You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

293 lines
12 KiB

{# Copyright (c) 2018 Tildes contributors <> #}
{# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later #}
{% from 'buttons.jinja2' import post_action_toggle_button with context %}
{% from 'datetime.jinja2' import adaptive_date_responsive %}
{% from 'links.jinja2' import link_to_user with context %}
{% from 'utils.jinja2' import pluralize %}
{% macro render_single_comment(comment) %}
{{ render_comment_tree([comment], is_individual_comment=True) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro render_comment_tree(comments, mark_newer_than=None, is_individual_comment=False) %}
{% for comment in comments recursive %}
{% if not is_individual_comment %}<li class="comment-tree-item">{% endif %}
<article id="comment-{{ comment.comment_id36 }}"
class="{{ comment_classes(comment, mark_newer_than)|trim }}"
data-comment-id36="{{ comment.comment_id36 }}"
data-comment-replies="{{ comment.replies|length }}"
{# only add depth attr if we're rendering multiple comments at once #}
{% if not is_individual_comment %}
data-comment-depth="{{ comment.depth }}"
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission("label", comment) %}
data-comment-user-labels="{{ comment.labels_by_user(request.user)|join(' ') }}"
{% endif %}
{{ render_comment_contents(comment, is_individual_comment) }}
{% if request.has_permission("view", comment) or not comment.removed_marker %}
<ol class="comment-tree comment-tree-replies">
{# Recursively display reply comments, unless we hit a "removed marker" #}
{% if comment.replies %}
{{ loop(comment.replies) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if not is_individual_comment %}</li>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro render_comment_contents(comment, is_individual_comment=False) %}
<div class="comment-itself">
<header class="comment-header">
<button class="btn btn-light btn-comment-collapse" data-js-comment-collapse-button>
<span class="btn-comment-collapse-label"></span>
{% if not is_individual_comment and comment.num_children > 0 %}
<div class="comment-branch-counter">[{{ comment.num_children + 1 }}]</div>
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('view', comment) %}
{{ link_to_user(comment.user) }}
{% if request.has_permission('view_author', comment.topic) and comment.topic.user == comment.user %}
<span class="comment-user-info">
(<abbr title="Original Poster (of the topic)">OP</abbr>)
{% endif %}
<div class="comment-time-info">
{{ adaptive_date_responsive(comment.created_time, class_="comment-posted-time") }}
{% if comment.last_edited_time %}
<span class="comment-edited-time">
(edited {{ adaptive_date_responsive(comment.last_edited_time) }})
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if comment.is_removed %}
{% if comment.removed_marker %}
<div class="is-comment-removed">{{ comment.removed_marker }}</div>
{% else %}
<div class="is-comment-removed">Comment removed by site admin</div>
{% endif %}
{% elif comment.is_deleted %}
<div class="is-comment-deleted">Comment deleted by author</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<a class="comment-nav-link" href="{{ comment.permalink }}">Link</a>
{% if comment.parent_comment_id %}
<a class="comment-nav-link"
href="{{ comment.parent_comment_permalink }}"
{# don't add the JS behavior (creating a back button) for individual renders #}
{% if not is_individual_comment %}data-js-comment-parent-button{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission("view", comment) %}
<div class="comment-excerpt">{{ comment.excerpt }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('view', comment) %}
{# Show votes at the top only if it's your own comment #}
{% if request.user == comment.user and comment.num_votes > 0 and not comment.is_removed %}
<div class="comment-votes">{{ pluralize(comment.num_votes, "vote") }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if comment.is_label_active("exemplary") %}
{% if request.has_permission("view_exemplary_reasons", comment) %}
<details class="comment-exemplary-reasons">
<summary><span class="label label-comment label-comment-exemplary">Exemplary</span>
<span class="comment-label-count">x{{ comment.label_counts["exemplary"] }}</span>
{% for label in comment.labels if == "exemplary" %}
<li>"{{ label.reason }}"</li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<ul class="comment-labels"><li class="label label-comment label-comment-exemplary">Exemplary</li></ul>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if comment.label_counts and request.has_permission("view_labels", comment) %}
<ul class="comment-labels">
{% for label_name, weight in comment.label_weights.most_common() %}
<span class="label label-comment label-comment-{{ label_name|lower }}">{{ label_name }}</span>
<span class="comment-label-count">
{{ weight }}:
{% for label in comment.labels if == label_name %}
{{ link_to_user(label.user) }} ({{ label.weight }}{{ ' "%s"' % label.reason if label.reason else '' }})
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="comment-text"
{% if request.user %}
{% if request.user.open_new_tab_text %}
{% endif %}
{% if request.user.open_new_tab_group %}
{% endif %}
{% if request.user.open_new_tab_user %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if comment.is_removed %}
<p class="comment-removed-warning">This comment has been removed and is not visible to other users</p>
{% endif %}
{{ comment.rendered_html|safe }}
<menu class="btn-post">
{# Show non-button vote count if the viewer can't vote and it's not their comment #}
{% if not request.has_permission("vote", comment) and comment.num_votes > 0 and comment.user != request.user %}
<div class="comment-votes">{{ pluralize(comment.num_votes, "vote") }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('vote', comment) %}
<li>{{ post_action_toggle_button("vote", comment, is_toggled=comment.user_voted) }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('label', comment) %}
<li><button class="btn-post-action" name="label" data-js-comment-label-button>Label</button></li>
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('edit', comment) %}
<li><button class="btn-post-action" name="edit"
data-ic-get-from="{{ request.route_url(
) }}"
data-ic-target="#comment-{{ comment.comment_id36 }} .comment-itself:first .comment-text"
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('delete', comment) %}
<li><button class="btn-post-action"
data-ic-delete-from="{{ request.route_url(
) }}"
data-ic-target="#comment-{{ comment.comment_id36 }} .comment-itself:first"
data-ic-confirm="Delete this comment? This cannot be undone."
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('bookmark', comment) %}
<li>{{ post_action_toggle_button("bookmark", comment, is_toggled=comment.user_bookmarked) }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission("remove", comment) %}
<li>{{ post_action_toggle_button("remove", comment, comment.is_removed) }}</li>
{% endif %}
{# Don't show the "View Markdown" button (or dropdown) if the user can edit #}
{% if request.user and not request.has_permission("edit", comment) %}
<div class="dropdown dropdown-right">
<button class="btn-post-action dropdown-toggle">
<i class="icon icon-caret"></i>
<menu class="menu">
<button class="btn-post-action" name="markdown-source"
data-ic-get-from="{{ request.route_url(
) }}"
data-ic-target="#comment-{{ comment.comment_id36 }} .btn-post:first + .post-action-settings"
>View Markdown</button>
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('reply', comment) %}
data-ic-get-from="{{ request.route_url(
) }}"
data-ic-target="#comment-{{ comment.comment_id36 }} > .comment-tree-replies:first"
{% endif %}
<div class="post-action-settings"></div>
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro comment_classes(comment, mark_newer_than=None) %}
{% set classes = ['comment'] %}
{% if not comment.is_deleted %}
{% if request.user == comment.user %}
{% do classes.append('is-comment-mine') %}
{# done as an elif so we never mark a user's own comments as "new" #}
{% elif mark_newer_than and comment.created_time > mark_newer_than %}
{% do classes.append('is-comment-new') %}
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('view_author', comment.topic) and request.has_permission("view", comment) and comment.user == comment.topic.user %}
{% do classes.append('is-comment-by-op') %}
{% endif %}
{% if request.has_permission('view', comment) and comment.is_label_active("exemplary") %}
{% do classes.append("is-comment-exemplary") %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if comment.collapsed_state == "full" %}
{% do classes.append("is-comment-collapsed") %}
{% elif comment.collapsed_state == "individual" %}
{% do classes.append("is-comment-collapsed-individual") %}
{% endif %}
{{ classes|join(' ') }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro comment_label_options_template(options) %}
<template id="comment-label-options">
<menu class="comment-label-buttons">
{% for label in options if request.user.is_label_available(label) %}
<button class="btn-comment-label btn-comment-label-{{|lower }}"
data-js-label-name="{{|lower }}"
{% if label.reason_prompt %}
data-js-reason-prompt="{{ label.reason_prompt }}"
{% endif %}
>{{|lower }}{% if label.reason_prompt %}...{% endif %}</button>
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}