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# Copyright (c) 2018 Tildes contributors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
import os
from pyramid import testing
from pyramid.paster import get_app, get_appsettings
from pytest import fixture
from redis import StrictRedis
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from testing.redis import RedisServer
from webtest import TestApp
from scripts.initialize_db import create_tables
from import Group
from tildes.models.user import User
# include the fixtures defined in
pytest_plugins = ["tests.fixtures"]
class NestedSessionWrapper(Session):
"""Wrapper that starts a new nested transaction on commit/rollback."""
def commit(self):
"""Commit the transaction, then start a new nested one."""
def rollback(self):
"""Rollback the transaction, then start a new nested one."""
def rollback_all_nested(self):
"""Rollback all nested transactions to return to "top-level"."""
while self.transaction.parent:
@fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def pyramid_config():
"""Set up the Pyramid environment."""
settings = get_appsettings("development.ini")
config = testing.setUp(settings=settings)
yield config
@fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def overall_db_session(pyramid_config):
"""Handle setup and teardown of test database for testing session."""
# read the database url from the pyramid INI file, and replace the db name
sqlalchemy_url = pyramid_config.registry.settings["sqlalchemy.url"]
parsed_url = make_url(sqlalchemy_url)
parsed_url.database = "tildes_test"
engine = create_engine(parsed_url)
session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = session_factory()
# SQL init scripts need to be executed "manually" instead of using psql like the
# normal database init process does, since the tables only exist inside this
# transaction
init_scripts_dir = "sql/init/"
for root, _, files in os.walk(init_scripts_dir):
sql_files = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith(".sql")]
for sql_file in sql_files:
with open(os.path.join(root, sql_file)) as current_file:
# convert the Session to the wrapper class to enforce staying inside nested
# transactions in the test functions
session.__class__ = NestedSessionWrapper
yield session
# "Teardown" code at the end of testing session
session.__class__ = Session
def sdb(overall_db_session):
"""Testing-session-level db session with a nested transaction."""
yield overall_db_session
def db(overall_db_session):
"""Function-level db session with a nested transaction."""
yield overall_db_session
@fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def overall_redis_session():
"""Create a session-level connection to a temporary redis server."""
# list of redis modules that need to be loaded (would be much nicer to do this
# automatically somehow, maybe reading from the real redis.conf?)
redis_modules = ["/opt/redis-cell/"]
with RedisServer() as temp_redis_server:
redis = StrictRedis(**temp_redis_server.dsn())
for module in redis_modules:
redis.execute_command("MODULE LOAD", module)
yield redis
def redis(overall_redis_session):
"""Create a function-level redis connection that wipes the db after use."""
yield overall_redis_session
@fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def session_user(sdb):
"""Create a user named 'SessionUser' in the db for test session."""
# note that some tests may depend on this username/password having these specific
# values, so make sure to search for and update those tests if you change the
# username or password for any reason
user = User("SessionUser", "session user password")
yield user
@fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def session_user2(sdb):
"""Create a second user named 'OtherUser' in the db for test session.
This is useful for cases where two different users are needed, such as when testing
private messages.
user = User("OtherUser", "other user password")
yield user
@fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def session_group(sdb):
"""Create a group named 'sessiongroup' in the db for test session."""
group = Group("sessiongroup")
yield group
def base_app(overall_redis_session, sdb):
"""Configure a base WSGI app that webtest can create TestApps based on."""
testing_app = get_app("development.ini")
# replace the redis connection used by the redis-sessions library with a connection
# to the temporary server for this test session = overall_redis_session
def redis_factory(request):
return overall_redis_session["redis_connection_factory"] = redis_factory
# replace the session factory function with one that will return the testing db
# session (inside a nested transaction)
def session_factory():
return sdb["db_session_factory"] = session_factory
yield testing_app
def webtest(base_app):
"""Create a webtest TestApp and log in as the SessionUser account in it."""
# create the TestApp - note that specifying wsgi.url_scheme is necessary so that the
# secure cookies from the session library will work
app = TestApp(
# This "" is a temporary fix around this fixture failing to rollback
# data after the tests are complete (it effectively deactivates pyramid_tm).
"wsgi.url_scheme": "https",
"": True,
# fetch the login page, fill in the form, and submit it (sets the cookie)
login_page = app.get("/login")
login_page.form["username"] = "SessionUser"
login_page.form["password"] = "session user password"
yield app
def webtest_loggedout(base_app):
"""Create a logged-out webtest TestApp (no cookies retained)."""
yield TestApp(base_app)