You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright (c) 2018 Tildes contributors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
from datetime import timedelta
from freezegun import freeze_time
from marshmallow.fields import URL
from pytest import raises
from tildes.lib.datetime import utc_now
from tildes.models.topic import EDIT_GRACE_PERIOD, Topic
from tildes.schemas.fields import Markdown, SimpleString
from tildes.schemas.topic import TopicSchema
def test_text_creation_validations(mocker, session_user, session_group):
"""Ensure that text topic creation goes through expected validation."""
mocker.spy(TopicSchema, "load")
mocker.spy(Markdown, "_validate")
mocker.spy(SimpleString, "_validate")
Topic.create_text_topic(session_group, session_user, "a title", "the text")
assert TopicSchema.load.called
assert SimpleString._validate.call_args[0][1] == "a title"
assert Markdown._validate.call_args[0][1] == "the text"
def test_link_creation_validations(mocker, session_user, session_group):
"""Ensure that link topic creation goes through expected validation."""
mocker.spy(TopicSchema, "load")
mocker.spy(SimpleString, "_validate")
mocker.spy(URL, "_validate")
session_group, session_user, "the title", ""
assert TopicSchema.load.called
assert SimpleString._validate.call_args[0][1] == "the title"
assert URL._validate.call_args[0][1] == ""
def test_text_topic_edit_uses_markdown_field(mocker, text_topic):
"""Ensure editing a text topic is validated by the Markdown field class."""
mocker.spy(Markdown, "_validate")
text_topic.markdown = "Some new text after edit"
assert Markdown._validate.called
def test_text_topic_type(text_topic):
"""Ensure a text topic has the correct type set."""
assert text_topic.is_text_type
assert not text_topic.is_link_type
def test_link_topic_type(link_topic):
"""Ensure a link topic has the correct type set."""
assert link_topic.is_link_type
assert not link_topic.is_text_type
def test_delete_sets_deleted_time(db, text_topic):
"""Ensure a deleted topic gets its deleted_time set."""
assert not text_topic.is_deleted
assert not text_topic.deleted_time
text_topic.is_deleted = True
assert text_topic.deleted_time
def test_link_domain_errors_on_text_topic(text_topic):
"""Ensure trying to get the domain of a text topic is an error."""
with raises(ValueError):
assert text_topic.link_domain == "this shouldn't work"
def test_link_domain_on_link_topic(link_topic):
"""Ensure getting the domain of a link topic works."""
assert link_topic.link_domain == ""
def test_edit_markdown_errors_on_link_topic(link_topic):
"""Ensure trying to edit the markdown of a link topic is an error."""
with raises(AttributeError):
link_topic.markdown = "Some new markdown"
def test_edit_markdown_on_text_topic(text_topic):
"""Ensure editing the markdown of a text topic works and updates html."""
original_html = text_topic.rendered_html
text_topic.markdown = "Some new markdown"
assert text_topic.rendered_html != original_html
def test_edit_grace_period(text_topic):
"""Ensure last_edited_time isn't set if the edit is inside grace period."""
one_sec = timedelta(seconds=1)
edit_time = text_topic.created_time + EDIT_GRACE_PERIOD - one_sec
with freeze_time(edit_time):
text_topic.markdown = "some new markdown"
assert not text_topic.last_edited_time
def test_edit_after_grace_period(text_topic):
"""Ensure last_edited_time is set after the grace period."""
one_sec = timedelta(seconds=1)
edit_time = text_topic.created_time + EDIT_GRACE_PERIOD + one_sec
with freeze_time(edit_time):
text_topic.markdown = "some new markdown"
assert text_topic.last_edited_time == utc_now()
def test_multiple_edits_update_time(text_topic):
"""Ensure multiple edits all update last_edited_time."""
one_sec = timedelta(seconds=1)
initial_time = text_topic.created_time + EDIT_GRACE_PERIOD + one_sec
for minutes in range(0, 4):
edit_time = initial_time + timedelta(minutes=minutes)
with freeze_time(edit_time):
text_topic.markdown = f"edit #{minutes}"
assert text_topic.last_edited_time == utc_now()
def test_topic_initial_last_activity_time(text_topic):
"""Ensure last_activity_time is initially the same as created_time."""
assert text_topic.last_activity_time == text_topic.created_time
def test_convert_all_caps(session_user, session_group):
"""Ensure that all-caps titles are converted to title case."""
topic = Topic.create_link_topic(
session_group, session_user, "THE TITLE", ""
assert topic.title == "The Title"
def test_no_convert_partial_caps_title(session_user, session_group):
"""Ensure that partially-caps titles are not converted to title case."""
topic = Topic.create_link_topic(
session_group, session_user, "This is a TITLE", ""
assert topic.title == "This is a TITLE"