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# Copyright (c) 2018 Tildes contributors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
from marshmallow import Schema, ValidationError
from pytest import raises
from tildes.schemas.fields import Markdown
class MarkdownFieldTestSchema(Schema):
"""Simple schema class with a standard Markdown field."""
markdown = Markdown()
def validate_string(string):
"""Validate a string against a standard Markdown field."""
MarkdownFieldTestSchema(strict=True).validate({"markdown": string})
def test_normal_text_validates():
"""Ensure some "normal-looking" markdown validates."""
"Here's some markdown.\n\n"
"It has **a bit of bold**, [a link](\n"
"> And `some code` in a blockquote"
def test_changing_max_length():
"""Ensure changing the max_length argument works."""
test_string = "Just some text to try"
# should normally validate
assert Markdown()._validate(test_string) is None
# but fails if you set a too-short max_length
with raises(ValidationError):
Markdown(max_length=len(test_string) - 1)._validate(test_string)
def test_extremely_long_string():
"""Ensure an extremely long string fails validation."""
with raises(ValidationError):
validate_string("A" * 100_000)
def test_empty_string():
"""Ensure an empty string fails validation."""
with raises(ValidationError):
def test_all_whitespace_string():
"""Ensure a string that's all whitespace chars fails validation."""
with raises(ValidationError):
validate_string(" \n \n\r\n \t ")
def test_carriage_returns_stripped():
"""Ensure loading a value strips out carriage returns from the string."""
test_string = "some\r\nreturns\r\nin\nhere"
schema = MarkdownFieldTestSchema(strict=True)
result = schema.load({"markdown": test_string})
assert "\r" not in["markdown"]