You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

49 lines
1.8 KiB

use = egg:tildes
redis.unix_socket_path = /run/redis/socket
redis.sessions.secret = SomeReallyLongSecret
redis.sessions.unix_socket_path = %(redis.unix_socket_path)s
redis.sessions.prefix = session:
redis.sessions.cookie_secure = true
redis.sessions.cookie_max_age = 31536000
# disable the python timeout management in pyramid-session-redis
redis.sessions.python_expires = false
redis.sessions.timeout_trigger = 0
# set session timeout to 1 hour by default, we'll extend it when people log in
redis.sessions.timeout = 3600
# uncomment and set this if you have a Sentry instance you want to send errors to
# sentry_dsn =
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql+psycopg2://tildes:@:6432/tildes
stripe.recurring_donation_product_id = prod_ProductID
tildes.default_user_comment_label_weight = 1.0
# Path to the file to use to check for passwords that have been in data breaches, which
# users will be prevented from using as their password. It's recommended to use the
# "Pwned Passwords" list downloaded from (must be
# the SHA-1 format, "ordered by hash" one), but you can use any file with a compatible
# format: each line starting with a single uppercase SHA-1 hash of a password to block,
# with the entire file sorted in lexographical order.
# Leave this line commented out to allow all passwords.
# tildes.breached_passwords_hash_file_path = /opt/tildes/pwned-passwords-sha1-ordered-by-hash-v6.txt
webassets.auto_build = false
webassets.base_dir = %(here)s/static
webassets.base_url = /
webassets.cache = false
webassets.manifest = json
# API keys for external APIs
api_keys.embedly = embedlykeygoeshere
api_keys.stripe.publishable = pk_live_ActualKeyShouldGoHere
api_keys.stripe.secret = sk_live_ActualKeyShouldGoHere = youtubekeygoeshere