You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

209 lines
6.7 KiB

"""Contains the Log class."""
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from pyramid.request import Request
from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Column, event, ForeignKey, Integer, Table, TIMESTAMP
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ENUM, INET, JSONB
from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import text
from tildes.enums import LogEventType
from tildes.models import DatabaseModel
from tildes.models.topic import Topic
class BaseLog:
"""Mixin class with the shared columns/relationships for log classes."""
def log_id(self) -> Column:
"""Return the log_id column."""
return Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True)
def user_id(self) -> Column:
"""Return the user_id column."""
return Column(Integer, ForeignKey("users.user_id"), index=True)
def event_type(self) -> Column:
"""Return the event_type column."""
return Column(ENUM(LogEventType), nullable=False, index=True)
def ip_address(self) -> Column:
"""Return the ip_address column."""
return Column(INET, nullable=False, index=True)
def event_time(self) -> Column:
"""Return the event_time column."""
return Column(
def info(self) -> Column:
"""Return the info column."""
return Column(JSONB)
def user(self) -> Any:
"""Return the user relationship."""
return relationship("User", lazy=False)
class Log(DatabaseModel, BaseLog):
"""Model for a basic log entry."""
__tablename__ = "log"
INHERITED_TABLES = ["log_topics"]
def __init__(
event_type: LogEventType,
request: Request,
info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Create a new log entry.
User and IP address info is extracted from the Request object.
`info` is an optional dict of arbitrary data that will be stored in
JSON form.
self.user = request.user
self.event_type = event_type
self.ip_address = request.client_addr
if info: = info
class LogTopic(DatabaseModel, BaseLog):
"""Model for a log entry related to a specific topic."""
__tablename__ = "log_topics"
topic_id: int = Column(
Integer, ForeignKey("topics.topic_id"), index=True, nullable=False
topic: Topic = relationship("Topic")
def __init__(
event_type: LogEventType,
request: Request,
topic: Topic,
info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Create a new log entry related to a specific topic."""
# pylint: disable=non-parent-init-called
Log.__init__(self, event_type, request, info)
self.topic = topic
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Return a string representation of the log event."""
if self.event_type == LogEventType.TOPIC_TAG:
return self._tag_event_description()
elif self.event_type == LogEventType.TOPIC_MOVE:
old_group =["old"] # noqa
new_group =["new"] # noqa
return f"moved from ~{old_group} to ~{new_group}"
elif self.event_type == LogEventType.TOPIC_LOCK:
return "locked comments"
elif self.event_type == LogEventType.TOPIC_UNLOCK:
return "unlocked comments"
elif self.event_type == LogEventType.TOPIC_TITLE_EDIT:
old_title =["old"] # noqa
new_title =["new"] # noqa
return f'changed title from "{old_title}" to "{new_title}"'
return f"performed action {}" # noqa
def _tag_event_description(self) -> str:
"""Return a description of a TOPIC_TAG event as a string."""
if self.event_type != LogEventType.TOPIC_TAG:
raise TypeError
old_tags = set(["old"]) # noqa
new_tags = set(["new"]) # noqa
added_tags = new_tags - old_tags
removed_tags = old_tags - new_tags
description = ""
if added_tags:
tag_str = ", ".join([f"'{tag}'" for tag in added_tags])
if len(added_tags) == 1:
description += f"added tag {tag_str}"
description += f"added tags {tag_str}"
if removed_tags:
description += " and "
if removed_tags:
tag_str = ", ".join([f"'{tag}'" for tag in removed_tags])
if len(removed_tags) == 1:
description += f"removed tag {tag_str}"
description += f"removed tags {tag_str}"
return description
@event.listens_for(Log.__table__, "after_create")
def create_inherited_tables(
target: Table, connection: Connection, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Create all the tables that inherit from the base "log" one."""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
naming = DatabaseModel.metadata.naming_convention
# log_topics
"CREATE TABLE log_topics (topic_id integer not null) INHERITS (log)"
fk_name = naming["fk"] % {
"table_name": "log_topics",
"column_0_name": "topic_id",
"referred_table_name": "topics",
f"ALTER TABLE log_topics ADD CONSTRAINT {fk_name} "
"FOREIGN KEY (topic_id) REFERENCES topics (topic_id)"
ix_name = naming["ix"] % {"table_name": "log_topics", "column_0_name": "topic_id"}
connection.execute(f"CREATE INDEX {ix_name} ON log_topics (topic_id)")
# duplicate all the indexes/constraints from the base log table
for table in Log.INHERITED_TABLES:
pk_name = naming["pk"] % {"table_name": table}
f"ALTER TABLE {table} ADD CONSTRAINT {pk_name} PRIMARY KEY (log_id)"
for col in ("event_time", "event_type", "ip_address", "user_id"):
ix_name = naming["ix"] % {"table_name": table, "column_0_name": col}
connection.execute(f"CREATE INDEX {ix_name} ON {table} ({col})")
fk_name = naming["fk"] % {
"table_name": table,
"column_0_name": "user_id",
"referred_table_name": "users",
f"ALTER TABLE {table} ADD CONSTRAINT {fk_name} "
"FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users (user_id)"