You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright (c) 2018 Tildes contributors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
from pytest import raises
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from import Group
from tildes.schemas.fields import Ltree, SimpleString
from import GroupSchema, is_valid_group_path
def test_empty_path_invalid():
"""Ensure empty group path is invalid."""
assert not is_valid_group_path("")
def test_typical_path_valid():
"""Ensure a "normal-looking" group path is valid."""
assert is_valid_group_path("")
def test_start_with_underscore():
"""Ensure you can't start a path with an underscore."""
assert not is_valid_group_path("_x.y.z")
def test_middle_element_start_with_underscore():
"""Ensure a middle path element can't start with an underscore."""
assert not is_valid_group_path("x._y.z")
def test_end_with_underscore():
"""Ensure you can't end a path with an underscore."""
assert not is_valid_group_path("x.y.z_")
def test_middle_element_end_with_underscore():
"""Ensure a middle path element can't end with an underscore."""
assert not is_valid_group_path("x.y_.z")
def test_uppercase_letters_invalid():
"""Ensure a group path can't contain uppercase chars."""
assert is_valid_group_path("comp.lang.c")
assert not is_valid_group_path("comp.lang.C")
def test_paths_with_invalid_characters():
"""Ensure that paths can't include some characters (not comprehensive)."""
invalid_chars = ' ~!@#$%^&*()+={}[]|\\:;"<>,?/'
for char in invalid_chars:
path = f"abc{char}xyz"
assert not is_valid_group_path(path)
def test_paths_with_unicode_characters():
"""Ensure that paths can't use unicode chars (not comprehensive)."""
for path in ("games.pokémon", "ポケモン", "bites.møøse"):
assert not is_valid_group_path(path)
def test_creation_validates_schema(mocker):
"""Ensure that group creation goes through expected validation."""
mocker.spy(GroupSchema, "load")
mocker.spy(Ltree, "_validate")
mocker.spy(SimpleString, "_validate")
Group("testing", "with a short description")
assert GroupSchema.load.called
assert Ltree._validate.call_args[0][1] == "testing"
assert SimpleString._validate.call_args[0][1] == "with a short description"
def test_duplicate_group(db):
"""Ensure groups with duplicate paths can't be created."""
original = Group("twins")
duplicate = Group("twins")
with raises(IntegrityError):