
"""Ensure changing password doesn't work if the old one is wrong."""
with raises(ValueError):
session_user.change_password("definitely not right", "some new one")
def test_change_password_too_short(session_user):
"""Ensure users can't change password to a too-short one."""
new_password = "x" * (PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH - 1)
with raises(ValidationError):
session_user.change_password("session user password", new_password)
def test_change_password_to_username(session_user):
"""Ensure users can't change password to the same as their username."""
with raises(ValidationError):
session_user.change_password("session user password", session_user.username)