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# Copyright (c) 2018 Tildes contributors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
from marshmallow import Schema, ValidationError
from pytest import raises
from tildes.schemas.fields import SimpleString
class SimpleStringTestSchema(Schema):
"""Simple schema class with a standard SimpleString field."""
subject = SimpleString()
def process_string(string):
"""Deserialize a string with the field and return the "final" version.
This also works for testing validation since .load() will raise a ValidationError if
an invalid string is attempted.
schema = SimpleStringTestSchema(strict=True)
result = schema.load({"subject": string})
def test_changing_max_length():
"""Ensure changing the max_length argument works."""
test_string = "Just some text to try"
# should normally validate
assert SimpleString()._validate(test_string) is None
# but fails if you set a too-short max_length
with raises(ValidationError):
SimpleString(max_length=len(test_string) - 1)._validate(test_string)
def test_long_string():
"""Ensure a long string fails validation."""
with raises(ValidationError):
process_string("A" * 10_000)
def test_empty_string():
"""Ensure an empty string fails validation."""
with raises(ValidationError):
def test_all_whitespace_string():
"""Ensure a string that's entirely whitespace fails validation."""
with raises(ValidationError):
process_string("\n \t \r\n ")
def test_normal_string_untouched():
"""Ensure a "normal" string comes through untouched."""
original = "Here's a pretty normal string that might be a subject!"
assert process_string(original) == original
def test_separator_chars_replaced():
"""Ensure "separator" chars other than spaces are replaced with spaces."""
original = "I'm using\u2028chars\u2009that\u205fI\u00a0shouldn't\u2003be."
result = process_string(original)
assert result == "I'm using chars that I shouldn't be."
def test_control_chars_removed():
"""Ensure "control" chars get removed from the string."""
original = "I can be \nsneaky and\t add \u200b\u200fproblem\u0000chars."
result = process_string(original)
assert result == "I can be sneaky and add problemchars."
def test_leading_trailing_spaces_removed():
"""Ensure leading/trailing spaces are removed from the string."""
original = " Centered! "
assert process_string(original) == "Centered!"
def test_consecutive_spaces_collapsed():
"""Ensure runs of consecutive spaces are "collapsed" inside the string."""
original = "I wanted to space this out"
assert process_string(original) == "I wanted to space this out"