You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright (c) 2018 Tildes contributors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError
from pytest import fixture, raises
from tildes.schemas.topic import TITLE_MAX_LENGTH, TopicSchema
def title_schema():
"""Fixture for generating a title-only TopicSchema."""
return TopicSchema(only=("title",))
def test_typical_title_valid(title_schema):
"""Test a "normal-looking" title to make sure it's valid."""
title = "[Something] Here's an article that I'm sure 100 people will like."
assert title_schema.validate({"title": title}) == {}
def test_too_long_title_invalid(title_schema):
"""Ensure a too-long title is invalid."""
title = "x" * (TITLE_MAX_LENGTH + 1)
with raises(ValidationError):
title_schema.validate({"title": title})
def test_empty_title_invalid(title_schema):
"""Ensure an empty title is invalid."""
with raises(ValidationError):
title_schema.validate({"title": ""})
def test_whitespace_only_title_invalid(title_schema):
"""Ensure a whitespace-only title is invalid."""
with raises(ValidationError):
title_schema.validate({"title": " \n "})
def test_whitespace_trimmed(title_schema):
"""Ensure leading/trailing whitespace on a title is removed."""
title = " actual title "
result = title_schema.load({"title": title})
assert["title"] == "actual title"
def test_consecutive_whitespace_removed(title_schema):
"""Ensure consecutive whitespace in a title is compressed."""
title = "sure are \n a lot of spaces"
result = title_schema.load({"title": title})
assert["title"] == "sure are a lot of spaces"
def test_unicode_spaces_normalized(title_schema):
"""Test that some unicode space characters are converted to normal ones."""
title = "some\u2009weird\u00a0spaces\u205fin\u00a0here"
result = title_schema.load({"title": title})
assert["title"] == "some weird spaces in here"
def test_unicode_control_chars_removed(title_schema):
"""Test that some unicode control characters are stripped from titles."""
title = "nothing\u0000strange\u0085going\u009con\u007fhere"
result = title_schema.load({"title": title})
assert["title"] == "nothingstrangegoingonhere"