You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
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# This setting is used to force the Pyramid app to generate urls using this
# port. This is necessary when using Vagrant for development so that the urls
# will include the correct port that's being forwarded from the host to the
# Vagrant box. This setting's value should match the port defined in the
# Vagrantfile that's being forwarded to port 443 on the guest.
# If not using Vagrant, this setting should probably be removed.
prefixmiddleware_force_port = 4443
use = egg:tildes
pyramid.includes = pyramid_debugtoolbar
pyramid.reload_templates = true
redis.unix_socket_path = /run/redis/socket
# Requests from the host machine through Vagrant will have their IP as
# (which is an alias for the loopback interface) so we need
# to enable the debugtoolbar for that IP as well.
debugtoolbar.hosts = ::1
# Exclude the metrics page from the debug toolbar, since Prometheus scrapes
# it constantly and we don't need to see that in the list of requests
debugtoolbar.exclude_prefixes = /metrics
redis.sessions.secret = completely_insecure_secret
redis.sessions.unix_socket_path = %(redis.unix_socket_path)s
redis.sessions.prefix = session:
redis.sessions.cookie_secure = true
redis.sessions.cookie_max_age = 31536000
# Set session timeout to 10 mins by default, we'll extend it when people log in
redis.sessions.timeout = 600
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql+psycopg2://tildes:@:6432/tildes
tildes.default_user_comment_label_weight = 1.0
webassets.auto_build = false
webassets.base_dir = %(here)s/static
webassets.base_url = /
webassets.cache = false
webassets.manifest = json