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- name: Install requirements for building psycopg2 (needed by Ansible)
- gcc
- libpq-dev
- python3-dev
- name: Install packages needed by Ansible community plugins
executable: pip3
break_system_packages: true
- ipaddress
- psycopg2
- name: Create tildes user
become_user: postgres
name: tildes
role_attr_flags: "{{ postgresql_tildes_user_flags }}"
# This is a bit of a hack to effectively enable looping over a block of tasks
- name: Set up site database (and test database in dev version)
include_tasks: database.yml
loop: "{{ postgresql_tildes_databases }}"
- citext
- ltree
- intarray
- pg_stat_statements
- pg_trgm
- plpython3u
register: database_changes
# Since handlers don't run until the end of the entire playbook, we need to run them
# manually at this point in case postgresql or pgbouncer need to be reloaded
- name: Trigger handlers to run manually for postgresql/pgbouncer updates
meta: flush_handlers
- name: Check if the database has already been initialized (will fail if not)
become_user: postgres
db: tildes
query: select user_id from users;
ignore_errors: true
register: users_query
- name: Initialize the database
become_user: postgres
cmd: "{{ bin_dir }}/python -c \"from scripts.initialize_db import initialize_db; initialize_db('{{ app_dir }}/{{ ini_file }}')\""
chdir: "{{ app_dir }}"
when: users_query is failed
register: initialize_db
- name: Insert dev data into database
become_user: "{{ app_username }}"
cmd: "{{ bin_dir }}/python -c \"from scripts.initialize_db import insert_dev_data; insert_dev_data('{{ app_dir }}/{{ ini_file }}')\""
chdir: "{{ app_dir }}"
when: tildes_database_insert_dev_data and initialize_db is changed