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app_username: vagrant
pip_requirements_filename: requirements-dev.txt
ini_file: development.ini
gunicorn_args: --reload
# have to disable sendfile for vagrant due to a virtualbox bug
nginx_enable_sendfile: false
nginx_worker_processes: 1
nginx_enable_hsts: false
nginx_enable_csp: false
- tildes
- tildes_test
postgresql_tildes_user_flags: "SUPERUSER"
tildes_database_insert_dev_data: true
hsts_max_age: 60
site_hostname: localhost
ssl_cert_dir: /etc/pki/tls/certs
ssl_cert_path: "{{ ssl_cert_dir }}/localhost.crt"
ssl_private_key_path: "{{ ssl_cert_dir }}/localhost.key"
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
# Workaround for some Ansible permissions issues when becoming an unprivileged user
# (this has some risks, but should be fine for our use)
ansible_shell_allow_world_readable_temp: true